Friday Night Magic begins April 1st!

Friday Night Magic begins at Rogues Gallery this Friday, April 1st! Games will run from 7-10 PM, and the current planned format is Standard, which means that decks should be made up of cards from Zendikar, Worldwake, Rise of the Eldrazi, Magic 2011, Scars of Mirrodin and Mirrodin Besieged only. The top two winners of the night plus two other players will win a foil Artisan of Kozilek card!

We will also be doing the prerelease for the third set in the Mirrodin block on Sunday, May 8th from 1-5 PM! You can sign up to participate at the store or by emailing us! Space is limiited, although we will do our best to accommodate everyone who wants to play. In addition, there will be a bonus card available for the first ten people who buy a booster box of the next Magic set… more information will be available in late April!