Fate RPG: Demon Hunters – A Comedy of Terrors Core Rules Hardcover
Vampires infesting the mayoral office. Lycanthropes prowling the suburbs. Another kraken making its way upstate along the river. Crazed cultists masquerading as door-to-door religious nuts. Every one of them edging the world one more step toward the next demonic apocalypse. In your line of work, that’s called Tuesday. You are an agent of the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, hand-picked to serve as Earth’s first and last line of defense against the servants of Darkness. Powered by the Fate Core system, players in Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors are members of an ancient Brotherhood tasked with defending the world from the forces of darkness. Using magical spells, huge guns, mad science, and ninja skills, you and the others in your Brotherhood chapter respond to threats straight out of myths and legend, occasionally screwing up big time!