Game/Graphic Novel of the Month – June

Every month, we make a game of the month and graphic novel of the month selection. Each month on the third Saturday, we’ll play the game in the store in our Gaming with Rogues event!

In addition, the graphic novel of the month will be 15% off. Rogue Card holders will get an additional 10% off on the graphic novel of the month and on the game of the month!

This month’s selections:

GAMEWRIGHT-419-frontSushi Go Party:
It’s a party platter of mega maki, super sashimi, and endless edamame in this expanded version of the best-selling card game. You still earn points by picking winning sushi combos, but now you can customize each game by choosing a la carte from a menu of more than 20 delectable dishes. What’s more, up to 8 players can join in on the sushi-feast… let the good times roll

We won’t be having Gaming with Rogues in June due to Free RPG Day.

51M2NVi+LRL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_Young Avengers:
TV veteran (and Wonder Woman screenwriter) Allan Heinberg’s comics debut! When the original Avengers disband, a team of teenage heroes comes together to fill the gap. Their first order of business: surviving the wrath of Kang the Conqueror and weathering the disapproval of the adult Avengers! Next, the newly formed Young Avengers take on super-powered sadist Mister Hyde, the extraterrestrial Super-Skrull and a full-scale alien invasion, juggling their parents and their private lives at the same time.