We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
March Hackmaster Basic: Frandor’s Keep Pathfinder Module City of Golden Death Gamemastery Flip-Mat Swamp Cthulhu Dice Game Zombie Dice Game D&D Dungeon Tiles – Harrowing Halls D&D Player’s Handbook 3 DC Heroclix: Brave & The Bold Boosters
April Horus Heresy Board Game D&D Hammerfast D&D Miniatures Streets of Shadow D&D The Plane Above – Secrets of the Astral Sea D&D Three-Dragon Ante: Emperor’s Gambit (April 20th) MTG: Rise of the Eldrazi Star Wars CMG: Masters of the Force Star Wars RPG The Unknown Regions
May Mystery Express Board Game (New from Days of Wonder!) Warhammer Fantasy RPG Game Master’s Toolkit Pathfinder Module: From Shore to Sea Monsterpocalypse Series 5: Big in Japan Monsterpocalypse: Voltron Defender of the Universe Savage Worlds: Super Powers Companion D&D Player’s Strategy Guide D&D Dungeon Magazine Annual DC Heroclix Blackest Night Starter
Late Games – Due sometime in 2010 Battletech 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set Dark Heresy RPG: Ascension Call of Cthulhu: Deep in the Heart of Texas Exalted: Return of the Scarlet Empress Family Games: The 100 Best Munchkin: Waiting for Santa
D&D Encounters Begins in March!
Starting on Thursday, March 18th, we will have weekly sessions of D&D in the store from 7-9 PM.
Wizards of the Coast has announced a new initiative, D&D Encounters, which is designed to allow stores to run weekly D&D events tying into the same campaign. Rogues Gallery is going to participate in this event, which will begin on Thursday, March 18th and continue weekly from then on. You can play on a regular basis, play from time to time or drop in for just one game, whichever you like! The first adventure in the D&D Encounters series is a new take on Forgotten Realms classic Undermountain. Let us know if you’d like to participate, or just show up on Thursday nights for the game! We’ll have more details in weeks to come, but whether you’re a first-time player who just wants to try out 4th Edition or a veteran 4E player, you’re welcome!
In addition, as always, we’ll be participating in Worldwide D&D Day, and the next one is coming up on Saturday, March 20th to celebrate the release of Player’s Handbook 3! Try out Psionic characters, skill powers, hybrid classes and lots more with a standalone adventure in the store! We’ll run the game starting at 1 PM and, if there’s enough demand, we’ll run two sessions to make sure everyone gets a chance to play. If you’re interested in playing and want to make sure you get a spot, drop us an email with your name and email address to get on the list. Walk-ins are welcome, but the first spots will be given to those who signed up in advance.
Dresden Files Coming to RPG!
Evil Hat Productions, the folks behind Spirit of the Century, will be using their Fate system to bring The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game out in June, 2010!
It will be published in two books: The Dresden Files RPG: Volume 1 – Your Story and The Dresden Files RPG: Volume 2 – Our World, and is currently scheduled to be available in late June. We are taking preorders now!
The Dresden Files RPG: Volume 1 – Your Story Beneath the “normal” surface of the world are things and people which most of us don’t want to know about, and will do our best to forget about if we ever come near them. People won’t see what they don’t want to see. But that’s most of us. And you — you’re not most of us. What’s Your Story? Whether you’re a champion of God, changeling, vampire, werewolf, wizard, or plain “vanilla” mortal human being, this volume of The Dresden Files RPG gives you all the rules you need to build characters and tell your own stories in the Dresdenverse. Inside, you’ll uncover the secrets of spellcasting, the extents of mortal and supernatural power, and the hidden occult reality of the unfamiliar city you call home.
The Dresden Files RPG: Volume 2 – Our World We are wizards, cops, mechanics, werewolves, doctors, fairies, mobsters, reporters, holy warriors, and vampires. We call upon the dark powers of the Never never — or the darkness in human nature. We are the monsters living next door or lurking behind a friendly face. This is the Dresdenverse. This is Our World. This volume of The Dresden Files RPG gives you extensive detail on the factions, creatures, foes, and allies of the Dresdenverse. You’ll find over 200 creatures and characters complete with all the information you’ll need to bring them into your own game, as well as a detailed chapter on modern-day Occult Chicago and an original short story by Jim Butcher.
New Games for February 8 – February 21, 2010
Chez Cthulhu Prepare for an encounter with the most sanity-blasting entities in this or any dimension – your roommates! Chez Cthulhu brings the horror of Lovecraft’s Mythos right into your apartment! Work your job – will you be a Morgue Janitor, a Sanitarium Attendant, or a Gravedigger? Buy things to give you Slack – a Straitjacket may be a good choice, but Friendly Tentacles can also be helpful. Oh, and Nookie, don’t forget the Nookie! But, avoid the Ectoplasmic Slime! Featuring illustrations by John Kovalic, the 112 cards featured in this new stand-alone game can be combined with Chez Geek for even more monstrous mayhem!
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited Born of myth, legend, and even modern film and literature, monsters such as the mummy, vampire, werewolf, and zombie are the stuff of nightmares—and frequent foes of heroic adventurers! Along with flesh golems, gargoyles, ghosts, ghouls, hags, and the mysterious derro, these ten monsters are staples of horror fiction and the bane of countless would-be heroes. This 64-page Pathfinder sourcebook explores the origin of these creatures (in both the game world and real-world history), as well as their creation, habitat, society, motivations, and role in a campaign. Each creature also includes information on new and deadly creature variants, such as nosferatu vampires, corpse chill mummies, gemstone gargoyles, host corpse zombies, and phantasmagoric ghosts. What’s more, each chapter provides several new and notable examples of each creature, as well as a fully statted and ready-to-run sample monster, whether it’s a flesh golem barbarian, a derro magister, a ghoul necromancer, a hag water-witch, or a lycanthrope-hunting werewolf.
Call of Cthulhu Arkham Now Arkham Now updates to modern times the famous and fabled city of Arkham. This is no longer a city frozen in time, but yours to move into the future. Most residents believe there is only one horror lurking in this legendary haunted town — the urban sprawl slowly eroding Arkham’s old New England beauty. Rushing by neon signs and mega-marts on a quest to obtain even more material possessions, no one has time to notice the more disturbing, underlying qualities of the city. Though they would never admit it, many of the long time residents of Arkham know there is something not quite right about their town…
D&D Divine Power Cards Players using Divine Power Cards don’t need to crack open a rulebook every time they use a power – all the crucial information is right in front of their eyes. Each deck of 100 cards includes all the powers from Divine Power for one of the four classes featured in the book – avenger, cleric, invoker, and paladin – plus a few blank cards for players to use for other powers.
D&D Martial Power 2 Sharpen your sword and tighten your bow! Specifically focusing on martial heroes, this must-have Dungeons & Dragons supplement provides new archetypal builds for fighters, rangers, rogues, and warlords, as well as new character powers, feats, paragon paths, and epic destinies.
Exalted 2 Alchemicals Designed by Autochthon before the Primordial War, the Alchemical templates inspired the Exalts fielded by the Incarnae against their creators. Yet, during that war, Autochthon heard the Great Curse directed by his slain Primordial brethren. As the First Age progressed, he watched as that Curse twisted the minds of the Exalted. Knowing it was only a matter of time before the Solars’ growing paranoia was directed at him, the King of All Craftsman gathered thousands of worshipers inside himself and fled to Elsewhere. Within his very body, these mortals built a highly advanced civilization, and to preserve it, Autochthon finally built his prototype Champions. Ever since, the artificial Chosen of the Machine God have kept the Eight Nations safe. But as the long-dormant Autochthon’s health deteriorates, the threats the Alchemicals face grow ever greater. Can these Exalted save their world-god, or has Autochthon’s flight to Elsewhere only ensured his demise?
This character sourcebook for Exalted, Second Edition, features everything players and Storytellers need to generate Alchemical Exalted characters, including their Charms, as well as details of the Great Maker’s servants (the gods, elementals, and automata of Autochthonia), plus rules for Autochthonian magitech and Alchemical protocols.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Mother of Flies After narrowly averting a city-wide disaster and thwarting the plans of the Council of Thieves, the heroes must consult a legendary hag Ñ the Mother of Flies Ñ who knows the many secrets of the thieves guild at the center of so many problems in the city of Westcrown. With the crone’s unsettling advice, the heroes can infiltrate the trap-ridden headquarters of the Council of Thieves, defeat the vampiric force within it, and lift the curse of the shadowy menace from the beleaguered city. A Pathfinder adventure designed for character levels 11-12.
Pathfinder Companion Andoran Spirit/Liberty From the marble galleries of many-statued Almas to the goblin-haunted forests of Darkmoon Vale, the song of freedom spreads throughout the nation of Andoran. This comprehensive guide to the revolutionary realm of Andoran provides a cultural and historical overview, a summary of important philosophies, and factions, regional traits, and character ideas of special interest to Pathfinder Roleplaying Game players.
GM Campaign Coins Add real change to your game with GameMastery Campaign Coins – actual minted coins perfect for use with any fantasy roleplaying game! Campaign Coins offer a high-quality, “real-feel” fantasy game monetary system with actual metal coins representing the different metals and denominations commonly found in popular gaming systems. Each pack contains 12 metal coins of three different denominations.
GM Flip Mat Bandit Outpost There’s bandits in the hills, and GameMastery Flip-Mat: Bandit Outpost lets heroes take the fight to the enemy’s lair! From the look-out tower to the prison cells to quarters for the goons, the Bandit Outpost is a perfect set-piece for any campaign, and easily doubles as a suitable home for the heroes after they have rescued it from evil. This portable, affordable map measures 24 x 30, and features a coated surface that can handle any dry erase, wet erase, or even permanent marker.
D&D Events Begin in March!
Wizards of the Coast has announced a new initiative, D&D Encounters, which is designed to allow stores to run weekly D&D events tying into the same campaign. Rogues Gallery is going to participate in this event, which will begin on Thursday, March 18th and continue weekly from then on. The first adventure in the D&D Encounters series is a new take on Forgotten Realms classic Undermountain. Let us know if you’d like to participate, or just show up on Thursday nights for the game! We’ll have more details in weeks to come, but whether you’re a first-time player who just wants to try out 4th Edition or a veteran 4E player, you’re welcome!
In addition, as always, we’ll be participating in Worldwide D&D Day, and the next one is coming up on Saturday, March 20th to celebrate the release of Player’s Handbook 3! Try out Psionic characters, skill powers, hybrid classes and lots more with a standalone adventure in the store! More details coming soon, but if you’d like to sign up to play, let us know!
New Games for February 4 – February 7, 2010
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Incursion A new Cosmic Age is dawning and with it arrives a new cast of extraterrestrial beings struggling for complete galactic domination! Cosmic Incursion brings 20 additional races to the Cosmic Encounter core set and marks the return of 10 classic Cosmic Encounter aliens. Cosmic Incursion also expands the universe with added components for a 6th player, and introduces a new variant to spice up gameplay – the reward deck, which offers exciting new cards such as kickers and rifts to those aliens who ally with the defense.
Glens Gallery It’s not easy working for Glen Willibin, the most notorious art dealer in town. Still, Glen’s all about one thing: his bottom line. Fail, and you’ll find yourself stripped of your responsibilities. Succeed, and you’ll still have a job in the morning.
MTG Worldwake Intro Packs, Fat Packs & Boosters Ancient forces begin to awaken, wreaking havoc and causing the world of Zendikar to recoil against its inhabitants. Do you have the skills, wits, and courage to survive, let alone, thrive? This 145-card expansion is introduced in Intro Packs containing a 40-card deck, one booster pack and one premium card. Worldwake is also available in 15-card booster packs and Fat Packs containing eight boosters.
The Unexplained RPG Strange World isn’t a fantasy world with vampires and werewolves. It’s the world of today, exactly as it is – as seen through the eyes of paranormal investigators. Utilizing the FUDGE Storytelling system, players in Strange World take on the roles of real ghost hunters as they search for ghosts, Bigfoot, Nessie, UFOs, and even real-life mages.
Death Dealer Shadows of Mirahan (GSL) Death stalks the lands of Iparsia. Mirahan, Destroyer of Worlds, is reborn, unleashing an army of undead warriors. Citadels fall beneath the march of iron and entire kingdoms are laid to waste. The hope for salvation rests on an unlikely band of heroes discovering the ancient secret of the Druids: The Death Dealer!
Traveller RPG Spinward Marches Map Pack The Spinward Marches awaits your exploration in this huge poster map, featuring every system, trade link, and starbase in the sector. Beautifully illustrated in full color, this map is the first in a series that will allow you to explore the entire Third Imperium and beyond, joining posters together to form one gigantic map.
Traveller RPG Supplement 7: 1,001 Characters A referee’s treasure trove, 1,001 Characters provides a quick and easy reference to over a thousand non-player characters, ready for play!
AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL ORDER We do not have these games in stock, but we can special order them with no additional charge, usually within 1-2 days. See something you’d like? Drop us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com
Hellas: Fire in the Blood A brave Hellenic explorer named Telemikus unlocked one of the secrets of the universe with the aid of his Machina servants. Mistrustful of his assistants, he stowed the secrets away in a hidden archive, and buried the key where none would find it for thousands of years. The first of five adventures in the Legacy of the First Age series for the Hellas RPG, Fire in the Blood contains an exciting and mysterious four-act storyline, new creatures and enemies, and five pre-generated characters to get started right away.
City Builder Guide Designing Communities City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities is a manual specifically designed to help guide Game Masters create exciting and compelling urban areas and communities for use in their campaigns. This comprehensive, fully-illustrated book is divided into 14 sections and includes chapters on Communities and Craftsman, Entertainment, Professional, Tradesman, Mercantile, Service, Scholarly, Religious, Governmental, and Underworld places. Also featured are detailed descriptions for nearly 70 unique regions, an appendix on Guilds, and Adventure Hooks.
Freeport Companion (GSL) Avast, ye scurvy dogs, and prepare yourselves to be boarded by the Freeport Companion compatible with 4th Edition! This tome makes Freeport accessible for 4e campaigns, complete with races, classes, equipment, poisons, monsters, magic items, and notable Freeport characters.
Upcoming Comics February – May
We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
February Hitman Monkey #1 / February 10th Kick-Ass HC / February 10th Hellblazer: Pandemonium HC / February 10th All-Star Superman Vol 2 TP / February 10th Madame Xanadu Vol 2 TP / February 10th Human Target #1 / February 10th Choker #1 (New from Ben Templesmith!) / February 10th Invincible Returns #1 / February 17th Invincible Vol 12 TP / February 17th Hitman Vol 2: 10,000 Bullets TP / February 24th Spider-Man: The Complete Clone Saga Book 1 / February 24th Captain Swing #1 (New from Warren Ellis & Avatar!) / February Atomic Robo & The Revenge of the Vampire Dimension #1 / February
March Star Wars Legacy Vol 8 – Tatooine / March 3rd Planetary Vol 4 HC / March 3rd First Wave #1 (DC’s new pulp series featuring Doc Savage!) / March 3rd X-Factor Forever #1 / March 3rd Millar & McNiven’s Nemesis #1 / March 3rd Girl Comics #1 / March 3rd Sif #1 / March 3rd Prelude to Deadpool Corps #1 / March 3rd Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #1 / March 3rd Cloak & Dagger #1 / March 3rd Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1 / March 10th Pet Avengers #1 / March 10th American Vampire #1 (Co-written by Stephen King!) / March 17th X-23 #1 / March 17th Northlanders Vol 3 TP / March 24th The Guild #1 / March 24th Captain America Reborn HC / March 24th The Terminator #1 / March 31st God of War #1 / March 31st X-Men: Second Coming / March 31st The Killer Modus Vivendi #1 / March The Archie Wedding: Will You Marry Me? TP / March George R.R. Martin’s Fevre Dream #1 / March Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Dust to Dust Prologue #1 / March Green Hornet #1 (By Kevin Smith!) / March Prince of Persia: Before the Sandstorm GN / March Dragon Age #1 / March The A-Team: Shotgun Wedding #1 / March Doctor Who Vol 1: Fugitive TP / March Ghost Projekt #1 / March
April Batman and Robin Vol 1 HC / April 7th Philip K. Dick’s Electric Ant #1 / April 7th Deadpool Corps #1 / April 7th New Avengers: Luke Cage #1 / April 7th Avengers: The Origin #1 / April 7th Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of Our Fathers #1 / April 7th Marvel Zombies 5 #1 / April 7th World War Hulks #1 / April 7th Iron Man: Legacy #1 / April 7th S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 / April 7th Thor and the Warriors Four #1 / April 7th Black Widow #1 / April 14th Super Heroes Marvel Adventures #1 / April 14th Power Girl: A New Beginning TP / April 14th Brightest Day #0 / April 14th The Flash #1 / April 14th Doc Savage #1 / April 14th The Spirit #1 / April 14th Chew Vol 2: International Flavor TP / April 14th Spider-Man Marvel Adventures #1 / April 21st Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #1 / April 21st Flash Rebirth HC / April 28th Red Robin: The Grail TP / April 28th Fraggle Rock #1 / April Crossed TP / April Incorruptible Vol 1 TP / April RASL Vol. 2: The Fire of St. George TP / April Pride & Prejudice & Zombies Graphic Novel / April The Green Hornet: Year One #1 / April The Last Unicorn #1 / April
May Usagi Yojimbo Plush / May 5th Batman The Streets of Gotham Vol 1 HC / May 12th Sweet Tooth Vol. 1 TP / May 12th Wednesday Comics HC / May 26th
Upcoming Games February – April
We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.
February Pathfinder Warpath: Rules for Mass Combat Pathfinder RPG Gamemastery Guide D&D Players Handbook Heroes Series 3 Miniatures (February 16th) D&D Martial Power 2 (February 16th) D&D Three-Dragon Ante: Emperor’s Gambit (February 16th)
March Hackmaster Basic: Frandor’s Keep Pathfinder Module City of Golden Death Gamemastery Flip-Mat Swamp Cthulhu Dice Game Zombie Dice Game D&D Dungeon Tiles – Harrowing Halls D&D Player’s Handbook 3 DC Heroclix: Brave & The Bold Boosters
April Horus Heresy Board Game D&D Hammerfast D&D Miniatures Streets of Shadow D&D The Plane Above – Secrets of the Astral Sea MTG: Rise of the Eldrazi Star Wars CMG: Masters of the Force Star Wars RPG The Unknown Regions
Late Games – Due sometime in 2010 Battletech 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set Dark Heresy RPG: Ascension Call of Cthulhu: Deep in the Heart of Texas Chez Cthulhu Exalted: Return of the Scarlet Empress Exalted: Alchemicals Family Games: The 100 Best Munchkin: Waiting for Santa
Best of 2009 Comics Awards
Thanks to everyone who voted in our inaugural Best of Comics awards for 2009! We hope to make this an annual tradition. In the meantime, with all votes in, here are the winners of the Best of 2009, as voted on by Rogues Gallery staff and customers:
Favorite New Comic: Chew Tied for Second: Detective Comics, Power Girl, Kick-Ass & GI Joe Cobra
Favorite Marvel Comic: Guardians of the Galaxy Second Place: X-Factor
Favorite DC Comic: Green Lantern Corps Tied for Second Place: Fables, Batman & Robin
Favorite Comic Other: Chew Tied for Second Place: Irredeemable, Walking Dead, I Kill Giants
Favorite Marvel Graphic Novel: War of Kings Hardcover Second Place: Criminal Deluxe Edition
Favorite DC Graphic Novel: Final Crisis Tied for Second Place: Batman Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? HC, Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 1 HC
Favorite Graphic Novel Other: (TIE) Rocketeer Deluxe Edition & Parker’s The Hunter Second Place: Mouse Guard Winter HC
Favorite Writer: (TIE) Grant Morrison (Batman & Robin), Fred Van Lente (Incredible Hercules) Tied for Second: Mike Mignola (BPRD/Hellboy), Peter David (X-Factor)
Favorite Artist: JH Williams III (Detective Comics) Second Place: Javier Pulido (Amazing Spider-Man)
Favorite Character: Deadpool Tied for Second: Star-Lord, Agent Tony Chu
Annual Inventory Sale Begins Monday, February 1st!
Our annual inventory sale will begin on Monday, February 1st! We’ll be clearing out a wide variety of graphic novels, games, miniatures, manga and other merchandise before doing our yearly inventory. The discount begins at 35%, and customers then roll 2d6 to add 2-12% onto that discount! All sales on clearance merchandise are final (no returns), and unfortunately we can’t allow anyone to put sale items on hold for later.
We’ll be closing on Tuesday, March 9th to do our inventory.