Free Comic Book Day THIS SATURDAY!

It’s finally here! Free Comic Book Day is this Saturday, May 2nd, 2009! As always, Rogues Gallery will be throwing a big old free comics party as a result, from when we open (10 AM) to when we close (9 PM).

We’ll have the full selection of free comic books, of course, and Free Comic Book Day balloons that we’re happy to hand out to any kids who want them. Our general guideline is that everyone can pick 3 or 4 comics each, but if you want to come back for a second handful after 5 PM, you’re welcome to do so. We just want to make sure we have enough so that everyone gets enough comics throughout the day.

In addition, we’ll have guests in attendance! Thom Zahler (Love & Capes) will be signing for most of the day, Alan Porter (Pixar/Boom! World of Cars) and Paul Benjamin (Pantheon High, Marvel Adventures Hulk, upcoming: Monsters Inc.) will be signing from 11 AM – 1 PM, and we have strong intelligence that Lord Vile, Austin’s own supervillain, might be descending upon the store at some point as well!

Both Alan and Thom will have new issues of their comics available among the Free Comic Book Day selections, which also include the Blackest Night prologue from DC Comics, a new Avengers book from Marvel Comics, Aliens/Predator, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Wolverine, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and plenty more.

You can find more information, including a list of comics available this year, at the official website at