We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
D&D Eberron Player’s Guide (July 21st) D&D Players Handbook Heroes Series 2 Miniatures (July 21st) D&D Divine Power (July 21st) Star Wars RPG Rebellion Era Guide (July 21st) Are You The Traitor? (from Looney Labs) Judge Dredd RPG Starblazer Adventures: The Rock and Roll Space Opera Adventure Game Monsterpocalyse Series 3: All Your Base Expansion Dominion: Intrigue Expansion Race For the Galaxy: Rebel vs. Imperium Expansion The Stars Are Right (from Steve Jackson) Martians!!! (from the makers of Zombies!!!) Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions 5 – North
D&D Adventurer’s Vault 2 (August 18th) D&D Revenge of the Giants Adventure (August 18th) D&D Miniatures – Legendary Evils (August 18th) The Antarctic Express (Cthulhu-flavored Polar Express parody) Descent Quest Compendium Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader RPG Family Games: The 100 Best Mutants & Masterminds Supervillain’s Handbook Hackmaster Basic Traveller RPG Referee’s Screen Traveller RPG Military Vehicles Gamemastery Map Pack Town Pathfinder RPG Core Rules Exalted Scroll of Heroes Geist: The Sin-Eaters RPG
Magic the Gathering Planechase (September 4th) D&D Dragon Magazine Annual Vol 1 (September 15th) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 (September 15th) D&D Player’s Handbook 2 Power Cards (September 15th) Star Wars RPG Galaxy at War (September 15th) Cthulhu 101 Cthulhu Britannica Middle Earth Quest Boardgame Warhammer: Chaos in the Old World Boardgame GURPS Psionic Powers GURPS Ultra-Tech Munchkin: Waiting for Santa Ninja Burger (Revised) World of Warcraft TMG Souls of Vengeance Deluxe Edition
Late Games – Due sometime in 2009
Battlestar Galactica RPG: Colonial Military The Adventures of Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer RPG Traveller RPG: Agent Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion Pandemic: On The Brink Expansion
Upcoming Comics July – November
We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns HC / July 1st Reborn #1 / July 1st Deadpool Merc With A Mouth #1 / July 1st Justice League: Cry For Justice #1 / July 1st Star Wars Invasion #1 / July 1st Greek Street #1 (New Vertigo series!) / July 1st North 40 #1 (by Nodwick writer Aaron Williams!) / July 8th Wednesday Comics #1 / July 8th B.P.R.D.: 1947 #1 / July 8th 100 Bullets Vol 13: Wilt TP (Concludes the series!) / July 8th Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 / July 8th Blackest Night #1 / July 15th Dethklok vs. The Goon / July 15th Madame Xanadu Vol 1 TP / July 15th Incredible Hulk #600 / July 15th Batman: Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? HC / July 15th HALO: Helljumper #1 / July 22nd Northlanders Vol 2: The Cross & The Hammer TP / July 29th Kick-Ass Premiere HC / July 29th 28 Days Later #1 / July The Good, The Bad and the Ugly #1 / July The Boys Vol 4 TP / July Artemis Fowl Vol 2 GN / July Richard Stark’s The Hunter by Darwyn Cooke HC / July G.I. Joe Vol 1 TP / July Doctor Who #1 (New ongoing series!) / July Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol 1 TP / July
The Marvels Project #1 (Brubaker & Epting) / August 5th Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 / August 5th Doom Patrol #1 / August 5th The Walking Dead Vol 10 TP / August 5th Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 / August 12th Fables Vol 12 The Dark Ages TP / August 12th Blackest Night Batman #1 / August 12th Adventure Comics #1 / August 12th Dark Avengers Vol 1 HC / August 19th Blackest Night Superman #1 / August 19th Batgirl #1 / August 19th Women of the DC Universe Poster / August 26th Batman: Widening Gyre #1 (by Kevin Smith!) / August 26th The Darkness/Pitt #1 / August Die Hard: Year One #1 / August Monsters, Inc: Laugh Factor #1 / August Irredeemable Volume 1 TP / August Bone: Rose Graphix Edition / August Amulet Vol 2 / August Star Trek: Nero #1 / August A.D.: New Orleans After The Deluge GN / August Lenore Vol 2 #1 / August
September DMZ Vol 7: War Powers TP / September 2nd Magog #1 / September 2nd Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 / September 2nd Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1 / September 16th Beasts of Burden #1 (Cats and dogs battle the supernatural!) / September 16th Indiana Jones Adventures Vol 2 / September 23rd Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 / September 23rd Criminal: The Sinners #1 / September 23rd Superman: Secret Origin #1 (by Geoff Johns!) / September 23rd Underground #1 (from Jeff Parker & Steve Lieber) / September 23rd Spider-Man: The Clone Saga #1 / September 30th Galactica 1980 #1 / September Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #1 / September Magic the Gathering: Path of the Planeswalker GN / September
October Peter & Max: A Fables Novel / October 7th The Umbrella Academy Vol 2: Dallas TP / October 21st Hellboy Library Edition Vol 3 HC / October 21st The Sandman: The Dream Hunters HC / October 28th
November Green Lantern Agent Orange HC / November 11th Usagi Yojimbo: Yokai (Full-color graphic novel) / November 18th Batman Battle for the Cowl HC / November 18th The Groo Treasury Vol 1 / November 25th
New Games June 18 – June 23
Maori Explore the islands of Polynesia while gathering tiles of palms, huts, shells, and boats to increase your scoring.
Steam Board Game Steam places you in control of a railway company, with goods to deliver and track to be built! Opportunities abound, but your opponents can also take advantage of goods, demands, and the terrain to challenge you. Spend your money carefully, create a network of tracks to connect cities, and deliver goods to become the greatest railroad of them all!
Call of Cthulhu: Terrors From Beyond Terrors From Beyond introduces a collection of 1920’s adventures for use with Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu: “A Method to Madness,” “Death by Misadventure,” “Ghost Light,” “Grave Secrets,” “The Burning Stars,” and “The Dig.”
Call of Cthulhu: Bag of Cthulhu For those with the psychic fortitude to endure the terrors or H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, this otherworldly pouch is the answer to their blasphemous prayers. It contains 24 small and six large statuettes, carved in intricate horrific detail based on Henry Anthony Wilcox’s “Horror in the Clay” from H.P. Lovecraft’s Call of Cthulhu. These tiny replicas of the High Priest of Rl’yeh can be used for a variety of nefarious purposes.
Who Would Win? Ben Franklin vs. Barbie in a lion taming competition! Mick Jagger vs. Pocahantas in a kayaking race! Nelson Mandela vs. Sean Connery in a poker showdown! In Who Would Win?, two players draw random character cards and turn up a random event card. Then, each debates as to why their character would win, while other players serve as the jury. With 110 character cards and 110 event cards there are over 1,000,000 possibilities!
Apples To Apples To Go Apples to Apples To Go is the portable version of the wild, award-winning card and party game that provides totally portable fun for four to eight players! Each round is filled with surprising and outrageous comparisons from a wide range of people, places, things, and events. Fast moving and refreshing, Apples to Apples To Go is the perfect game for fun on the run!
Mutants & Masterminds: Warriors & Warlocks This Mutants & Masterminds sourcebook features fantasy-themed information on character design, magic, equipment, villains, monsters, and more! Also included is a rules companion to Green Ronin’s popular Pirate’s Guide to Freeport, along with an introduction and overview of Freeport as a setting for fantasy adventures.
AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL ORDER We do not have these games in stock, but we can special order them with no additional charge, usually within 1-2 days. See something you’d like? Drop us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com
Battlefield Evolution: Pacific War With fully featured Japanese, American, and British armies spanning both the early and late war periods of the Pacific theatre, this supplement for Battlefield Evolution: World at War introduces army lists, units, and new rules to fully reflect warfare in the Pacific during World War II.
Corporation RPG: Machines Of War War is here! Though the Corporations no longer seek openly to annihilate each other in world-scarring battle, skirmishes flare along countless fronts not drawn on any map. From grimy alleys to trading floors to sumptuous hotels, Agents fight and die in secret for the Corporations that own them. Unthinkable technologies are forged each day, in blasphemous laboratories buried far from the light. Men are mutilated and modified until they resemble machines; machines are twisted to think like men. War is here, Agent, and you must make ready to fight. Unleash the Machines of War!
Conan RPG: Catacombs Of Hyboria Continuing the series of ‘slide-in’ adventures and encounters books, including Ruins of Hyboria and Adventures in Hyboria, Catacombs of Hyboria is the perfect Games Master’s aid when the players take the route never guessed! Simply slide in a catacomb from this book, be it in the wilderness, jungle, desert, or city, and your players will marvel at your foreplanning – while you have plenty of time to regroup and work out how to get them back on track!
Runequest: Guilds, Factions And Cults From humble craftsmen guilds and cults following demonic demigods, to nation-spanning political forces and the mightiest gathering of mages, Guilds, Factions and Cults allows players and Games Masters to create new guilds and cults within their games, detailing their membership, benefits, and rivalries.
New Games June 1 – June 17, 2009
Arkham Horror: Innsmouth Horror Expansion Of all the cities found in H.P. Lovecraft’s vision of Massachusetts, perhaps none is quite so deadly as the small fishing village of Innsmouth. Decrepit and dying, Innsmouth is being consumed from within by an ancient pact once made to save the town. Innsmouth Horror introduces several new game concepts to the Arkham Horror board game, including 16 new investigators (each with Personal Stories unique to each investigator), eight new Ancient Ones complete with Epic Battle cards, two new Heralds, over 30 new monster markers, plenty of new encounters, and an expansion board featuring the town of Innsmouth.
Snow Tails Deep inside the Arctic Circle, brave sledders compete in a dangerous race to test their skill and endurance. But this snowy paradise conceals icy traps, and not all the teams will reach the finish line. The huskies must run quickly and their masters must display finesse and cool-headedness if they are to avoid the numerous pitfalls around the track in this fast-paced, cold-rush game.
Children of Carcassonne On 14 July, the national holiday in France, the sheep, chickens and cows are set free in the town of Carcassonne. The children have big fun to catch the animals before dusk. The players in turn draw a landscape tile and place it; unlike in normal Carcassonne, they always match. Amongst other features, the tiles show children in the player colors on the roads. Whenever a road is finished, every player places one of his meeples on each appropriate picture. The first player who manages to place all of his meeples wins the game.
Space Alert In this spacefaring, cooperative survival game, players take on the role of a crew of space explorers sent out through hyperspace to survey a dangerous sector of the Galaxy. The spaceship automatically maps the sector in 10 minutes, and the crew’s are tasked to defend the ship until the mission is complete. If they succeed, the ship brings back valuable data. If they fail… it’s time to train a new crew!
World of Warcraft TCG: The Death Knight Deluxe Starters Opening up an entirely new dimension of the World of Warcraft TCG, The Death Knight Deluxe Starter introduces the long-awaited Death Knight class from the World of Warcraft MMO’s Wrath of the Lich King expansion to the TCG arena, complete with new heroes, abilities, equipment, quests, and allies! Containing everything two players need to play, this 36-card Death Knight starter deck includes three Ghoul token cards, and features a 17-card Death Knight pack with one new hero and 16 other exclusive cards to enhance the Death Knight class.
Exalted 2: The Compass Of Celestial Direction Volume 5 – Malfeas The fifth of five books dedicated to the supernatural locales of the Exalted setting, this supplement focuses on Malfeas, Hell of the Exalted world. Included within, players will find details on numerous locales of the Demon City, plus information on a myriad of demonic luminaries and demon-beasts for use in any Exalted series.
Dungeons & Dragons: Eberron Player’s Guide HC The Eberron Player’s Guide features a new class, plus new race options, paragon paths and epic destinies, character backgrounds, feats, powers, rituals, magic items, and new rules for dragonmarks.
Star Wars Cmg: Clone Wars Map Pack 2 – The Rattatak Battle Arena Pick a side, choose a battle map, and gather your squad! May the Force be with you! Expand your galaxy with these fully painted, amazingly detailed miniature figures from the upcoming Star Wars: The Clone Wars feature film and animated television series. Each pack contains two non-random, pre-painted, Light Side vs. Dark Side plastic miniatures complete with stat cards, as well as a full-color, two-sided battle map. The Rattatak Battle Arena contains Asajj Ventress, Separatist Assassin & Clone Trooper.
Dungeons & Dragons: E2 – Kingdom Of The Ghouls Epic-level danger awaits you in the Shadowdark! Demonic forces plot to usurp the Raven Queen’s power over death, and all paths lead to an ancient kingdom hidden in the subterranean depths of the Shadowfell. Kingdom of the Ghouls is the second part of a three-part adventure series and is designed to take characters from 24th to 27th level.
Dungeons & Dragons: Du4 – Arcane Towers Dungeon Tiles Providing ready-to-use, configurable tiles with which to build rooms with round walls, as well as sprawling dungeon complexes, this Dungeons & Dragons accessory contains six double-sided sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain tiles printed on heavy cardstock.
Dungeon Crawl Classics #62: Shrine of the Fallen Lama (GSL) The Shrine of Zongxian was once a force for good, ruled by an immortal being through a thousand incarnations. But arrogance and hubris laid the shrine low, and now evil sits atop the high mountain throne. Can your heroes stand against a force that has reigned since time immemorial? One thing is certain: only the most fearless and resourceful of heroes can hope to return from the Shrine of the Fallen Lama. A 4E Dungeon Crawl for character levels 10-12.
AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL ORDER We do not have these games in stock, but we can special order them with no additional charge, usually within 1-2 days. See something you’d like? Drop us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com
Traveller RPG: Warships of Babylon 5 From the humble Hermes to the mighty Victory-class advanced destroyer, this sourcebook features many of the ships found in the Babylon 5 universe – complete with extensive deck plans – and provides all the rules needed to launch them in Traveller.
Paranoia Xp: War On (Insert Pronoun) War on Commies! War on Mutants! War on Poorly Serviced Food Vats! The Computer, in its gracious wisdom, has decided that the citizens of Alpha Complex are at their mandatory happiest when terrified! A new wave of threats is sweeping Alpha Complex, and the Troubleshooters will have their work cut out for them in battling these dangers.
Points of Light II: The Sunrise Sea The Points of Light series continues with four new settings, each extensively detailed and mapped: “The Golden Shores,” a land where adventurers can encounter unknown cultures, old enemies, and battle a darkness that has haunted the land for millennia; “Amacui,” a frontier land with only a single trading post representing the civilized world; “The Misty Isle,” where the greatest threat to exploration is not the natives or “things man is not meant to know,” but enemies from the old world; and “Mazatl, the Realm of the Bat God.”
Upcoming Comics June – August
We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
Empowered Vol 5 / June 17th Batman: Streets of Gotham #1 / June 17th Sinfest Vol 1 / June 17th Hitman Volume 1 TP / June 17th Star Wars Vector Vol 2 TP / June 17th Spider-Woman #1 / June 17th Dark Wolverine #75 / June 24th Predator #1 / June 24th Detective Comics #854 (Starring Batwoman & The Question) / June 24th All-Star Batman & Robin Vol 1 TP / June 24th Gotham City Sirens #1 / June 24th Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors #1 / June 24th William Shatner Presents: Tek Wars #1 / June Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? #1 / June Barack the Barbarian: Quest for the Treasure of Stimuli #1 / June Barack Obama: The Road to the White House #1 / June Young Lovecraft GN / June The Mangalicious Tick #1 (New Tick series!) / June Stephen Colbert’s Tek Jansen HC / June
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns HC / July 1st Reborn #1 / July 1st Deadpool Merc With A Mouth #1 / July 1st Justice League: Cry For Justice #1 / July 1st Star Wars Invasion #1 / July 1st Greek Street #1 (New Vertigo series!) / July 1st North 40 #1 (by Nodwick writer Aaron Williams!) / July 8th Wednesday Comics #1 / July 8th B.P.R.D.: 1947 #1 / July 8th 100 Bullets Vol 13: Wilt TP (Concludes the series!) / July 8th Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 / July 8th Blackest Night #1 / July 15th Dethklok vs. The Goon / July 15th Madame Xanadu Vol 1 TP / July 15th Incredible Hulk #600 / July 15th Batman: Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader? HC / July 15th HALO: Helljumper #1 / July 22nd Northlanders Vol 2: The Cross & The Hammer TP / July 29th Kick-Ass Premiere HC / July 29th 28 Days Later #1 / July The Good, The Bad and the Ugly #1 / July The Boys Vol 4 TP / July Artemis Fowl Vol 2 GN / July Richard Stark’s The Hunter by Darwyn Cooke HC / July G.I. Joe Vol 1 TP / July Doctor Who #1 (New ongoing series!) / July Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol 1 TP / July
The Marvels Project #1 (Brubaker & Epting) / August 5th Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 / August 5th Doom Patrol #1 / August 5th The Walking Dead Vol 10 TP / August 5th Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 / August 12th Fables Vol 12 The Dark Ages TP / August 12th Blackest Night Batman #1 / August 12th Adventure Comics #1 / August 12th Dark Avengers Vol 1 HC / August 19th Blackest Night Superman #1 / August 19th Batgirl #1 / August 19th Women of the DC Universe Poster / August 26th Batman: Widening Gyre #1 (by Kevin Smith!) / August 26th The Darkness/Pitt #1 / August Die Hard: Year One #1 / August Monsters, Inc: Laugh Factor #1 / August Irredeemable Volume 1 TP / August Bone: Rose Graphix Edition / August Amulet Vol 2 / August Star Trek: Nero #1 / August A.D.: New Orleans After The Deluge GN / August Lenore Vol 2 #1 / August
September DMZ Vol 7: War Powers TP / September 2nd Indiana Jones Adventures Vol 2 / September 23rd
Peter & Max: A Fables Novel / October 7th The Umbrella Academy Vol 2: Dallas TP / October 21st Hellboy Library Edition Vol 3 HC / October 21st The Sandman: The Dream Hunters HC / October 28th
The Groo Treasury Vol 1 / November 25th
Upcoming Games June – August
We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
D&D DU4 – Arcane Towers Dungeon Tiles (June 16th) D&D E2 Kingdom of the Ghouls (June 16th) D&D Eberron Campaign Guide (June 16th) Gamemastery Map Pack: Wizard’s Tower Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion World of Warcraft TMG: Raid on Onyxia World of Warcraft TCG: The Death Knight Star Wars CMG: Jedi Academy Boosters Pandemic: On The Brink Expansion
D&D Eberron Player’s Guide (July 21st) D&D Players Handbook Heroes Series 2 Miniatures (July 21st) D&D Divine Power (July 21st) Star Wars RPG Rebellion Era Guide (July 21st) Are You The Traitor? (from Looney Labs) Judge Dredd RPG Starblazer Adventures: The Rock and Roll Space Opera Adventure Game Monsterpocalyse Series 3: All Your Base Expansion Dominion: Intrigue Expansion Race For the Galaxy: Rebel vs. Imperium Expansion The Stars Are Right (from Steve Jackson) Martians!!! (from the makers of Zombies!!!) Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions 5 – North
D&D Adventurer’s Vault 2 (August 18th) D&D Revenge of the Giants Adventure (August 18th) D&D Miniatures – Legendary Evils (August 18th) The Antarctic Express (Cthulhu-flavored Polar Express parody) Descent Quest Compendium Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader RPG Family Games: The 100 Best Mutants & Masterminds Supervillain’s Handbook Hackmaster Basic Traveller RPG Referee’s Screen Traveller RPG Military Vehicles Gamemastery Map Pack Town Pathfinder RPG Core Rules Exalted Scroll of Heroes Geist: The Sin-Eaters RPG
Late Games – Due sometime in 2009
Battlestar Galactica RPG: Colonial Military The Adventures of Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer RPG Traveller RPG: Agent Traveller RPG: Hammer’s Slammers
New Game Releases May 16 – May 23
Ideology: The War of Ideas (2nd Edition) In this revised and expanded edition of Ideology: The War of Ideas, players symbolize one of the 20th Century’s most powerful Ideologies – Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, Imperialism, and Islamic Fundamentalism – competing to acquire the highest level of global influence in their quest to dominate the world for generations to come!
World of Warcraft TCG: Arena Grand Melee Set You want to stand in the grand arena. Do you have what it takes? Are your blades keen and deadly? Do your spells have the ferocity of an archmage? The Gladiators think not. Walk across the sands of the arena and prepare yourself for the greatest test of all. Soon your worth will be revealed! Opening up an entirely new dimension of the World of Warcraft TCG, Arena Grand Melee adds all-new content, including a new twist on standard play! Now, players each bring a deck from their own World of Warcraft TCG collection and use a shared stack of Grand Melee cards to recreate the chaos that happens when battling in the Arena.
Dungeons & Dragons 4E: Monster Manual 2 HC From classic creatures such as centaurs and frost giants, to Epic-Level threats like Demogorgon, Prince of Demons, this core rulebook for Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition unleashes a score of new and familiar monsters to challenge characters of heroic, paragon, and epic level.
Dungeons & Dragons: Martial Power – Power Cards – Fighter, Warlord, Rogue, Ranger Each deck of 110 cards includes all the powers from Martial Power for one of the four classes featured in the book, plus a few blank cards for players to use for other powers.
Star Wars RPG: Jedi Academy Training Manual HC From the earliest days of the Old Republic to the Dark Times and the reemergence of the Jedi Order after the fall of the Galactic Empire, this ultimate Jedi training manual reveals secrets of the Jedi across all eras of the Star Wars saga, and introduces new, Jedi-specific talents, feats, fighting styles, Force powers, and equipment.
Dungeons & Dragons: Monster Manual – Dangerous Delves Boosters Featuring a host of iconic monsters of various levels and roles taken from the Monster Manual core rulebook, this 40-figure set is offered in boosters containing one visible, non-random and four random, pre-painted, plastic minatures, complete with full-color D&D Dungeon Delve stat cards.
Monstercology: Orcs (GSL) They thrive and live in the shadows-lands. Where we are weak, the orcs are cruel. When we offer mercy, they give no quarter. They howl at the border of our kingdoms, raze our villages, and slaughter our people. And when the last city falls into burning ruin, the orcs will stand victorious, their grisly war-banners and bloody spears raised in triumph. The first in a series of master tomes that illuminate the strengths and weakness of the foes that prey upon the kingdoms of good, Monstercology: Orcs brings mankind’s oldest enemy to light.
Wicked Fantasy Factory #4: A Fistful of Zinjas (GSL) A castle composed of darkness and shadow stuff has materialized at the edge of the duchy of Arnatha. Humanoid forms, cloaked in gray and darkness and wielding slender swords, emerge from the castle to conquer the surrounding farmsteads. Finishing moves, mooks, phat lewt, movie rights, and the Big Badass return in this edgy new Wicked Fantasy Factory 4E adventure designed for 4th level characters.
A Song of Ice And Fire RPG: Narrator’s Kit This handy A Song of Ice and Fire RPG accessory features a three-panel, hardbound screen packed with useful tables and charts, and includes a full-color poster map of Westeros and a 16-page introductory adventure by Steve Kenson.
AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL ORDER We do not have these games in stock, but we can special order them with no additional charge, usually within 1-2 days. See something you’d like? Drop us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com
Godsend Agenda: Godmaker Godmaker takes the players from the sleepy hills of middle America to the scorching deserts of Egypt in the hope of finding the secrets of lost artifacts and a three-way power grab by beings as ancient as time itself. Included is a comprehensive overview of the storyline and adventure, plus several pre-generated villains and player characters for quick-start games.
Gumshoe: Esoterrorists – Esoterror Fact Book Ripped from the secret files of the Ordo Veritatis, the The Esoterror Fact Book briefs you on what you need to send players into intrigue-filled confrontation with forces of international terror bent on supernatural apocalypse – everything from the membrane and magic, to electronic surveillance and evidence collection.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasures HC Featuring over 150 fully detailed monsters, a complete list of treasure, and quickstart guidelines for creating magic items, scrolls, and potions, the latest incarnation of Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure debuts a new look, with more interior art, an expanded index, and rules clarifications.
Memorial Day Shipping – New Comics on Thursday, May 28th Next Week
Rogues Gallery Comics & Games will be open as normal this Monday, Memorial Day. Unfortunately, UPS and Diamond won’t be, which means that comic books will ship on Thursday, not Wednesday, of next week.
This also means we’ll be open from 10 AM – 9 PM on Wednesday, May 27th and 11 AM – 10 PM on Thursday, May 28th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
New Game Releases April 30 – May 15
World of Warcraft Miniatures Game: Spoils of War Boosters Adventure into the Outland with the exciting, new characters introduced in Spoils of War, the second expansion set in the World of Warcraft Miniatures Game! Featuring new Epic Characters, Equipment, and Loot Cards, this expansion is offered in boosters containing three randomized, premium, pre-painted miniatures.
Masters of Venice Venice, the 1400’s. You are a young merchant trying to make your name in this legendary port of vibrant commerce. Trade in spices, silks, gems, iron, and grain can bring great wealth… if you can bend the market to your will. But Venice is a city of fickle demands and mercurial politics. Spend your ducats wisely and look for help from powerful people such as the Guildmaster, the Harbormaster, the Tax Collector… or perhaps a Thief. Only those with the most gold and the highest prestige can truly become Masters of Venice!
T.P.O.C.: The Politics of Cannibals Run for Chieftain of the cannibal village of Tpoc! Become the new chieftain (while ensuring your rivals are included in a banquet in your honor) by developing a platform of issues – from warfare to religion – important to your fellow villagers and gaining the support of key tribal leaders. Get ready to feast on the fun as power lunch takes on a whole new meaning in this unique game about The Politics of Cannibals!
Memoir ’44: Battle Map – Tigers In The Snow/Operation Market Garden The second in the series of Memoir ’44 Battle Maps, Tigers in the Snow is a Winter scenario on the Eastern Front featuring famed German Tank Commander Guderian, while Market Garden focuses on Monty’s bold attempt to drop Allied troops behind German lines in Netherlands. This supplement features two all-new, ready-to-play Overlord Scenarios on large-scale, double-sided maps pre-printed with all terrain, obstacles, and unit positions.
Finca Mallorca. Island of the wind. Here, the almond harvest is at hand, with juicy oranges, lemons, and figs ready to be picked. In the midst of this landscape, your centuries-old, natural-stone farmhouse provides a home and supports your large windmill: your FINCA. Listen to the wind! Gather the sweetest and most valuable fruits from the land from the yearly harvest and sell them on the market as you quest to become the richest farmer on the island.
Rifter #46 The Rifter is your doorway to unlimited imagination and numerous Palladium roleplaying worlds! Within you’ll find a host of heroes, powers, weapons, magic, and adventure from across the Megaverse, including RIFTS, Palladium Fantasy RPG, and Heroes Unlimited.
RPG: Psion Whether you’re looking to introduce psionics to the Third Imperium, add new abilities to members of the Psi Corps, or flesh-out psion organizations of your own creation, this addition to the Traveller range will literally open your mind to new possibilities with new talents, equipment, and survival techniques.
Noctum RPG HC We summoned it with our malice. We nurtured it through the strength of our hatred. We let it linger because we can’t change our very natures. Nothing can force humans to commit acts of evil, only endow us with powers to indulge in our own sadistic proclivities. There is no God; there is no heaven or hell. There is only the ancient darkness and the evil of man… and humankind has taught it to relish in the suffering of others in a way only humans can. Enter Noctum, an inner tale of survival horror where there is nothing more evil than your fellow man.
Gamemastery Map Pack: Farmstead GameMastery Map Pack: Farmstead contains 18 full-color, 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of locations on a rural farmstead. Locations Include: Barn, Farmhouse, Harvest Field, Animal Pen, Chicken Coop, and a Vegetable Patch.
Gamemastery Flip-Mat: Waterfront Tavern Every city needs a seedy, dingy waterfront tavern, and the latest Flip-Mat release delivers, with a new, two-sided, 24″ x 30″, full-color, durable, laminated map depicting a dockside dive your players wont soon forget!
Vampire the Requiem: Ancient Bloodlines The Blood isn’t stagnant. It changes with the times, even if the Kindred that carry it don’t. Every epoch leads to new permutations of the five clans. This courcebook for Vampire: The Requiem introduces 20 new bloodlines based on the historical flashpoints presented in Ancient Mysteries.
World of Darkness: Immortals What would you do to live forever? This Character Book for World of Darkness offers a detailed examination of three types of immortal: the murderous blood bathers, the horrifying body thieves, and the exotic purified.
Warhammer 40k: Dark Heresy RPG – Haarlock’s Legacy Volume 1: Tattered Fates Something terrible stirs upon the pleasure planet of Quaddis. Portents and ancient evils become evident as the penultimate 13th Hour approaches. Will your Acolytes be able to discover the secret of the Haarlock’s Legacy in time? From the bloody, labyrinthine Red Cages to the mansion of Gabriel Chase, the adventure draws the Acolytes into the dark underside of Quaddis. The affairs of the notorious Rogue Trader Erasmus Haarlock takes form, setting the stage for the fate of the Calixis Sector. First in a definitive trilogy of epic adventures, Haarlock’s Legacy is designed for all levels of play.
AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL ORDER We do not have these games in stock, but we can special order them with no additional charge, usually within 1-2 days. See something you’d like? Drop us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Legacy of Fire V3 – The Jackal’s Price The savage Carrion King is dead, and in his treasure the heroes recover a mysterious magical map. Rumored to be a portal to several islands of paradise, the heroes must travel across the country to the distant city of Katapesh to seek aid in unraveling the map’s powerful magic and perhaps to find a buyer for the precious item.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Dark Markets – A Guide To Katapesh The bustling bazaars of Absalom offer countless delights, but even they do not sell everything. Only in the peerless markets of mysterious Katapesh can one find anything for sale, from the lost diamonds of a fallen empire to a clutch of slaves freshly captured off the Inner Sea coast. This informative, lushly illustrated, full-color guide presents everything players and Game Masters need to know to bring the dark markets of Katapesh to terrible life.
Castles & Crusades: The Black Librum of Nartarus The Black Librum of Nartarus has its genesis in the Haunted Highlands campaign setting, and the spells and items contained within this book are all of a decidedly wicked and evil nature.
Worldwide D&D Day on Saturday, May 23rd!
Bring your friends and join in the fun as we celebrate the release of the Monster Manual 2, packed with new options for your Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition game. Worldwide D&D Game Day (Monster Manual 2 edition) will be on Saturday, May 23rd at 1:00 PM.
Come and face down enemies (both brand new and some old returning favorites) jumping right off the pages of the next big monster expansion for the game. While you’re at it, beat those vile beasts down with characters using options from upcoming releases. No matter if you’re new to the game or a 4th Edition veteran, we’ll have everything you need to embark on an all-new adventure!
Just for participating you’ll take home the pregenerated character sheet and a miniature of the character you played. And here’s a quick description of the new adventure, Journey Through the Silver Caves: A kobold wyrmpriest has stolen an ancient book of prophecy from the people of Albura, a fortress on the borderlands. The kobold has a dark plan for the book – and only you can stop him in time! An adventure for 5 pregenerated 5th-level characters.
Our first five-player session is full, but we’ve still got a few slots for the second session, scheduled to start around 4:00. You can sign up in the store or just send us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com!