On Saturday, October 17th, we’ll be having our Paint and Take event with D&D Nolzur’s new Ogre Zombie mini! As always, with COVID concerns, we won’t be doing any painting in store, but the latest Paint and Take kits are complete in a box and you can reserve one now to pick up on Saturday the 17th!
For only $20, you get a kit containing an Ogre Zombie mini, Vallejo paints, brushes, a water pot, and access to an online paint tutorial! We’ve got up to 12 kits available, and if you’d like to pick one up, just drop us an email or give us a call and reserve one!
We’ll hold them until 2 PM, and then we’ll release whatever is left on a first come, first serve basis!
Free RPG Day – July 25, 2020
Rogues Gallery will be participating in Free RPG Day on Saturday, July 25th!
For safety reasons, we’re not doing our usual first-come, first-serve tables and in-store games. Instead, we will offer up free RPG games all weekend, and you can ask us to put up to three games aside for you, starting now! We have a limited supply, so we ask that you please be courteous to your fellow gamers and not request items you don’t want. You can request by sending us a Facebook message or an email to roguesgallerytx@gmail.com.
On Monday the 27th, we’ll post whatever we have left and anyone who would like some of the games can have them put on hold for them.
Games we expect to have:
9th Level Games – Level One Anthology of Indie RPGs (15)
Cubicle 7 – Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory (7)
Dave Taylor Miniatures/Mantic Games/Army Painter – How to Paint a Library (7)
Fantasy Flight Games – Genesys Crucible (11)
Hit Point Press – Humblewood (10)
Magpie Games – Root RPG (7)
Oni Games – Junior Braves (7)
Paizo – Pathfinder (15)
Paizo – Starfinder (14)
Renegade Game Studios – Kids on Bikes (7)
Renegade Game Studios – Overlight (7)
Roll20 – Subscription Promo (12)
Magic the Gathering Summer
With COVID restrictions, Magic organized play is in something of a holding pattern, but Rogues Gallery and Wizard of the Coast want to make sure our Magic fans have plenty to celebrate this summer.
There’s the Love Your Local Game Store promo, which starts in mid-June. While supplies last, any Magic purchase will get a Reliquary Tower card, and anyone buying a box of Magic (any set!) will get a Mechagodzilla/Hangarback Walker card.
We also have a limited reprint of Mystery Boosters coming here in the next couple weeks! We expect these to go fast, but we are taking preorders, a maximum of one box per person, so if you want one, put in your orders now! There are rumors of a reprint of the Ikoria Commander decks as well, but we haven’t heard details yet.
Magic 2021 will be hitting in July, with an in-home prerelease just like Ikoria, as well the brand new Jumpstart.
Jumpstart is a new way to play Magic that mashes together themes from throughout the history of the game and lets you skip the deckbuilding part. Basically, you buy two boosters, each fitting a theme, shuffle them together, and you’re ready to go. A lot more details are available at https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/introducing-jumpstart-new-way-play-magic-2020-02-20
Double Masters will release on August 7th, which has double box toppers, plus two foils and two rares or mythic rares in each booster! We’ll have pricing and availability as we get closer to the release date.
Rogues Gallery FAQ
Are you guys open?
Everyone okay?
So far, so good, and thanks for asking. Stressed, but no major health issues.
Is the store okay?
Yes. Everything is chaotic right now and we probably won’t remotely feel like we’re out of the woods for some time, but we’ve been lucky to have y’all’s strong support during the quarantine and we secured a small business loan. We could use your support now more than ever, and definitely spread the word to your friends.
What are my options for coming in?
Our current hours are 11am to 7pm, seven days a week, and traditional walk-ins are back – with some restrictions: we require everyone wear a mask, and we have a limit to the maximum number of people in the store of 12. It’s rarely an issue, but please be patient if you happen by when it’s busy and we need to ask you to wait a few minutes to come in.
We also offer curbside options if you want to call us and pick-up with minimal contact. Our number is 512-279-8888, and you can either call ahead of time or call when you arrive – whatever you prefer. You can also email us to check on any product at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com
Do I really need to wear a mask?
Yes! Please, please, please. For everyone’s safety, this is non-negotiable. Cover both mouth and nose with it. We know it kinda sucks, but it’s the hero move.
Is in-store gaming an option right now?
Sadly, no. We’ll be assessing this as things develop and re-institute it when we feel there’s a way to do it safely, but based on the COVID numbers we’re seeing, we don’t expect it to be anytime soon.
Are any of the online release dates for comics and games accurate right now?
Nope 😀
It’s true, though. Some will be accurate, but probably many more reflect pre-quarantine scheduling and are not. If you’ve got specific questions we’ll research them as best we can, but know that everything’s gonna be squirrely for a few months. It’s frustrating, but we’re just happy comics and games survived all this. Scheduling will get back to its normal, semi-accurate state in a few months 😉
What happened to Free Comic Book Day?
Yep, that would have happened on May 2nd, but everyone was sheltering. Since the comics were mostly printed, and timed for this year’s promotion, Diamond is releasing the comics over the course of the summer. We will be ordering in much smaller amounts, but if there’s one in particular you want, please ask and we’ll do our best to get it for you.
Anything else?
We just want to say thanks to everyone who’s supported us during the quarantine, whether its with curbside purchases, deliveries, gift certificates, or just good wishes!
We hope you’ve all stayed healthy and relatively sane and we look forward to seeing everyone again in the next few weeks
Rogues Gallery is open again! With safety precautions
We continue our progress toward a safe re-opening, here are the details on how you can shop and support the store, beginning Monday, May 18th:
We recognize that getting into Rogues again and browsing is important, and we’d love to see you! We are open for browsing between the hours of 11am to 7pm, Monday through Sunday, with a maximum capacity of twelve people per visit. We’ll be masked and require that you are, too. We’ll be happy to help you, as always (but with social distancing), or step back and just let you shop. We have a new hand sanitizer station being installed this week!
Just call us, email us, or Facebook message us to get the ball rolling. We’ll help you virtually shop and, when you’re ready, ring up your purchase over the phone. When you show up, we bring out your purchases and just hand them off or drop them in the backseat or trunk as you prefer.
We have a beta version of our webstore up so you can peruse our inventory online. It is in very early stages (99% of the items are missing detailed descriptions and pictures), and we are not currently set up for online ordering, but if you want to see what our inventory looks like you can check it out here.
Thank you so much for the support you’ve already shown Rogues Gallery. See you Monday!
Virtual Shop Rogues Gallery
We can’t let anyone into the store right at the moment, but here is a selection of photos of most of the store! Call us at 512-279-8888 or email us at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com if you have any questions!
MTG Ikoria Lair of Behemoths Prerelease
With social distancing, we expect that the prerelease event for Ikoria Lair of Behemoths will be virtual only. Upon the release date of Friday, May 15th, we will sell prerelease packs alongside the booster boxes, booster packs, planeswalker decks and everything else available for Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths!
While the lack of an organized play event is the bad news, there is some good news.
We will have 22 “swag bag” Arena codes for anyone who preorders an Ikoria booster box ($125, as usual) with prepayment (you can prepay now by calling the store at 512-279-8888). The digital rewards, which you will get a code for immediately upon prepayment, Includes A “Be Your Store’s Champion” trophy pet, a “Serra the Benevolent” avatar, and Manavault card sleeves.
In addition, Wizards of the Coast is doing a limited rerelease of Magic the Gathering Mystery boosters, which should be available around the same time.
Rogues Gallery is open for curbside service!
Good news! Rogues Gallery Comics & Games will be open again on Monday, April 27th for curbside service only! We still cannot legally allow anyone into the store to browse, but we are happy to browse for you and deliver your items right to your car. For the time being, we are closed on Sundays, and open from 11 AM – 6 PM Monday through Saturday.
We have posted and will continue to post virtual browse videos to the store’s Facebook, and we are working on having a list of all our available inventory on the website, we hope to have that in beta form early next week. You are always welcome to call (512-279-8888) or email (roguesgallerytx@gmail.com) to ask us to do a little personal shopping for you. If the phone line is busy, just give us a call back, we only have one line but we’re trying to make sure everybody gets served.
Once you’ve got your order placed (and paid for over the phone if possible, to minimize contact for safety reasons), just pull up to the store, pull into one of the marked parking places if possible (we’ll have signs up on Monday), and give us a call at 512-279-8888 and we’ll run your order out. State rules request that you open the back seat door or trunk to minimize contact, so we would ask you to do that if possible.
Our primary game distributor is currently shut down, but our secondary game distributor is up and running and our comic distributor is running reorders. What that means is that we’ll be doing limited restocking, so if you would like a special order, just email it to us and we’ll see if we can get it ordered for you. While our turnaround time pre-virus was about a week at most, right now it could be a couple of weeks, depending on distributors and order timing. We expect regular weekly comics delivery to resume in mid-May, but we are waiting for specifics from Diamond Distribution and will update when we hear more.
If you have already prepaid for your subscription or bought a gift certificate, please feel free to come pick up! We are suspending delivery for the time being, but we may re-evaluate and resume limited delivery one day a week after we get settled into the new curbside routine. If you are interested in delivery but not curbside, please email and let us know.
Check out our updated MTG Ikoria Prerelease for news on how this affects the planned prerelease of the newest Magic set. And as always, thank you all for your support in this difficult time! Stay safe and stay healthy!
Rogues Gallery is open for limited delivery only!
You’ve asked, we’ve planned, and we’re doing it! Rogues Gallery is going to offer limited contactless home delivery while we’re all under shelter in place. We’re currently more or less a one man operation for safety reasons, so please be patient with us.
Here’s how it works. We’ll offer delivery on limited days each week. For right now, you’ll need to email us at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com with what you’d like to order, and include your address. We will call you the next time a delivery window opens, run your card at the store, and then when we’ve got a few orders in the queue so we can make multiple deliveries, we’ll make the run! We’ll email you to let you know when to expect it, and again with a pic once we’ve left it on your doorstep!
Right now the only way to know what we have is the flood of pics of everything in the store attached to this post. (Pictures coming soon, they take a while to transfer, you can currently find them on our Facebook page) We are working on having an inventory list up and you can always email to ask us and we’ll check our list and let you know.
We’re setting a $25 minimum for delivery right now, and adding a one dollar flat fee to cover fuel and logistics no matter the size of the order. We also ask that you do a quick Google map search, as we’re trying to limit delivery to within 20 miles of the store, but hoping to expand that range once we give this an actual try.
If you have already prepaid for comics in your file, please drop us a line with your address and we will happily put you on the delivery schedule. If you have bought a gift certificate to help support us and would like to spend it on some merchandise to be delivered, please email us!
We’re still working all of this out. We’ll update this post as things change and we are working on an online inventory list, online payments, and shipping, in that order!
Rogues Gallery is temporarily closed
Rogues Gallery Comics & Games is currently closed, in response to the shelter in place orders from Williamson County. Diamond has placed a hold on new comics delivery beginning next week (April 1st, and no, it’s not a massive April Fool’s Day prank, much as we might wish otherwise), and Alliance (our game distributor) has shut down as of Tuesday. There won’t be any new product that anyone will be missing, at least. The shelter in place order lasts until April 30th, although that could be updated later.
If you’d like to help us weather this storm and you’re in a place to do so, you can help us out in a couple ways, during the limited hours when we’ll have someone manning the phones, which will be announced and updated on Facebook and in our store email newsletter:
1. Call and place an order for a gift card that we’ll hold onto for when we reopen.
2. If you’re a subscriber, call and ask us to ring up your order by phone, pay for it, and we’ll hold it in store for you until we re-open.
We would like to thank all of our customers for their support, especially in these last two weeks, but over the past 13 years. We will see you all when things regain some normalcy, whether that’s in weeks or months.
And stay tuned to our Facebook page, we will try to offer some comics and games content to help offer distractions in this difficult time.