Rogues Gallery COVID-19 June 2021 Update (Masks Still Required!)

For the time being, despite the CDC’s announcement that vaccinated people are safe unmasked, we are still requiring masks to enter the store. We want to be considerate of those who cannot get vaccinated, which includes immunocompromised folks and most children. If you don’t or can’t wear masks, we are happy to provide curbside service. We will revisit these guidelines in July.

We are open from 11 AM – 7 PM each day, and we offer curbside service and in-store browsing!


1. Give us a call (512-279-8888) and let us know what you’d like, and we’ll ring it up for you over the phone.

2. Come to the store and give us a call and we’ll bring it right out to you! We usually go to the drivers or passenger side window, but if you’d like to pop the trunk or unlock the back door for us instead, please let us know!


To browse the store, we ask you to observe two simple rules:

1. Wear a Mask. If you have very small children who just cannot wear masks, that is understandable but please understand that children are not immune to carrying COVID, and anyone in the store without a mask is a potential threat to other children and unvaccinated people.

2. Social Distancing. Remain six feet away from employees and other customers as much as possible.


We have had a fair amount of questions about in-store gaming. We have found that the decreased hours and increased display space has worked well for us, and we expect to continue with that as we move toward a more full re-opening. We are currently planning for an after-hours Magic prerelease in July, and potentially starting Friday Night Magic (with extended hours) in June, but that is tentative. We do not currently have plans to reopen for casual boardgaming, D&D, or Heroclix. We will be re-examining that at the end of the summer.

Thank you to everyone for helping us to survive in these difficult times, we greatly appreciate all of you.