New Games for September 20 – September 26, 2010


Hex Hex XL Card Game
Deviously Simple. Delightfully Mean-Spirited. Wickedly Fast-Paced. And Bigger and Better than Ever! HEX-HEX is a fast-playing, stand-alone card game where players hurl Hex after Hex around the table, constantly redirecting, deflecting, and altering the Hex’s power until finally someone runs out of options and becomes HEXED. This new, larger core edition is designed to replace both the 1.5 base game and Hex-Hex Next, and features a streamlined deck of 150 cards taking the ‘best of’ cards from both sets. In addition, the game includes two variants (Hex-Hex Vexed & Hexen Stix) with new cards, tokens, and five wooden obelisks to support them.

Killer Bunnies Ultimate Odyssey Starters
In the ultimate race to build a bunny society on planet Earth, Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey pits players against each other as they struggle to gain Civilization Points by building cities and increasing their bunny populations. Players gain points by developing their own civilizations or by using zany weapons and hilarious scenarios to destroy their opponents. Want even more fun? Try combining decks to build your own unique set of cards in this non-collectible, but highly constructible Killer Bunnies card game! Each themed, pre-constructed Starter Deck contains 60 Large Cards, three Dice, 18 Scoring Squares, and complete instructions. The Violet deck features an Elemental-based theme which also includes metals, jewels, and amazing cards such as “Slow Smelting” which causes players to lose their turn and “Maybe, Maybe Not” which can eliminate an opponent’s attack!

Munchkin Marked for Death
On the heels of the successful Munchkin Rigged Demo and the booster sets Fairy Dust and Waiting for Santa comes Munchkin Marked for Death, boasting 19 totally new cards – featuring full-color art from Dork Tower’s John Kovalic – all prepped to add to your classic Munchkin game. The gimmick for this set is it can be used as a super-quick, programmed demo to let existing fans teach new players!

Plus 6/D6 Bag of Munchkin
He Who Toys With The Most Dice . . . Wins! This six-pack of 6-siders come in the color of coffee with just enough cream, with the Munchkin head in place of the 1 pip. Buy them! Kill monsters and take their stuff!

Munchkin Boxes of Holding
The Munchkin Boxes of Holding are crafted of sturdy cardboard and designed to hold 500 Munchkin-sized cards apiece, with one labeled “Doors”, and the other “Treasures”. Also included are two new Munchkin cards exclusive to this set.


D&D Lords of Madness Huge Pack
Lords of Madness is a fully randomized set of 60 pre-painted plastic Dungeons & Dragons miniatures, including several Huge figures, featuring iconic D&D monsters and characters – perfect additions to any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Each booster pack contains: six randomized, pre-painted plastic miniatures, including one Huge figure, complete with stat cards, plus a Lords of Madness set checklist.

XDM: Quest for the Tavern
You remember the tavern…barely. You don’t think you accepted any Dwarven ale, but here you are, stripped of your belongings and hanging over a pit, while some insane sorcerer rants on and on about how his revenge against you will finally be exacted to perfection.- Someday when you’re on a tavern floor nursing a hangover you’ll be able to tell yourself “I’ve had worse,” but you’re going to have to fight you way back to that tavern first! This adventure module is based on the XD20 system introduced in XDM: X-treme Dungeon Mastery, but is adaptable to any system

Let’s Kill Crime Scene Instigation Expansion
The great thing about Crime Scenes is that you can make your own! Looking for more homicidal mayhem? More darkly humorous stick figure art? Or maybe just some ideas for your crime drama script? Add some madness to your method with Crime Scene Instigation, a morbidly funny expansion for the Let’s Kill card game. Just mix these 55 cards into your Let’s Kill game to add more doomed victims than you can shake a stick figure at!

Pathfinder Module Witchwar Legacy
Time grows short for Queen Elvanna. In a few years, her legendary mother, Baba Yaga, is scheduled to return to Golarion, at which point she’ll take Queen Elvanna away and leave a new daughter in her place to rule the frozen nation of Irrisen. Before she loses control of her nation, Queen Elvanna wants to accomplish one final work that will serve as her legacy, something that the world will always remember her by. Yet the key to her plans lies buried under an ancient necropolis, the tomb of a long-dead sister who dared to oppose Baba Yaga and caused a brief but terrible conflict known as the Witchwar, and the only white witch of Irrisen to bear the brand of traitor to that nation. Queen Elvanna has sought out many mercenaries, heroes, and villains to seek out the tomb, yet to date none have returned. Will the PCs serve the White Witch and seek out the Witchwar Legacy within the tomb, or will they step in to oppose her and race against her villainous champions to reach the tomb’s inner sanctum first? A wintry wilderness and dungeon adventure for 17th-level characters.

D&D Warlock & Paladin Token Sets
Gale Force Nine’s Dungeons & Dragons 4E Token Sets let you take your game to the next level with durable, full-color tokens customized to your character’s class. Each set comes complete with a customizable, wet-eraseable Player Card, 17 tokens, one invisibility Stand-Up, one Mounted Token Base, and one Action Point.

RIFTS: Heroes o/t Megaverse
War factions from the Hells, Hades, and Dyval have discovered the existence of a great mystic artifact – an ancient Rune Book that contains the names of the 2,000 greatest heroes the Megaverse has ever known, hidden and protected by the Cosmo-Knights of the Three Galaxies! And both sides want it!

New Games for September 13 – September 19, 2010


WOW CCG Ice Crown Boosters
Jaina and Thrall, bolstered by the Argent Crusade Heroes, bring the fight to the Liche King himself in Ice Crown, the latest expansion to Cryptozoic Entertainment’s World of Warcraft CCG! Ice Crown features a full complement of Scourge heroes and allies, led by their fearsome new master hero – The Lich King – while featured classes like the Hunter, Mage, and Shaman whip up a virtual storm of frost damage and effects! This 220-card expansion set is introduced in 24-card boosters packed in 12-count displays.

Zombie State: Diplomacy of the Dead
Far more contagious than the common cold, the Moaning Virus (MV1) swept the planet. Hordes of MV1 infected overran the delicate world that seemed to have finally lain to rest the specters of nuclear war, hunger, and poverty. The victims of MV1 became the viruses’ mindless carriers as they rose from death to feed, their horrid moan ringing out in silent cities. Now, overwhelmed political figures, desperate to salvage the remnants of their once-great world society, turn to once-spurned weapons and forgotten science for hope. Luminaries and leaders must now guess the best path for human survival amidst terrifying outbreaks, geographical factionalism, and worst of all, viral mutations. Can you stop the spread of the walking dead?

Sticky Fingers
The night is setting in slowly on the city, but not all of its habitants are asleep. Under cover of darkness, several scoundrels are on their way to perform their big heist tonight. You are playing the role of one of these scoundrels on the hunt for gold and art treasures. Careful planning will let you make the big haul, but be sure not to miss the right moment to cash in your swag at a fence!

Munchkin Cthulhu 4 Crazed Caverns
Explore the Midden of the Mi-Go! Dig yourself out of the Dunwich Ditch! Brave the blue light of K’n-Yan! Munchkin Cthulhu has already driven you mad – and now it’s even madder as the hunt for forbidden knowledge goes underground with the 16 Portals and 20 Dungeons designed to open up whole new dimensions to explore.

Death Angel Space Hulk Card Game
In Space Hulk: Death Angel, a cooperative card game set in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,000, players must work together as an alien menace threatens to devour their hopes of survival. Death Angel takes 1-6 players straight into the action, with each player controlling a combat team comprised of two unique Space Marines, each with their own flavor and style. If all Space Marines perish, the players collectively lose. Likewise, if at least one of the surviving Space Marines completes the objective, the players all win!

DC Heroclix Classics Batman Arkham Escape Starter
Batman and Robin strike from the shadows! Can they recapture Arkham Asylum’s most notorious criminals in time? Will good triumph? Only you can decide with the DC HeroClix: Classics Batman – Arkham Asylum Escape! Containing everything two players need to play, the Classics Batman – Arkham Asylum Escape! Mega Pack comes complete with Batman, Robin, The Joker, Bane, Scarecrow, and Mr. Freeze Clix figures, with Character Cards, plus one Map, a Rules Sheet, and Dice.

D&D Lords of Madness Huge Pack
Lords of Madness is a fully randomized set of 60 pre-painted plastic Dungeons & Dragons miniatures, including several Huge figures, featuring iconic D&D monsters and characters Ñ perfect additions to any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Each booster pack contains: six randomized, pre-painted plastic miniatures, including one Huge figure, complete with stat cards, plus a Lords of Madness set checklist.


Gamescapes: Scaling The Great Dragon
This set of double-sided maps represents one section of scales on the greatest of great dragons, with the classic 1″ square grid overlayed, while the opposite side features – the Great Undead Dragon! Gamescapes: Scaling The Great Dragon is printed to the highest quality on sturdy card stock and coated with an easy-wipe surface to give you years of dragon-hunting pleasure.

Gamescapes: Ship Shape
Waves crash and epic tales gather like a hurricane – whether she’s a pirate, merchantman, or your characters’ own exploration ship, Gamescapes: Ship Shape offers three mapped decks of high adventure on the high seas, while on the opposite side features – a sunken ship! Gamescapes: Ship Shape is printed to the highest quality on sturdy card stock and coated with an easy-wipe surface to give you years of pirate plundering.

Shadowrun Dice Set in Tin Ltd Ed
In this high-quality metal box is an exclusive collection of six-sided dice which are particularly suitable for the role-playing game Shadowrun.

Cthulhu Dice Set in Tin Ltd Ed
In this high-quality metal box is an exclusive collection of dice particularly suitable for the role-playing game Call of Cthulhu. Includes d20, d10, d10 (tens), d8, d6, and d4

Deathwatch Warhammer 40K RPG
As members of the Adeptus Astartes the devout, bio-engineered super-soldiers also known as Space Marines – only the most exceptional candidates are invited to join the Deathwatch and take on a new oath to safeguard the Imperium from the darkest of threats. United in this newly forged brotherhood, all Deathwatch Marines must learn to put aside their differences and work together to succeed in the most extraordinary operations – whether facing the threat of total annihilation when confronted by implacable alien foes, or fighting against the foul daemon menace that crawls forth hungrily from beyond the Warp. Deathwatch offers a brand-new roleplaying experience by focusing on elite, special-missions style action at the furthest fringes of Imperial space, involving some of the greatest heroes and deadliest opponents the Warhammer 40,000 universe has to offer.

Deathwatch Game Master’s Tool Kit
The Game Master’s Kit for the Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch Roleplay Game comes complete with a sturdy cardboard GM screen featuring stunning Deathwatch artwork and useful tables, charts, rules, and statistics for quick Game Master reference. In addition, the kit also comes with a book featuring a complete adventure (“The Shadow of Madness”), plus an appendix detailing the important NPCs that the Kill-team may encounter, as well as plenty of adventure seeds for each.

L5R RPG Enemies of the Empire
The first sourcebook expansion for Legend of the Five Rings Fourth Edition, Enemies of the Empire serves not only as the bestiary for Fourth Edition, but also features threats of a more human nature. Delve into the conspiracies of the Kolat, the tainted ravings of the Lost, and the silent terror of the Lying Darkness. Explore the hard lives of ronin, and the strange cultures of the Naga, Ratlings, and other non-human races. And if your heart is strong enough, face the secrets behind the oni, spirits, and the undead.

Rogues Gallery Trivia Results!

Congrats to our Trivia Champs!

1st Place: Team Alpha Flight (Oscar Amos & Alex Diamond)

2nd Place: Team Justice League Europe (Ed & Alex Broussard)

3rd Place: Team Thor Corps (Patrick Burns & Arthur Thomas)

Here’s the list of categories & questions we used this year! The answers in italics are the correct answers.


What was Franklin Richards’ codename during his stint as a member of Power Pack?
a) Energizer
b) Tattletale
c) Mass Master
d) Kid Fantastic

Who was the archer on Young Justice?
a) Speedy
b) Empress
c) Arrowette
d) Tigress

What drug was Patriot of the Young Avengers addicted to?
a) MGH
b) Kick
c) Venom
d) Speed

What was the name of the Runaways ship?
a) Runner
b) Leapfrog
c) Blackbird
d) Raptor

What is Miss Martian’s human name?
a) Megan Morse
b) Jane Jones
c) Alison Ames
d) Kara Kane


Which of the following characters has never worn buccaneer boots as part of the their costume?
A) Cyclops
B) Captain America
C) Hawkeye
D) Gambit

Who was the pirate who haunted Opal City?
A) The Black Pirate
B) Pirate Jenny
C) Captain Fear
D) Captain Blood

Which member of the Fantastic Four gave rise to the legend of Blackbeard?
A) Mr. Fantastic
B) The Human Torch
C) The Thing
D) The Invisible Girl

What is the name of the pirate comic in Watchmen?
A) The Dark Water
B) Tales of the Black Freighter
C) Walk the Plank
D) Dead Man’s Chest

Who currently captains the space pirate vessel The Starjammer?
A) Havok
B) Raza
C) Quasar
D) Maximus


What kind of hat does Nick Fury’s right hand man, Dum Dum Dugan, wear?
a) Derby
b) Fedora
c) Cowboy
d) Beret

What power does the Ringmaster’s hat give him?
a) optic blasts
b) teleportation
c) matter manipulation
d) hypnotism

The one time villian The Shade became sentimentally attached to one certain DC city. Name it.
a) Star City
b) Opal City
c) Coast City
d) Keystone City

Nobody rocks a fedora like The Queston. What substance does The Question use to hide her face?
a) Endoskin
b) Element 95
c) Pseudoderm
d) Plastiform

In what comic did Galactus remove his helmet while drunk?
a) Hercules
b) Avengers
c) Howard the Duck
d) She-Hulk


What is Tigra’s real name?
a) Felicia Hardy
b) Patsy Walker
c) Karen Page
d) Greer Nelson

What villain did Tawky Tawny beat down during Final Crisis?
a) Desaad
b) Kalibak
c) Steppenwolf
d) Mantis

What magic user does Teekel the cat belong to?
a) Jason Blood
b) Zatanna
c) Klarion the Witch Boy
d) Madame Xanadu

Who recently surgically removed Catwoman’s heart?
a) Hugo Strange
b) Black Mask
c) The Joker
d) Hush

What superhero does Streaky the cat belong to?
a) The Flash
b) Supergirl
c) Wonder Girl
d) Ambush Bug


During one of his crazier days, what did Moon Knight do to his archenemy, Bushman?
a) Chopped off his feet
b) Chopped off his face
c) Chopped off his hands
d) Chopped off his scalp

In the classic Batman story The Laughing Fish, what was Joker’s ultimate scheme involving poisoned fish?
a) Copyright the fish and make money off every fish sold
b) Poison all of Gotham
c) Enact revenge on The Penguin
d) Give them as a gift to Harley Quinn

When Deadpool famously clocked Kitty Pryde, what did he shout?
A) Face front, True Believer!
B) Fly like an eagle!
C) Shoryuken!
D) Will you marry me?

Which of these is not a member of Section Eight, from the pages of Hitman?
A) Dog Welder
B) The Defenestrator
C) Bueno Excellente
D) The Blue Moose

How did Ragdoll of the Secret Six pay tribute to his fallen friend, The Parademon?
A) Had him stuffed
B) Opened a firepit in Gotham
C) Painted a nude portrait of him
D) Ate him


Who turned British hero, Spitfire, into a vampire?
A) Dracula
B) Morbius
C) Blade
D) Baron Blood

What was the name of the spell that Dr. Strange cast that destroyed all the vampires in the Marvel Universe for a time?
A) The Montesi Formula
B) The Cleansing of Cthon
C) Blood of Agammatto
D) The Rites of Cytorrak

Who was the vampire leader of the Tenth Circle that the JLA fought?
A) Crucifer
B) Lord Vampiricus
C) Bloodvein
D) Dr. Coffin


What member of the Green Lantern Corps was instrumental in building the Rocket Red armor?
A) Kilowog
B) Tomar-Re
C) Sinestro
D) John Stewart

How did the Red Ghost and his Super Apes gain their powers?
A) nuclear plant accident
B) cosmic rays
C) Doctor Doom tech
D) a Celestial artifact

Darkstar of Russia’s Winter Guard was also a member of which American superteam?
A) West Coast Avengers
B) The Defenders
C) The Champions
D) Secret Warriors

What Russian superhero was briefly a member of the Teen Titans?
A) Red Star
B) Glasnost
C) The Great Bear
D) Winter Wolf

Russian space-dog, Cosmo, is the head of security for what space station?
A) Vector Sigma
B) Sanctuary
C) Knowhere
D) The Peak


When mullet-wearing Invisible Woman turned evil, what was the name of her villainous alter-ego?
A) Malice
B) Demonatrix
C) Nightshade
D) Mistress Pain

When Superman returned from his death at the hands of Doomsday, he was sporting a mullet and what outfit?
A) His traditional costume
B) Kryptonian regeneration suit
C) Clark Kent’s suit
D) A loin cloth

Which superhero taught mulleted alien god, The Beyonder, to pee?
A) Spider-Man
B) The Thing
C) Captain America
D) Hank Pym

How many fingers, including thumbs, does former X-Man Longshot have on each hand?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

Besides the Teen Titans, what other team has Beast Boy been on?
A) New Guardians
B) Outsiders
C) Doom Patrol
D) Justice League Europe


How did cyborg Misty Knight lose her arm?
A) flesh eating neuro toxin
B) bitten off by a dragon
C) her partner (Colleen Wing) cut it off
D) terrorist bomb

While possessed by his son Jericho, whose head did Deathstroke cut off and mount on his wall?
A) Deathstroke’s son, the original Ravager
B) Deathstroke’s manservant, Wintergreen
C) Deathstroke’s wife, Adeline
D) Deathstroke’s ally, Tara Markov

What rough neighborhood did Black Lightning grow up in?
A) Suicide Slum, Metropolis
B) East End, Gotham
C) Morningside District, Hub City
D) Lower East Side, Central City

In the early days of Blade’s career, he fought exclusively with wooden knives. What kind of wood?
A) Red Oak
B) Teak
C) Maple
D) Ash

Before he became Power Man, what prison was Luke Cage incarcerated in?
A) Blackgate
B) Ryker’s Island
C) Alcatraz
D) Seagate


Who was the mother of Charles Xavier’s son, the dangerous mutant named Legion?
A) Moira MacTaggert
B) Lilandra
C) Gabrielle Haller
D) Amelia Voght

During 52, what was the name of Lex Luthor’s program that gave citizens super powers?
A) Project 77
B) The Everyman Project
C) The Atlas Project
D) Project Kandor

Who is Moondragon’s Girlfriend?
A) Phyla Vell
B) Crystal
C) Mantis
D) Gamora

Who killed Martian Manhunter in Final Crisis?
A) Deathstroke
B) Kalibak
C) Dr. Light
D) Libra

What did Cassandra Nova use to weaken the X-Men with sickness when she first faced them?
A) the Legacy Virus
B) nano-sentinels
C) secondary mutations
D) the Morlock named Plague


What X-Men supporting character partially inspired Storm to go punk and get a mohawk?
A) Lila Cheney
B) Dazzler
C) Yukio
D) Callisto

Gladiator of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard is a member of what alien race?
A) Dakkamite
B) Centaurian
C) Rigellian
D) Strontian

Who of the following was recently killed by Wolverine’s son, Daken?
A) The Punisher
B) Spider Woman
C) D-Man
D) Cable

Who did the original OMAC work for?
A) The Global Peace Agency
B) The Atomic Knights
C) Project Cadmus
D) STAR Labs


What country does Ice, from Justice League International, hail from?
A) Iceland
B) Norway
C) Sweden
D) Denmark

Who fired the gun which depowered Storm for a time?
A) Forge
B) The White Queen
C) Henry Peter Gyrich
D) Mystique

What is Weather Wizard’s real name?
A) Mark Mardon
B) Digger Harkness
C) Mic Rory
D) Leonard Snart

What was the name of the Asgardian artifact that unleashed winter storms throughout the Marvel Universe?
A) The Casket of Ancient Winters
B) The Ice Runes of Melekith
C) Ymir’s Crown of Frost
D) Beta Ray Bill’s hammer, Stormbreaker

Who created Red Tornado?
A) Professor Ivo
B) Will Magnus
C) T.O. Morrow
D) Dr. Sivanna


What is Doctor Strange’s Orb of Agamatto used for?
A) mystical defense of his Sanctum
B) clairvoyance and scrying
C) recharging his cloak and amulet
D) All of the above

Which wielder of Doctor Fate’s helmet altered it into a knife, throwing darts and an armband?
A) Hector Hall
B) Jared Stevens
C) Kent Nelson
D) Eric Strauss

Comic Book Trivia – THIS SATURDAY, September 18th!

The Rogues Gallery Comic Book Trivia Contest is on, this Saturday, from 1 PM – 4 PM! We’ve got somewhere between 8-10 teams competing for prizes, with 30 separate categories of multiple choice questions, and we encourage everyone to come out and watch, and to cheer on the contestants!

Also if all goes as planned, the winners will form the Rogues Gallery team to go up against the Tribe Comics & Games team from South Austin in a battle royale match to determine which store’s trivia reigns supreme!

New Games for September 7 – September 12, 2010


Marvel Heroclix Fantastic Four 2010 Starter
Prepare for the Fantastic! The Marvel HeroClix Fantastic Four 2010 Starter Game contains an updated 2010 HeroClix Rulebook and 2010 Marvel HeroClix Powers and Abilities Card, plus everything a new player needs to play HeroClix including seven HeroClix miniatures, each with a character card, a Baxter Building” and “Castle Doom Gardens” two-sided Map, six Object Tokens, (12) Terrain Markers, and two 6-sided dice

Marvel Heroclix Web of Spider-Man Boosters
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man returns in the first Marvel HeroClix set focused on Marvel’s most popular character. Marvel HeroClix: Web of Spider-Man features 64 new collectible HeroClix figures (56 new sculpts), including characters from throughout Spider-Man’s career, as well as a major subtheme with Marvel’s Dark Reign and Siege events – is Norman Osborne a protector or destroyer?

Ticket to Ride Nordic Countries
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries takes you on a Nordic adventure through Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden as you travel to the great northern cities of Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, and Stockholm. Visit Norway’s beautiful fjords and the magnificent mountain scenery on the Rauma Railway. Breathe in the salt air of the busy Swedish ports on the Baltic Sea. Ride through the Danish countryside where Vikings once walked. Hop-on the Finnish railway and travel across the Arctic Circle to the land of the Midnight Sun. In this latest installment in the bestselling train adventure series, players collect cards of various types of train cars that enable them to claim railway routes and pass through tunnels and onto ferries, as they connect cities throughout the Nordic Countries.

Lord of the Rings Silver Edition
Travel the perilous path to Mordor in Reiner Knizia’s The Lord of the Rings. Beautifully illustrated by renown Tolkien artist John Howe, this uniquely cooperative board game immerses 2-5 players into Middle-earth, taking on the roles of hobbits on a quest to destroy the One Ring. This new Silver Line Edition of The Lord of the Rings features a beautiful graphics overhaul, a new rules presentation, and updated components, all bundled into a smaller, more affordable package. The time has never been better to experience The Lord of the Rings!

The year is 653 A.D. The place is Constantinopolis, the greatest trading city and capital of the Byzantine Empire. Effectively build up your trade district to produce goods, generate money, and earn fame points to ensure that your name stands above the rest in Constantinopolis!


D&D Essentials Dungeon Tiles: Dungeon
This Dungeons & Dragons accessory gives Dungeon Masters all of the basic dungeon tiles they need to create great-looking terrain in their games. This accessory contains 10 ready-to-use, configurable, double-sided sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain tiles printed on heavy cardstock, allowing you to create dungeon rooms, corridors, and outdoor locales.

D&D Essentials Heroes of Fallen Lands
This essential player product for the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game presents exciting new builds for the most iconic classes: the cleric, the fighter, the ranger, the rogue, and the wizard. Each class comes with a set of new powers, class features, paragon paths, and epic destinies. Also featured is expanded information and racial traits for some of the game’s most popular races, including dwarves, eladrin, elves, halflings, and humans.

D&D Essentials Rules Compendium
This handy and comprehensive reference guide to the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game presents the core rules in a format that is easily referenced during a game, and includes information on level advancement, combat, experience points, treasure, skills, equipment, and more.

Thousand Suns Starships
Fully compatible with the revised Thousand Suns Rulebook, Starships provides expanded options for starships – construction, operation, combat, and more.

D&D Encounters Season Three (Keep on the Borderlands) Begins on Thursday, September 23rd!

The next season of D&D Encounters begins on Thursday, September 23rd with a classic-feel campaign: the Keep on the Borderlands! The adventure, A Season of Serpents, highlights the new D&D Essentials books as the characters explore the dangerous lands of the Chaos Scar near Restwell Keep. A traditional D&D play experience coupled with an amazingly fun story arc written by Chris Sims, this season is sure to be an exciting return to the days of D&D yore. D&D Encounters: Keep on the Borderlands is broken up into five chapters of four sessions each, for a total of 20 sessions of D&D play. The season starts on September 23 and lasts through February 3, 2011. At the beginning of Chapter 3, characters will bump up to 2nd level. When Chapter 5 starts, characters will become 3rd level.

Players can create characters using the D&D Fantasy Roleplaying Game boxed set (A.K.A., the “Red Box”) or the Heroes of the Fallen Lands book. The second book will have more options for players, but both are viable. Both will be available prior to the first session of the season. Once Chapter 3 starts, players can use the Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms book to make a new character or update their existing character if they want. Pre-generated characters will be provided if you don’t want to “roll your own.” All of these characters are also built with the new Essentials character options.

As always, our games will run from 7-9 on Thursday nights, and you can come every week or drop in and out as you like! Sign up now to guarantee a spot at the table!

New Games for August 30 – September 6, 2010


WOW CCG Archives Boosters
From popular rare and uncommon Loot Cards like the Spectral Tiger, X-51 Nether Rocket, Riding Turtle, Big Battle Bear, Robotic Homing Chicken, Banana Charm, D.I.S.C.O., and the Fishing Chair, to 20 unique Hero cards, this 190-card expansion introduces the most popular cards from the first three years of the World of Warcraft TCG – in foil! 10 cards per pack / 24 packs per display.

D&D Castle Ravenloft Boardgame
The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner and you are invited! Evil lurks in the towers and dungeons of Castle Ravenloft, and only heroes of exceptional bravery can survive the horrors within. Designed for 1Ð5 players, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play. Castle Ravenloft includes the following components: 40 plastic heroes and monsters, 13 sheets of interlocking cardstock dungeon tiles, 200 encounter and treasure cards, a rulebook, a scenario book, and a 20-sided die.

Battlelore Wardens o/t West Expansion
Wardens of the West is a Lannister reinforcement set for Battlelore: Battles of Westeros that introduces three new Lannister commanders – Tyrion Lannister, Sandor Clegane, and Daven Lannister – each with their own special abilities and leadership cards. In addition to commanders, Wardens of the West also introduces three all-new unit types of Lannister affiliations: The House Brax pikemen, Clegane crossbowmen, and Westerlands militia. Featuring a Rules and Battle Plans book, Wardens of the West comes complete with more than 30 new plastic miniatures, over 30 new cards, and additional terrain overlays, banners, and tokens.

Ascension: Chronicle o/t Godslayer
Developed by Magic Pro Tour Champions Justin Gary, Rob Dougherty, and Brian Kibler, and featuring stunning art by industry visionary Eric Sabee, Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer is a fast-playing, deck-building game boasting multiple factions, demons, heroes, and constructs from different planes in a battle to determine who will ascend to godhood.

Back to the Future: Card Game
Go back in time! Save the Future! Now you can jump into the action of the Back to the Future movies with this ingenious new time travel card game! Play as the descendants of Marty McFly, Biff Tannen, Doc Brown and others, as you travel back to the events depicted in the movies. For a limited time, all purchases of the Back to the Future card game include two bonus cards, the Pizza Hydrator and the Fluxx card Swap Plays for Draws!


Hero 6E Fantasy Hero HC
The wondrous realms of Fantasy are yours to explore with Fantasy Hero! Fantasy Hero discusses and describes the Fantasy genre for gaming, and shows how to create characters, campaigns, spells and magic systems, kingdoms, and other elements of Fantasy with the HERO System rules.

Burning Wheel The Adventure Burner
The third supplement for the Burning Wheel Fantasy Roleplaying System, The Adventure Burner provides a system for setting up and running sessions, adventures, and campaigns. Examples are provided in the form of three ready-to-run scenarios – The Sword, Trouble in Hochen, and Thelon’s Rift – and 42 sample characters. In addition, this volume provides extensive insight into the Burning Wheel system, as well as new and clarified rules.

Rogue Trader Into the Storm
Many a foolhardy Rogue Trader has passed through the Maw, never to be seen again. Avoid their fate! Equip yourselves with the tools and abilities any worthy Rogue Trader needs to survive with Into the Storm, offering a host of new character options, all-new playable xenos Careers, vehicle rules, and an extensive new armory of weapons, armor, and gear.

Smallville Role Playing Game (HC)
The Smallville Role Playing Game lets you experience all the super-powered action and coming-of-age drama of the hit CW Network show. Players may choose to take on the role of Clark, Oliver, Lois, or Chloe, or their own original characters in the world of Smallville.

Daring Tales of Chivalry Compendium
Utilizing the Savage Worlds roleplaying system, the Daring Tales of Chivalry Compendium introduces a set of five Savage Worlds adventures set in a medieval England full of mystery and where legends come to life: A Knight’s Tales, Death at the Joust, The Danbury Curse, Castle Fairstone, and The Madness of Sir Stephen.

Eclipse Phase GM Screen & Adventure
This four-panel landscape gamemaster screen is made of sturdy cardboard stock and features all of the tables an Eclipse Phase gamemaster needs in one place for handy reference. The booklet features a complete starting adventure where a group of Firewall agents investigate a missing comrade.

Eclipse Phase Sunward
Sunward details the inner regions of the solar system, from habitats in the solar corona to transhumanity’s largest population centers on Mars. Stations and plot seeds are provided for each of the inner worlds and the factions that occupy them. Background and information on the Planetary Consortium, the most powerful political and economic force in the solar system, is also provided.

CthulhuTech Ancient Enemies
This handy reference guide for Cthulutech includes an 8.5 x 44 four-fold reference screen packed with important game rules, and six double-sided, full-color, cardstock, quick reference cards.

Please Stand By
The dead have risen! They walk the earth in countless numbers, searching for only one thing – living flesh! The last hope of the human race is the living, those now being mercilessly hunted. No longer at the top of the food chain, can the human race survive? Please Stand By introduces a quick, easy-to-learn rules system for fast-paced tabletop miniature gaming, complete with seven different scenarios to thrust you into your favorite zombie settings.

Hamlet’s Hit Points
Bringing author Robin D. Laws’s all-new tool for gamemastering power to the gamer’s table, Hamlet’s Hit Points describes nine critical story beats and shows how emotional swings should be timed to present a compelling story – and thus, a compelling RPG experience.

Skulduggery (Robin Laws RPG)
Bamboozle! Betray! Backstab! Why go all the way to the dungeon for enemies, when the other players are sitting right next to you? Skulduggery, the Roleplaying Game Of Verbal Fireworks & Sudden Reversals, brings fast and funny innovation to the exciting world of inter-player conflict!

Labor Day Sale (and New Comics Delay)

The bad news is that Labor Day will be delaying new comics day. New comics will be available on Thursday, September 9th instead of Wednesday, September 8th.

The good news is we’re having a big sale on Labor Day itself, Monday September 6th. We’ll be offering 15% off on all role-playing game books, Games Workshop games, board and non-collectible card games and graphic novels (including manga) all day September 6th, so come in and pick up those games or graphic novels that have been tempting you for a while!

Upcoming Comics September – December 2010

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Ratchet & Clank #1 / September 9th
Wolverine: Old Man Logan TP / September 9th
Invaders #1 / September 9th
Empowered Vol 6 / September 9th
Incognito: Bad Influences #1 / September 15th
X-23 #1 / September 15th
Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall #1 / September 15th
American Vampire Vol 1 HC / September 29th
Machete #0 / September
Mouse Guard: The Black Axe #1 / September

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vol 7 TP / October 6th
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II GN / October 6th
Metalocalypse – Dethklok #1 / October 6th
Tron: The Betrayal #1 / October 6th
Uncanny X-Force #1 / October 6th
Ultimate Comics Thor #1 / October 6th
Chaos War #1 / October 6th
Loki #1 / October 6th
Deadpool MAX #1 / October 6th
Superior #1 (New from Mark Millar!) / October 6th
Star Wars Knight Errant #1 / October 13th
Carnage #1 / October 13th
Knight & Squire #1 / October 13th
Luthor HC / October 20th
Avengers vs Pet Avengers #1 / October 20th
Beasts of Burden & Hellboy One-Shot / October 27th
Superman Earth One Vol 1 HC / October 27th
Parker: The Outfit HC / October
Spike #1 / October
Silent Hill: Past Life #1 / October
The Rocketeer Complete Deluxe Edition New Printing / October
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard HC / October
Stan Lee’s Soldier Zero #1 / October
Warlord of Mars #1 / October
Yo Gabba Gabba!: Comic Book Time! HC / October
Joe Madureira Presents The Art of Darksiders / October

Batman & Robin Vol 2 HC / November 3rd
Batman: Battle for the Cowl TP / November 3rd
Green Lantern: Agent Orange TP / November 3rd
Batman, Inc. #1 / November 3rd
Superboy #1 / November 3rd
Astonishing Thor #1 / November 3rd
Osborn #1 / November 3rd
Captain America: Man Out of Time #1 / November 3rd
Warriors Three #1 / November 3rd
Thunderstrike #1 / November 3rd
Generation Hope #1 / November 3rd
Assassin’s Creed: The Fall #1 / November 10th
The All-New Batman The Brave and the Bold #1 / November 10th
Battle Chasers Anthology HC / November 10th
Chew Vol 3: Just Desserts TP / November 10th
Batman The Dark Knight #1 / November 24th
Batwoman #0 / November 24th
Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale / November 24th
The Walking Dead Vol 13 TP / November 24th
Dungeons & Dragons #1 / November
GI Joe Cobra Vol 2 TP / November
George R.R. Martin’s Doorways #1 / November
Deadspace: Salvage TP / November
Darkwing Duck Vol 1 The Duck Knight Returns TP / November
XKCD Vol 0 TP / November
Atomic Robo and the Deadly Art of Science #1 / November

Brightest Day Vol 1 HC / December 1st
Planetary Book 4 TP / December 1st
Fables Vol 14 TP / December 1st
The Guild TP / December 8th
Sweet Tooth Vol 2 TP / December 8th
Batman The Widening Gyre HC / December 8th
Axe Cop Vol 1 / December 22nd
Hitman Vol 3 TP / December 22nd

Star Wars Legacy Vol 10 TP / January 5th
Brody’s Ghost Book 2 / January 12th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales HC / January 19th
Michael Moorcock’s Elric of Melnibone Vol 1 TP / January 26th

Upcoming Games September – November 2010

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

D&D Lords of Madness Miniatures (September 21st)
D&D Essentials Heroes of the Fallen Lands (September 21st)
MTG Scars of Mirrodin (September 30th)
Thunderstone: Doomgate Legions
Space Hulk: Death Angel Card Game
Cthulhu Dice Bag
Frag Gold Edition: FTW Expansion
Munchkin Go Up A Level Expansion
Munchkin Quest Portal Kombat
Exalted Glories of the Most High
Art of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire Volume 1

Betrayal at House on the Hill Boardgame (October 4th)
D&D Essentials Dungeon Master’s Kit Box (October 8th)
Heroclix Brightest Day Action Pack (October 10th)
Gamma World RPG (October 18th)
Munchkin Booty Fish and Ships
Munchkin Santa’s Revenge
Savage Worlds Space 1889 – Red Sands
Cthulhu Plush Cell Phone Holder
Heroclix Arkham Asylum Escape! Mega Pack
Small World Be Not Afraid Expansion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K

D&D Miniatures Beholder Collector’s Set (November 16th)
D&D Essentials: Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms (November 16th)
D&D Essentials: Monster Vault Box (November 16th)
D&D Wrath of Ashardalon Boardgame (November 16th)
MTG Premium Decks – Fire & Lightning (November 18th)
Battle Cry Boardgame (November 23rd)
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 (November 24th)
Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook
Munchkin Reloaded!
Star Munchkin Space Ships

DC Heroclix 75th Anniversary Boosters (December 1st)
Gamma World: Famine in Far-Go Box (December 21st)

Late Games – Due sometime in 2010
Call of Cthulhu: Deep in the Heart of Texas
Warhammer 40K: Deathwatch RPG
Hero System: Fantasy Hero
Munchkin Boxes of Holding
Munchkin Cthulhu 4: Crazed Caverns
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
Munchkin: Marked for Death Expansion
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion