New Games for June 7 – June 20, 2010


DC Heroclix Blackest Night Starter Game
The War of the Light comes to HeroClix with the DC HeroClix Blackest Night Starter Game! As the Blackest Night encompasses the world, heroes and villains alike are deputized into the Lantern Corps to fight back against the legions of Black Lanterns. Choose a team of lanterns and take them into battle! This starter game includes everything a player needs to play HeroClix: seven HeroClix miniatures, each with a character card (Green Lantern, Lex Luthor, Mera, Scarecrow, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and The Atom in their deputy lantern costumes), an all-new Green Lantern Sciencells Map, a 2010 HeroClix Complete Rulebook, six Object Tokens, 12 Terrain Markers, and two 6-sided dice.

Monsterpocalypse S5 Big in Japan Monster & Unit Boosters
Get Big or Go Home! Unleash powerful new monsters and smash your way through the Tokyo skyline! Choose from the Elemental Champions, Empire of the Apes, Subterran Uprising, Savage Swarm, Tritons, and UberCorp International, and stomp the sushi out of the other kaiju! Monsterpocalypse Series 5: Big In Japan lives up to its larger-than-life status as the largest Monsterpocalypse set ever released featuring a host of new monsters, landmark and standard buildings, and all-new character units. Add to your collection with Big in Japan Monster Boosters packed with one randomly inserted, fully assembled, pre-painted plastic monster and its corresponding hyper form, as well as Unit Boosters containing five plastic figures, including one building and four units.

MTG Archenemy Pack
You’ve played Magic one-on-one. You’ve played it in a free-for-all. But have you ever wanted to just throw down the gauntlet against all your friends at once? Have you ever wanted to take on the whole world and show them who’s boss? Well, now you can! Archenemy is the first “One vs. Many” multiplayer product for Magic. With a deck of 20 oversized cards to beef up your favorite deck, you’ll be ready to face off against as many of your friends as your tabletop can hold. Bring ’em on! Archenemy is introduced in four unique game packs, each with a 60-card Magic deck featuring eight rares, and a 20-card oversized deck.


Anima RPG Gaia Vol 1 Beyond the Dreams
Explore the rich fantasy world of Anima like never before with Gaia Volume 1: Beyond the Dreams, presenting a wealth of details on the culture and geography of the world of Gaia.

Atomic Highway Role Playing
Civilization came crashing down! Billions died! A new Dark Age has begun! Now, the descendants of the apocalypse’s survivors scavenge the remnants of the Before Times, struggling to build a new life amidst the ruins of the old. Tear along the shattered highway as a road warrior, track down monstrous threats as a brave tribal warrior, or unearth the wonders of the past as a canny scavenger in Atomic Highway, an original, post-apocalyptic roleplaying game setting that utilizes the V6 Engine.