Magic the Gathering Innistrad Midnight Hunt After-Hours Prerelease!
Return to the dark horror realm of Innistrad this winter with not one but two sets! The first one, werewolf themed, is called Midnight Hunt, and will release in September! And we will be doing an after-hours prerelease for the set!
The after-hours prerelease will be on Friday, September 17th from 7 PM-11 PM. We will have room for up to 40 players to come in, build a prerelease deck, and play a three round tournament for prizes including Innistrad Midnight Hunt Boosters! We ask that folks pre-register at the store by coming in, calling, or emailing! On the day, we ask that players start showing up around 6:30 to get everyone set up so that we can start as close to 7 as possible, and if you have the Magic Companion app, that will be very helpful in getting everything sorted.
All of our staff is fully vaccinated, and we would appreciate if participants would be willing to share their vaccination status as well. Because we cannot guarantee that everyone participating will be vaccinated, we will recommend everyone wear masks if you are not vaccinated.
The entry fee is $30, which will get you a prerelease kit and a chance at various prizes, including limited cards and booster packs! There will be access to a land station for the event (however, we encourage you to bring your own land if you have it, just to make sure there’s enough to go around.)
This is a lock-in event, so only those playing in the tournament will be allowed in the store while it is going on, with breaks between rounds for food or drink.
As always for prerelease weekends, we will also have full boxes of set boosters (with buy a box cards) available for sale, although those cannot be used during the prerelease.
Make sure and sign up in-store!
Magic the Gathering Mystery Booster Draft – Canceled
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a limited number of preregistrations and stage 5 COVID, we have decided to cancel this event! We will have Mystery Boosters for sale on Friday.
The popular Mystery Boosters are returning in August in a new limited Convention Edition! Each Mystery Booster Convention Edition contains 14 cards from over 1600 cards from decades of Magic history, plus one extra-special “R&D” card.
We will have some for sale, but we will be holding two boxes to do a special Magic the Gathering Mystery Booster Draft to restart our Friday Night Magic events on Friday, August 20th!
Players will each buy 3 Mystery Boosters and run a 3-round draft! The first three place winners will each win a bonus Mystery Booster, and everyone who plays will get a prize pack from Ravnica, Kaldheim, Strixhaven, or another set.
The event will begin at 7 PM, though we encourage players to show up around 6:30 so that they can do their buy-in, get any sleeves, log their information into the Magic companion app, etc. We will run three rounds, which should end somewhere around 10:30 PM. For now, our Magic events are lock-in events, we will be closed to regular traffic. We will have enough boosters for 24 players, so if you would like to pre-register to make sure you get a spot, just ask in store!
We will have final pricing and other information available soon!
Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, August 14th, 2021
PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID changes, we are REQUIRING masks on Free Comic Book Day. See below for all the changes in this year’s offerings.
Free Comic Book Day has been moved from its traditional first Saturday in May to the last Saturday of summer, August 14th, for 2021. We will be having a limited in-store event… details below!
In order to have the safest Free Comic Book Day possible, we are changing a few things about how we’re doing the event this year. Because FCBD is a kid-friendly event and most kids cannot be vaccinated yet, and because of the increase in COVID cases, we are requiring masks of everyone in store on Free Comic Book Day.
We’ll be giving out comics in packs of 5 with a general guideline (G, PG, R, and Marvel/DC only (which is PG to PG-13)) from our second door. If there’s a specific comic or two that you are looking for, we will do our best to accommodate, but since the comics are set into packs, it may be difficult or impossible. We’re sorry to cut down on the choice, but we are doing our best to make it safe.
Then you are welcome to come in and shop (as long you’ve got masks, and as long as the store isn’t too packed) but we’re doing our best to make sure that we don’t have giant crowds during these COVID times.
Thank you for helping us make Free Comic Book Day fun and safe for everyone this year! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions on how to do this better this year, we welcome them at!
Rogues Gallery COVID-19 June 2021 Update (Masks Still Required!)
For the time being, despite the CDC’s announcement that vaccinated people are safe unmasked, we are still requiring masks to enter the store. We want to be considerate of those who cannot get vaccinated, which includes immunocompromised folks and most children. If you don’t or can’t wear masks, we are happy to provide curbside service. We will revisit these guidelines in July.
We are open from 11 AM – 7 PM each day, and we offer curbside service and in-store browsing!
1. Give us a call (512-279-8888) and let us know what you’d like, and we’ll ring it up for you over the phone.
2. Come to the store and give us a call and we’ll bring it right out to you! We usually go to the drivers or passenger side window, but if you’d like to pop the trunk or unlock the back door for us instead, please let us know!
To browse the store, we ask you to observe two simple rules:
1. Wear a Mask. If you have very small children who just cannot wear masks, that is understandable but please understand that children are not immune to carrying COVID, and anyone in the store without a mask is a potential threat to other children and unvaccinated people.
2. Social Distancing. Remain six feet away from employees and other customers as much as possible.
We have had a fair amount of questions about in-store gaming. We have found that the decreased hours and increased display space has worked well for us, and we expect to continue with that as we move toward a more full re-opening. We are currently planning for an after-hours Magic prerelease in July, and potentially starting Friday Night Magic (with extended hours) in June, but that is tentative. We do not currently have plans to reopen for casual boardgaming, D&D, or Heroclix. We will be re-examining that at the end of the summer.
Thank you to everyone for helping us to survive in these difficult times, we greatly appreciate all of you.
Magic The Gathering Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pre-Release!
Friday, July 16th is the return of Friday Night Magic! (Sort of)
The store remains closed to in-store play for now, but we will be doing an after-hours prerelease for Adventures in the Forgotten Realms on Friday, July 16th from 7 PM-10 PM. We will have room for up to 36 players to come in, build a prerelease deck, and play a three round tournament for prizes including Forgotten Realms boosters! (PLEASE NOTE: UNLESS YOU HAVE ALREADY PRE-REGISTERED, THE EVENT IS FULL. WE MAY HAVE ROOM FOR WALK-INS IF THERE ARE NO SHOWS, BUT WE DO NOT EXPECT THAT.)
All of our staff is fully vaccinated, and we would appreciate if participants would be willing to share their vaccination status as well. Because we cannot guarantee that everyone participating will be vaccinated, we will recommend everyone wear masks if you are not vaccinated.
The entry fee is $30, which will get you a prerelease kit and entry into a raffle to win some fun Forgotten Realms-themed prizes, including boosters, introductory Dungeons & Dragons adventures and Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Spellbooks. There will be access to a land station for the event (however, we encourage you to bring your own land if you have it, just to make sure there’s enough to go around.)
This is a lock-in event, so only those playing in the tournament will be allowed in the store while it is going on, with breaks between rounds for food or drink.
As always for prerelease weekends, we will also have full boxes of set boosters (with Vorpal Sword buy a box cards) available for sale, although those cannot be used during the prerelease. We expect there will be Commander Decks available as well.
Annual Inventory Clearance Sale! Final Month!
Our annual inventory clearance sale is coming to an end this month!
The discount has been raised to 75%, so if there’s anything you’ve been eye-ing, come in and pick it up before May ends!
We’re also allowing folks to hold sale merchandise for a couple days if they want… however, as always, clearance merchandise is not returnable, all sales are final.
Also, if you are quarantining and doing curbside only, we don’t want to leave you out of the fun! You can email us at and the staff will curate a selection for you that you can pay for over the phone and come pick up via contactless curbside!
Batman/Fortnite Update!
By now if it’s anywhere in your sphere of interest you’ve probably heard of Batman/Fortnite Zero Point, and you may also have heard that it is already sold out pretty much everywhere. Unfortunately, we had to order the first three issues before we had any idea how big it was going to be, and so we’re basically presold out of those three issues, and the second printing of the first issue, even though they haven’t even been released yet.
However… the good news is, new printings are on the way and we are bumping up to meet demand! The third printing of #1 and second printings of #2 and #3 on Tuesday, June 1st. We have been able to increase orders so that we expect to have plenty of #4 and #5 on their release dates of June 1st and June 15th, respectively.
The other bad news is that we had such a response to these second printings that when they come in, they also may go pretty quickly. We’ve stopped taking orders right now, because if everyone who has signed up for the second printings comes in for them, we will not have any for the shelf. We’re waiting to see if more new printings are solicited, but in any case, there will be a hardcover collecting all six issues (and the game codes) toward the middle of the summer. We’ll keep everyone informed here and on Facebook.
Thanks, and we apologize for the inconvenience and the extra wait!
Our Newsletter – And Why DC Comics isn’t on New Comics Releases
You may have noticed that our New Comics Releases feature on the website no longer features any DC Comics releases. This is because with the change in distribution that DC has made, their covers and information do not automatically load into the widget that produces our new comics release list for the week. We are hoping for an update, but it’s not something we can modify at this time.
However, there is a solution. If you subscribe to the Rogues Gallery Dispatch, our weekly email newsletter, every week you’ll get an email with the complete list of comics coming out that week, games that hit in the previous week, a link to our latest podcast, and any store news! You can subscribe by going here:
Holiday Hours – December
We will be open regular hours (11 AM – 7 PM) on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. We’ll be closed on New Year’s Day and Christmas Day so that our staff can celebrate the holidays. Also, if you have last minute holiday gifts to buy, we want to let you know the last chance we’ll have to place orders.
We’ll place our last comics order before Christmas this Saturday, December 19th. With shipping being the way it has been, we can’t guarantee those comics will arrive before Thursday, but we are ordering a couple days early to try and get one last order. Our last game order of the season will be on Monday, December 21st for a Wednesday, December 23rd delivery, and with our game distributor being local, we expect to have those delivered by Wednesday or that Thursday by the latest, so get those special order requests in before then!
If you need help picking out games or comics for your loved ones, we’ll be happy to help and make suggestions!
DC Announces Future State for January-February 2021
DC is doing a two-month event in 2021 that will replace DC titles in January and February with a combination of monthly and bi-weekly oversize anthologies, as well as a series of miniseries and one shots. Since it is all material featuring new takes on the characters, we will not be automatically pulling this material for existing subs. So if you get Batman, for example, we won’t default pull Future State: The Next Batman for you.
More information on the specific titles will be available in DC’s online preview DC Connect next month, but in the meantime, if you’re interested in the Future State titles, do us a favor and drop us an email to let us know which ones you’d like to subscribe to (if you have a subscription with the store) or want to special order and have us hold for you if you don’t have a standing subscription. This will help us gauge orders and make sure we have enough for you to try out! We’ll be putting final orders in early December, so make sure you get your requests in by then!
We can sign you up for individual titles, All Batman Family, All Superman Family, and/or All Justice League Family. Please note that if you sign up for All, it has to be literally All, it can’t be “All except Future State: Nightwing” or anything like that. If you don’t want all the books in a group, please just sign up individually for the titles. Drop us an email at to add any of them to your subscription!
There’s a lot more information here:
But the basics are this:
Batman Family
In this future, Gotham City is controlled by the Magistrate. This villainous regime has taken control of the city, now under constant surveillance. All masked vigilantes have been outlawed and Batman has been killed. But led by an all-new Batman, a new assembly of Gotham’s guardians rise to give hope to all of those who lost it!
Future State: The Next Batman #1-4
Future State: Dark Detective #1-4
Future State: Batman/Superman
Future State: Catwoman
Future State: Harley Quinn
Future State: Nightwing
Future State: Robin Eternal
Superman Family
Due to his involvement in an international crisis happening in the near future, Clark Kent has been rejected by Earth, causing him to focus his lifesaving efforts outside his adopted home. He travels to Warworld to rise through the ranks of gladiatorial combat in order to defeat Mongul with the help of some unlikely heroes. Back in Metropolis, Clark’s son Jon has taken on the mantle of Superman. After seeing the horrors that befell Gotham, he bottles Metropolis in order to keep it safe, putting him at odds with Supergirl. Connecting the two oversized Future State: Superman titles, Shilo Norman, the man known as Mister Miracle, finds himself caught between the city he grew up in and the battle-torn planet that could be his downfall. Meanwhile in the Amazon rainforest, Yara Flor is chosen to be the new Wonder Woman. Years later, the new Superman and Wonder Woman join forces to save their cities in a new superhero team-up the likes of which the world has never seen.
Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1-2
Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #1-4
Future State: The Immortal Wonder Woman #1-2
Future State: House of El
Future State: Kara Zor-El
Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes
Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman
Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1-3
Future State: Wonder Woman
Justice League Family
A thread of great change runs through the Justice League heroes: a new League is built upon secret identities (even from each other), but an old and evolved enemy will use these secrets to try and overthrow the world. For the supernatural heroes of Justice League Dark, the very fabric of reality has shifted, and heroes are being hunted. For Flash, Shazam, and the Teen Titans, it all begins when the four Riders of the Apocalypse unleash hell in a battle at Titans Academy, Barry Allen is cut off from the Speed Force, a Famine-controlled Wally West may be beyond saving, and Billy Batson makes a deal with the devil that will change Shazam forever. Off-world, John Stewart and the remaining Green Lanterns are stranded in the shadow of a dead power battery; Jackson Hyde and Andy Curry are separated across the galaxy; and Amanda Waller executes her ultimate plan with a new but terrifyingly familiar Suicide Squad on Earth-3. At the end of time, Swamp Thing reveals its true intention, ruling supreme until a remnant of humanity launches a rebellion, and Black Adam looks to the past as the only way to save the future of the Multiverse.
Future State: Justice League #1-2
Future State: Green Lantern #1-2
Future State: Suicide Squad #1-2
Future State: Aquaman
Future State: The Flash
Future State: Teen Titans
Future State: SHAZAM!
Future State: Swamp Thing