Free RPG Day is Saturday, June 20th!

Free RPG Day is back for 2009, and Rogues Gallery will be participating! The exact nature of any in-store games is still being decided, but one things for sure, we will have free RPGs, and lots of them!

This year’s offerings include commemorative dice from Chessex, a Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader RPG adventure from Fantasy Flight, the 4th Edition Hero’s Handbook from Goodman Games, three offerings (Paranoia XP, Corporation & Dragon Warriors) from Mongoose, a Pathfinder Bestiary from Paizo, and an all-new D&D 4th Edition Eberron adventure from Wizards of the Coast!

We’ll start Free RPG Day at noon on Saturday, June 20th and continue for as long as supplies last. To ensure that as many people get a free game as possible, we’ll be giving out two items per person, so if you want to make sure and get everything you want, bring the whole gaming group out! After 5:00, we’ll let folks take as many as they want, so anyone who wants to swing back by after 5:00 is welcome to take a second run at the table.

We look forward to seeing folks out on June 20th!