Game/Graphic Novel of the Month: May

Every month, we make a game of the month and graphic novel of the month selection. Each month on the third Saturday, we’ll play the game in the store in our Gaming with Rogues event!

In addition, the graphic novel of the month will be 15% off. Rogue Card holders will get an additional 10% off on the graphic novel of the month and on the game of the month!

This month’s selections:

coltexpressColt Express:
Colt Express is a board game of schemin’ and stealin’ for two to six bandits aboard a three-dimensional steam train. You play as one of a group of ruthless bandits, dead set on grabbing as much loot and shooting as many bullets at your former companions as possible. Every round, you must determine what actions your bandit will take, whether you’re grabbing loot, firing bullets, punching another bandit, or running along the roof of the train car. If you can predict what your opponents will do, you can respond to their actions and stay one step ahead, but if you’re knocked off-track, you’ll find your shots flying wide. Only the richest bandit can claim victory on the Colt Express when the train pulls into the station!

fwb_guardians-of-the-galaxy_20170403_msGuardians of the Galaxy:
In celebration of the release of Marvel Entertainment’s Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, for the month of May we’re offering the graphic novel of the month discount on all Guardians of the Galaxy graphic novels! There are a variety to choose from, including the run by Brian Michael Bendis, the Rocket & Groot series, and separate volumes including Rocket or Groot!