New Games for November 1 – November 14, 2010


Munchkin Go Up a Level
Munchkin: Go Up A Level is a “maintenance release” designed to replace cards from the sets that Munchkin players already have, and bringing them up to date with the changes to cards and rules that started with Munchkin 19th printing – that’s 132 cards, in total, spanning the entire Munchkin line

Frag Gold Edition FTW
Frag Gold Edition: FTW introduces new weapons, two new maps (which can be used side-by-side with the gameboard from Frag Gold, for nearly ten square feet of arena), two new types of terrain, and two new targets. Add the new scenarios, including the classic Last Man Standing, and FTW is primed to live up to its name!

Munchkin Santas Revenge
“The Munchkin was sleeping all snug in his bed, when Santa came back with a BOOT TO THE HEAD!” Hot on the heels of Munchkin: Waiting for Santa comes the inevitable sequel, Munchkin: SantaÕs Revenge! Santa is back and he wants to get even, with new monstrous friends and a bag full of new holiday treasures for little munchkins everywhere! Each expansion pack contains 15-cards, offered in 10-count displays.

Zombie Survival Game
The mysterious event that has animated the dead has also given them an unhealthy appetite – for your brains! The only way to survive is to fortify your house and make your stand! How long can you survive? In Zombie Survival, you choose your provisions to survive a zombie apocalypse by first selecting items to place in your house, including weapons, lumber, gas, first aid, etc. Then, your fears are brought to light as the zombies venture forth, tearing down your barricades and creeping in. You may have a chance to make it to town for additional supplies, hopefully avoiding the zombies there, leaving your family to defend against the walking dead. But, did you prepare for power outages, contaminated water, sickness, and fatigue?


D&D Warlord & Rogue Token Sets
Each set contains many tokens and tiles, as well as an invisibility stand-in for your Player Character’s miniature, plus a Character Status Tile (a handy reference for variable stats), Action Point Tile (a reminder for players to make an extraordinary move), Light Source token, Bloodied token, and Dying token. The set also includes personalized Dragonscale-shaped tokens for your character.

Rogue Trader Edge o/t Abyss
Fight across the frozen surface of Lucin’s Breath, plunder the Egarian maze cities, and plumb the secrets of haunted Illisk. The vast darkness of the Expanse brims with legends and secrets. Within Edge of the Abyss are the rare bits of truth you need to explore beyond the Maw. Armed with this priceless knowledge, plot your own course to adventure and profit!

D&D ES Dungeon Tiles MS City
This essential Dungeons & Dragons accessory contains 10 double-sided sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain tiles printed on heavy cardstock. The tiles feature city streets, sewer tunnels, and terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build exciting encounters set in urban environments.

D&D ES Monster Vault Box
This essential product for Dungeon Masters collects the most iconic monsters of the Dungeons & Dragons world in one handy box and presents all-new variants, including new spins on such beloved monsters as dragons, orcs, and vampires. In addition to a comprehensive collection of iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters, this box contains die-cut tokens for the monsters that appear within, as well as a 32-page adventure that showcases several of the monsters.

D&D ES Heroes o/t Forgotten Kingdoms
This essential supplement for the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game presents exciting new builds for the game’s most popular classes: the cleric, the druid, the paladin, the ranger, and the warlock. Each class comes with a set of new powers, class features, paragon paths, epic destinies, and more that beginning players can use to build the characters they want to play while experienced players can plunder for existing 4th Edition characters. In addition to new builds, this sourcebook presents expanded information and racial traits for some of the game’s most popular races, including dragonborn, drow, half-elves, half-orcs, and tieflings.

Oz Dark & Terrible
Oz: Dark & Terrible is a vision of Oz that would give L. Frank Baum nightmares. The Emerald City is a dystopian steampunk metropolis ruled by the Wizard in eternal opposition to the magicians of Oz. The Witches rule the four main realms, but whether they are Good or Wicked is entirely dependent upon your point of view. Do you have the courage, heart, and brains to walk this dark and terrible Yellow Brick Road to oblivion?

COC Masks of Nyarlathotep
At last the stars are almost right. Soon Nyarlathotep’s plans will come to fruition. Then the world will be changed irrevocably – but not quite yet. Pesky human investigators have learned much. Now they must survive long enough to make sense of what they know, and take resolute action. This roleplaying classic is a series of linked adventures forming one long and unforgettable campaign. Horrifying deeds and dangerous sorcery dog those who dare attempt to unravel the fate of the Carlyle Expedition.

Traveller RPG LBB 7: Merchant Prince
Starting off with extra tips and options for the speculative trading every Traveller player is familiar with, Merchant Prince adds a whole new trading option for those wealthy enough to attempt it, allowing them to build a huge trading empire that spans the stars. With new career options, cargoes, and ships, Merchant Prince is an invaluable companion to all Traveller players.

Doctor Who: Aliens and Creatures
In the vast expanse of space wait creatures beyond the imagination. Mutants housed in impenetrable armor, vast criminal families that disguise themselves in the skins of their victims, and thousands of cloned soldiers ready to conquer and crush. This supplement for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space roleplaying game details many of the creatures faced in the Doctor’s latest adventures including the Cybermen, the Cult of Skaro, Davros, the Weeping Angels, and the Hath, as well as additional rules for creating your own creatures both as enemies or as playable characters.

CthulhuTech Unveiled Threats
This rules supplement for Cthulhutech provides a detailed exploration of all kinds of weapons, explosives, and armor, and introduces new items for characters to own, including portable computing, medical equipment, drugs, and vehicles. Unveiled Threats also explores a host of new rituals, introduces ancient and legendary artifacts, and delves into arcanotechnology, both wondrous and horrible, from the Ashcroft Foundation, the Chrysalis Corporation, the Migou, and the Disciples of Death’s Shadow.

Pathfinder Chronicles Misfit Monsters Redeemed
Over the course of its decades-long history, fantasy gaming has produced countless monsters both terrifying and alien, some pulled from mythology and others sprung full-formed from the twisted imaginations of their creators. Yet as with any idea, not every monster can be a winner. Or can it? With Misfit Monsters Redeemed, Paizo Publishing has taken 10 of the most notoriously bad monsters in RPG history—the lamest, most hated, and flat-out silliest creatures in the genre—and attempted to make them fun allies and adversaries for players and Game Masters alike. Each monster comes complete with updated statistics for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, lengthy ecologies explaining how the monsters behave and why they are the way they are, tips on how Game Masters can use them in a campaign, notes on how to fit the monsters into the world of the Pathfinder campaign setting or your own home game, and more.

Champions Villains V1 Master Villain
A good hero needs fiendish villains to fight – and the Champions Universe has all the villains you could want! Champions Villains Volume I covers master villains like Dr. Destroyer, Mechanon, and Teleios, and every other major world-threatening mastermind of the Champions Universe!

Second Gamma World Game Demo Added!

Response to the new Gamma World and our Gamma World day was overwhelmingly positive, and we’ve had a lot of requests for more, so we’re going to be running another Gamma World game on Sunday, December 5th!

The game will run from approximately noon to 5 PM, and will be a different adventure from the one that was run on Gamma World Game Day. We will have only one table running, with a capacity for six players, so send an email to if you’d like to sign up! We’ll take alternates past the first six players, but we do ask, due to the high demand, that you only sign up to play if you’re fairly sure you can make it, so that we don’t wind up turning away interested folks and then having empty chairs.

No purchase is required, character generation will be done at the table, although players are welcome to bring their 1st level Gamma World character from Game Day or one of their own campaigns if they’d like.

Upcoming Games November – December 2010

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

D&D Essentials: Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms (November 5th)
D&D Essentials: Monster Vault Box (November 5th)
D&D Miniatures Beholder Collector’s Set (November 16th)
MTG Premium Decks – Fire & Lightning (November 18th)
Battle Cry Boardgame (November 23rd)
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 (November 24th)
Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook
Munchkin Reloaded!
Star Munchkin Space Ships
Hack/Slash The Card Game
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Creatures Guide & Creatures Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master’s Guide & Game Master’s Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Player’s Guide & Player’s Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Signs of Faith
Gamemastery Condition Cards
Memoir ’44 Winter Wars Expansion

DC Heroclix 75th Anniversary Boosters (December 1st)
D&D Dungeon Tiles Master Set – Wilderness (December 10th)
Gamma World: Famine in Far-Go Box (December 10th)
GURPS Low-Tech
The Hobbit Boardgame
Mansions of Madness Boardgame

Late Games – Due sometime in 2010
Thunderstone: Doomgate Legions
Frag Gold Edition: FTW Expansion
Munchkin Go Up A Level Expansion
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion
Munchkin Booty Fish and Ships
Munchkin Santa’s Revenge
Savage Worlds Space 1889 – Red Sands
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K

New Games for October 25 – October 31, 2010


DC Heroclix Brightest Day Action Pack
After Blackest Night comes the Brightest Day! Heroes thought long dead are resurrected by the power of the White Lantern to fight evil anew. Why these heroes? What is their connection? Find out with the DC HeroClix Brightest Day Action Pack! This action pack includes seven highly-detailed, 3D miniatures, each with a character card (Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Captain Boomerang, Osiris, Firestorm, Deadman, each in their new, Brightest Day costumes) and two Brightest Day-themed maps.

Red Dragon Inn: Gambling? I’m In!
In The Red Dragon Inn: Gambling? I’m In!, players can play out an actual round of gambling when they play the “Gambling? I’m In!” card! Even better, the card games can be played as standalone games, or as part of your RPG or LARP campaigns. The game comes complete with a 93-card Rogues and Warriors Deck, a bunch of 6-sided dice, coin tokens, debt and loan tokens, and rules for at least seven games!

Hecho Card Game
Trade! Build! Win! In this fast-paced trading and building game, contractors are pitted against one another competing for various construction projects. Use materials from the community scrapyard and trade with one another for the right combination of cards to complete available projects.

Build your global empire… one company at a time! As the head of a multi-national corporation with one goal in mind – to make money – players in Globalization attempt to outbid their competitors to acquire businesses within six different industries and grow their conglomerate. Streamline operating costs, build additional factories, sue your competitors, or take one of your subsidiaries public for big returns! Your corporate strategy will impact which companies you buy and how to take your corporation worldwide. The first to reach a billion in net worth wins!

Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction
Super Majority, Health Reform, Bank Collapse, Superpatriot Act, Economic Stimulus, all are just tools for world control. You knew it all along, didn’t you? Tapping into today’s headlines, Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction introduces 18 “New World Order” cards to the classic Illuminati game, as well as five special cards to trigger, add, or remove NWO effects.

Munchkin Quest Portal Kombat
Munchkin Quest players love exploring the dungeon almost as much as they love backstabbing their rivals and taking their stuff, and with the new Portal links in Munchkin Quest: Portal Kombat, it’s easier than ever! Two rooms with the same color Portal are linked, even across the dungeon, so you can sneak up on your foes or make a break for the Entrance when people least expect it.

Kings & Things
Heroes, magic, and strange events all add to the fun and craziness in the land of Kadab in this remake of Tom Wham’s classic army-building game.

WOW CCG Ice Crown Epic Collection
Jaina and Thrall, bolstered by the Argent Crusade Heroes, bring the fight to the Liche King himself in Ice Crown, the latest expansion to Cryptozoic Entertainment’s World of Warcraft TCG! This Epic Collection comes complete with six Ice Crown boosters, an Ice Crown-themed Playmat and Deck Box, a visual pocket guide, five random foil Heroes From Ice Crown, one Loot Card, and a selection of card dividers, all packaged in a reusable storage box


100 Horror Adventure Seeds
This roleplaying supplement contains 100 generic horror plots for use with your horror games. Each plot consists of a premise, three twists, and an epilogue.

Shadowrun Darkest Hour Dawn o/t Artifacts
Sixth World scholars have long hypothesized the cyclical nature of magic. For years corporations, collectors and other factions have spent fortunes hunting down surviving relics of this mythical age. The shadows whisper of lost lore and a secret history to the world. A privileged few have come into possession of ancient items of great power and mysterious purpose, artifacts from before recorded history. Now it’s your turn… Eighteen months ago, the Phaistos Disk was stolen from the Herakleion Museum in Athens. Now, Mr. Johnson needs you to find it and bring it back. The hunt will take the runners through the shadows of Europe, and lead to interactions with smugglers, art dealers, and archaeologists. If they survive Interpol, Aztechnology, and an eccentrically violent shadowrunner team, they may just learn who is behind the hunt and why. Darkest Hour is the third chapter of the Dawn of the Artifacts storyline. This continuing storyline explores the secret history of Shadowrun, and offers clues to the true mastermind behind the hunt for the artifacts

Battletech Jihad Hot Spots Terra
Tearing Down the Walls! For more than ten years, the Word of Blake’s Jihad has engulfed the states of the Inner Sphere and the invading Clans in chaos and fire. Reeling from attacks on all fronts, realms have fought one another while the Word’s masters built a powerful Protectorate around humanity’s home: Terra. But with the rise of a resourceful rebel leader, Devlin Stone, the collective might of the Great Houses and rival Clans have united for an all-out assault against the Protectorate – one that can only end when humanity’s home is free once again! Seen from the eyes of those who fight and die in this epic struggle, Jihad Hot Spots: Terra includes articles and intelligence excerpts from across the Inner Sphere, along with additional rules and campaign tracks for both BattleTech campaigns played using the Total Warfare and A Time of War game rules. This sourcebook also provides a rare, in-depth look at the Terran system itself, including the history and varied cultures who live on these most revered worlds.

Cthulhu Dice Bag
When Cthulhu eats your sanity, you’re in trouble. But when he eats your dice, he’ll give them back. The Cthulhu Dice Bag is soft plush, with far more eyes, tentacles, and wings than any ordinary dice bag. He’ll hold dozens of ordinary six-siders or non-Euclidean polyhedrons in his zippered pouch. Or, of course, Sanity tokens from Cthulhu Dice. Or cursed jewels, or gravel, or bus tokens, or all of them together. Just remember that to get them out, you have to put your hand inside Cthulhu. If you are okay with that, this is the perfect dice bag for you. Using the Cthulhu Dice Bag in summoning rituals is not recommended, but mostly because summoning Cthulhu is really a bad idea. Just let him hold your dice.

Exalted 2 Glories of the Most High
The Secrets of the Incarnae Revealed! Glories of the Most High reveals many secrets of these higher powers, and a slew of new materials to use in your Exalted series including dozens of new Charms as well as additional secrets, rites, characters, and errata.

Upcoming Comics November 2010 – January 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Assassin’s Creed: The Fall #1 / November 10th
The All-New Batman The Brave and the Bold #1 / November 10th
Battle Chasers Anthology HC / November 10th
Chew Vol 3: Just Desserts TP / November 10th
The Walking Dead Vol 13 TP / November 17th
Batman The Dark Knight #1 / November 24th
Batwoman #0 / November 24th
Dungeons & Dragons #1 / November
GI Joe Cobra Vol 2 TP / November
George R.R. Martin’s Doorways #1 / November
Deadspace: Salvage TP / November
Darkwing Duck Vol 1 The Duck Knight Returns TP / November
Atomic Robo and the Deadly Art of Science #1 / November

Brightest Day Vol 1 HC / December 1st
Planetary Book 4 TP / December 1st
Fables Vol 14 TP / December 1st
Santa Claus vs. The Martians #1 / December 1st
Heroes for Hire #1 / December 1st
Wolverine The Best There Is #1 / December 1st
Black Panther The Man Without Fear #513 / December 8th
The Guild TP / December 8th
Sweet Tooth Vol 2 TP / December 8th
Batman The Widening Gyre HC / December 8th
Conan The Road of Kings #1 / December 15th
Star Wars Legacy War #1 / December 15th
Ultimate Comics Doom #1 / December 22nd
The Guild: Vork / December 22nd
Robert E. Howard’s Savage Sword #1 / December 22nd
Axe Cop Vol 1 / December 22nd
Hitman Vol 3 TP / December 22nd
John Byrne’s Next Men #1 / December
Transformers Vol 2 International Incident TP / December
Mystery Society Vol 1 TP / December
Reid Fleming: World’s Toughest Milkman Vol 1 TP / December
Incorruptible Vol 3 TP / December
Irredeemable Vol 5 TP / December
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #1 / December
The Sixth Gun Vol 1 TP / December

Star Wars Legacy Vol 10 TP / January 5th
Weird Worlds #1 / January 5th
Batman Beyond #1 / January 5th
The Walking Dead Weekly #1 / January 5th
Ultimate Comics Captain America #1 / January 5th
Daredevil Reborn #1 / January 5th
Millar & McNiven’s Nemesis HC / January 12th
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis Vol 1 HC / January 12th
Brody’s Ghost Book 2 / January 12th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales HC / January 19th
Memoir #1 / January 19th
Young Justice #1 / January 19th
Mass Effect: Evolution #1 / January 19th
Secret Avengers Vol 1 HC / January 19th
Agatha H & The Airship City: A Girl Genius Novel / January 26th
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis Vol 1 HC / January 26th
The New York Five #1 / January 26th
Star Wars Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1 / January 26th
Infestation #1 / January
Doctor Who #1 / January
Dark Sun #1 / January
Transformers: The IDW Collection Vol 3 HC / January
Freakangels Vol 5 TP / January

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne HC / February 2nd
Finder: Voice/ February 16th

New Games for October 11 – October 24, 2010


Monsterpocalypse Two Player Battle Box
Unleash Power on an Unimaginable Scale! Take control of a giant monster and its horde of minions and fight for control of your turf. Stomp the competition to dust as you slam, smash, blast, and brawl your way to victory in the biggest battle ever to hit your table! The Monsterpocalypse Two-Player Battle Box contains everything two players need to play, including full forces for two random factions! Contents include four monster figures, 26 unit figures, six buildings, two sets of specialty dice, two monster health trackers, a double-sided city map, a rulebook, and a quick-start rules sheet.

Power Struggle
The world of corporations is ruthless! Battle your way to the top of the corporate ladder through hard work and bribery in Power Struggle! But, beware of your hated rivals, who are also fighting to reach the post of chairman!

SmileyFace is a card game of face-to-face family fun for four to eight players. Over seven short rounds, each player tries to collect the highest total “face value” of emoticons cards of a single type. This clever family game by designers Bruno Faidutti and Gwena’l Bouquin, featuring hilarious art by Antonio Dessi and Ben Prenvost, includes 82 cards with dozens of quirky and colorful characters based on popular emoticons.

Cadwallon City of Thieves
Get ready for a deviously fun battle for treasure! Good fortune in the Guild of Thieves is a double-edged sword that cuts to the bone; other thieves will want your loot, and they have no qualms about drawing your blood to get it! The result is a fast and furious brawl for control of the best treasures in the city! Cadwallon: City of Thieves is a fast-paced board game of cunning thievery and ruthless skullduggery in a fantasy city steeped in magic and intrigue, where players each control their own gang of four thieves, competing to amass the greatest haul of loot from the many carefully locked chests scattered about the board.

Talisman Sacred Pool Expansion
Providing a fountain of new possibilities, The Sacred Pool introduces new ways to experience the magic and adventure of Talisman with four all-new characters, over 70 new Adventure cards, Neutral Alignment cards, Quest Rewards, and the addition of Alternate Endings.


Warhammer Fantasy Signs of Faith
The Old World is a place of unending war and strife. The legions of Chaos threaten to demolish all bastions of civilization while spreading their corruption and heresy across the land. The Four Ruinous Powers continue to gather worshippers among the nobles and commonfolk alike, allowing them to spread their dark designs from within the Empire. Amidst this gathering darkness burns a light of hope that slowly gains strength, lit by those who follow the signs of faith. This supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay introduces valuable background information on the Cults of the Empire as well as insights on the Ruinous Power Nurgle, the Plaguefather.

Battletech Technical Readout 3085
BattleTech Technical Readout: 3085 gives a detailed look at the machines introduced during the waning days of the Jihad and into the founding days of Devlin Stone’s Republic of the Sphere. This sourcebook includes the latest ‘Mechs, battle armor, aerospace, and vehicles, as well as new late-Jihad support vehicles and the long-awaited update of Technical Readout: Project Phoenix, featuring brand-new art and additional variants.

Umlut: Game of Metal
Heavy Metal. The very name itself drips with power, testosterone, and hairspray. Warriors on the stage of history, wielding their axes and mics as they do battle for glory! Long of hair and tight of pants, join the ranks of Metal in your quest for babes, booze, and glory in Umlaut: Game of Metal, a competitive storytelling game where players create and control the rise (or fall) of their own Heavy Metal band. Simple mechanics let you chart their career as they rehearse, play gigs, fight among themselves, and pull crazy publicity stunts in their quest to Make It Big and hunt down an elusive record contract.

Dead of Night 2nd Ed
Dead of Night is the roleplaying game of campfire tales, slasher movies, and b-movie horror. It is a game of screaming victims, unstoppable killers, and slavering monsters, where the horror movie clichŽs flow thicker than blood and the only victory is survival!

Zombies Hunter’s Guide
The dead have always stalked the dark corners of the earth. Since World War II, the number of zombie outbreaks has increased every year, while governments desperately try to cover up the facts. Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide contains all of the information necessary to recognize and combat this growing threat. Beginning with an explanation of the historical origins of zombies, it follows their history straight through to the threat they pose to the world today.

New Games for September 27 – October 10, 2010


Magic: The Gathering Scars of Mirrodin
The Corrosion Begins! Scars of Mirrodin heralds the latest expansion block for Magic:The Gathering.

Art of A Song of Ice and Fire V1
From the sands of Dorne to the frozen north, Westeros is a realm of picturesque landscapes, immense strongholds, and captivating characters. Since its debut, George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series has left these images indelibly imprinted in the minds of millions of readers. Now, some of the finest fantasy artists in the world have come together to offer their take on this rich and vibrant setting. Serving as a reprint of an earlier edition, The Art of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice & Fire, Volume 1 features almost 200 pages of scenes, characters, and landscapes from the novels, as well as a foreword written by George R.R. Martin himself.

An evil wizard has placed the Great Dragon, the protector of the realm, into a stony slumber, its fiery breath locked away in a ruby jewel called the Dragonheart. With the land’s guardian imprisoned, trolls and fire dragons run amuck, barely held in check by brave knights and canny huntresses. If you can bring order to these factions before your opponent does, you’ll control the fate the Great Dragon… and the realm itself!

Hotel Samoa
Samoa. A popular vacation resort, where groups of tourists arrive every week. The hotel owners’ only care is to give these tourists the stay of their life – and, of course, to rid them of as much money as possible!

Betrayal at House on the Hill
The creak of footsteps on the stairs, the smell of something foul and dead, the feel of something crawling down your back this and more can be found in the exciting refresh of the Avalon Hill favorite Betrayal at House on the Hill. This fun and suspenseful game is a new experience almost every time you play, as you and your friends explore that creepy old place on the hill until enough mystic misadventures happen that one of the players turns on all of the others! Designed for 3-6 players aged 12 and up, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, a different lay-out with every game, and enough chills to freeze the heart of any horror fan. Betrayal at House on the Hill puts you face-to-face with legendary monsters, modern nightmares… and your friends!

Hansa Teutonica
In Hansa Teutonica, players attempt to increase their standing as merchants in the Hanseatic League by gaining prestige points by establishing networks and trade routes, bartering, and developing markets

LNE Invasion Outer Space – Martian Game
It is the early 1950’s, the dawn of the Atomic Age, and mankind is on the brink of setting out to explore the new frontier of space. But what they don’t know is that space has already come to them! In a small field near a traveling carnival just outside of a sleepy rural town in middle America, the first Martian Saucers begin to land – the vanguard to a massive alien armada. The Invasion has begun! In this fast-paced, modular game of fiendish Martians, Big Top Heroes, and SciFi Movie Action, players take on the role of either Carnival Heroes, using their special talents and working together to fight off the Martian Invasion; or as the invaders themselves, waves of Martian Soldiers and Flying Saucers, blasting Humans with Ray Guns and unleashing their vile alien technologies upon the Earth. Invasion From Outer Space is fully compatible with Last Night on Earth, and can be combined to form a massive game with up to three independent factions (Heroes, Zombies, and Martians).

Dominion Prosperity Expansion
Ah, money. There’s nothing like the sound of coins clinking in your hands. Life has been good to you. Just ten years ago, you were tilling your own fields in a simple straw hat. Today, your kingdom stretches from sea to sea, and your straw hat is the largest the world has ever known. You also have the world’s smallest dog, and a life-size statue of yourself made out of baklava. Sure, money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy envy, anger, and also this kind of blank feeling. You still have problems – troublesome neighbors that must be conquered. But this time, you’ll conquer them in style! The Prosperity expansion adds 25 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, plus two new Basic cards that let players keep building up past Gold and Province, and treasures with abilities, cards that interact with treasures, and powerful expensive cards.

The Farming Game – Card Game
In this portable, card-game adaptation of the International award-winning board game, players harvest crops while dodging droughts, uncertain markets, and insects. Buy land, cattle, wheel and deal in your quest to build the best farm in the county! A truly rewarding time that entertains, teaches, and is just plain fun!


D&D Essentials Dungeon Masters Kit
This deluxe box contains awesome tools, rules, and adventure content for every Dungeon Master, including a 96-page book of rules and advice for Dungeon Masters, 32-page monster book, two 32-page adventures, three sheets of die-cut monster tokens, two double-sided battle maps, and a fold-out Dungeon Master’s screen.

Gamma World RPG Box
Earth. After the apocalypse. Never mind the radiation – you’re gonna like it here! The D&D Gamma World Roleplaying Game offers hours of rollicking entertainment in a savage land of adventure, where the survivors of some mythical future disaster must contend with radioactive wastes, ravaged cities, and rampant lawlessness. Utilizing the 4th Edition D&D Roleplaying Game system as its foundation, this complete, stand-alone roleplaying game comes with a 160-page book with rules for character creation, game rules, and an adventure, two sheets of die-cut character and monster tokens, two double-sided battle maps, cardstock character sheets and mutation power cards, a Mutation power card deck, and a Loot power card deck.

Deadlands Marshals Handbook
This setting book for Deadlands Reloaded includes expanded Setting Rules for the Marshal’s eyes only, the lowdown on all the strange locales of the Weird West, more creepy critters than you can throw a tomahawk at, and everything a Marshal needs to keep the Reckoning rolling.

Pathfinder Complete Character Folio
This character folio features 12 pages that cover your Pathfinder RPG character in depth and in detail, with all the basics – Abilities, Saves, Attacks, and Defenses – including Hero Points from the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. Also featured is a full page for Skills; a background page, including room for titles, family, and contacts; Feats, Class, and Racial Features, and Traits; Possessions – gear slots, plus space for containers and conveyances; well-organized Spellcasting pages that help track magic use; Mini-Character sheets for Cohorts, Followers, Mounts, Familiar, Eidolon, or augmented summoned creatures you call upon regularly; an Advancement page to log your progress as you level, or plan ahead; extra pages for note-keeping; plus two pockets to hold maps, watch lists, treasure lists, and other notes.

Upcoming Comics October 2010 – January 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Star Wars Knight Errant #1 / October 13th
Carnage #1 / October 13th
Knight & Squire #1 / October 13th
Luthor HC / October 20th
Avengers vs Pet Avengers #1 / October 20th
Beasts of Burden & Hellboy One-Shot / October 27th
Superman Earth One Vol 1 HC / October 27th
Parker: The Outfit HC / October
Spike #1 / October
Silent Hill: Past Life #1 / October
The Rocketeer Complete Deluxe Edition New Printing / October
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard HC / October
Stan Lee’s Soldier Zero #1 / October
Warlord of Mars #1 / October
Yo Gabba Gabba!: Comic Book Time! HC / October
Joe Madureira Presents The Art of Darksiders / October
Mouse Guard: The Black Axe #1 / October

Batman & Robin Vol 2 HC / November 3rd
Batman: Battle for the Cowl TP / November 3rd
Green Lantern: Agent Orange TP / November 3rd
Batman, Inc. #1 / November 3rd
Superboy #1 / November 3rd
Astonishing Thor #1 / November 3rd
Osborn #1 / November 3rd
Captain America: Man Out of Time #1 / November 3rd
Warriors Three #1 / November 3rd
Thunderstrike #1 / November 3rd
Generation Hope #1 / November 3rd
Assassin’s Creed: The Fall #1 / November 10th
The All-New Batman The Brave and the Bold #1 / November 10th
Battle Chasers Anthology HC / November 10th
Chew Vol 3: Just Desserts TP / November 10th
Batman The Dark Knight #1 / November 24th
Batwoman #0 / November 24th
Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale / November 24th
The Walking Dead Vol 13 TP / November 24th
Dungeons & Dragons #1 / November
GI Joe Cobra Vol 2 TP / November
George R.R. Martin’s Doorways #1 / November
Deadspace: Salvage TP / November
Darkwing Duck Vol 1 The Duck Knight Returns TP / November
XKCD Vol 0 TP / November
Atomic Robo and the Deadly Art of Science #1 / November

Brightest Day Vol 1 HC / December 1st
Planetary Book 4 TP / December 1st
Fables Vol 14 TP / December 1st
Santa Claus vs. The Martians #1 / December 1st
Heroes for Hire #1 / December 1st
Wolverine The Best There Is #1 / December 1st
Black Panther The Man Without Fear #513 / December 8th
The Guild TP / December 8th
Sweet Tooth Vol 2 TP / December 8th
Batman The Widening Gyre HC / December 8th
Conan The Road of Kings #1 / December 15th
Star Wars Legacy War #1 / December 15th
Ultimate Comics Doom #1 / December 22nd
The Guild: Vork / December 22nd
Robert E. Howard’s Savage Sword #1 / December 22nd
Axe Cop Vol 1 / December 22nd
Hitman Vol 3 TP / December 22nd
John Byrne’s Next Men #1 / December
Transformers Vol 2 International Incident TP / December
Mystery Society Vol 1 TP / December
Reid Fleming: World’s Toughest Milkman Vol 1 TP / December
Incorruptible Vol 3 TP / December
Irredeemable Vol 5 TP / December
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers #1 / December
The Sixth Gun Vol 1 TP / December

Star Wars Legacy Vol 10 TP / January 5th
Brody’s Ghost Book 2 / January 12th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales HC / January 19th
Michael Moorcock’s Elric of Melnibone Vol 1 TP / January 26th

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne HC / February 2nd
Finder: Voice/ February 16th

Upcoming Games October – December 2010

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Heroclix Brightest Day Action Pack (October 10th)
Munchkin Booty Fish and Ships
Munchkin Santa’s Revenge
Savage Worlds Space 1889 – Red Sands
Cthulhu Plush Cell Phone Holder
Heroclix Arkham Asylum Escape! Mega Pack
Small World Be Not Afraid Expansion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K
Talisman The Sacred Pool Expansion

D&D Essentials: Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms (November 5th)
D&D Essentials: Monster Vault Box (November 5th)
D&D Miniatures Beholder Collector’s Set (November 16th)
D&D Wrath of Ashardalon Boardgame (November 16th)
MTG Premium Decks – Fire & Lightning (November 18th)
Battle Cry Boardgame (November 23rd)
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 (November 24th)
Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook
Munchkin Reloaded!
Star Munchkin Space Ships
Hack/Slash The Card Game
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Creatures Guide & Creatures Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master’s Guide & Game Master’s Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Player’s Guide & Player’s Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Signs of Faith
Gamemastery Condition Cards

DC Heroclix 75th Anniversary Boosters (December 1st)
D&D Dungeon Tiles Master Set – Wilderness (December 10th)
Gamma World: Famine in Far-Go Box (December 21st)
GURPS Low-Tech

Late Games – Due sometime in 2010
Thunderstone: Doomgate Legions
Cthulhu Dice Bag
Frag Gold Edition: FTW Expansion
Munchkin Go Up A Level Expansion
Munchkin Quest Portal Kombat
Exalted Glories of the Most High
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion

Gamma World Game Day – October 23, 2010!

Our Gamma World Game Day will run from 12:45 – 4:30 on Saturday, October 23rd!

Sign up for our Gamma World Game Day by sending us an email or telling us you want to sign up next time you’re in the store! To play, you’ll need to pick up 2 Gamma World Booster packs, but we’ll be selling them at 50% off to everyone participating, which means it’ll only cost you $3.99 for two packs.

Experience the return of an old classic in a new play experience using the D&D 4th Edition rules engine! The D&D Gamma World game is a fast, furious romp through a post-apocalyptic Earth where mutant heroes face-off against killer robots, alien weirdness, and strange irradiated creatures. Gamma World Game Day features an exclusive 4-hour adventure called Trouble in Freesboro, written by Robert Schwalb, which includes an online feature to the game that if accessed during game play can provide the players with a valuable clue. The game day kit also contains 2 different D&D Gamma World cards, available nowhere else, and awarded to players and DMs just for participating! More details on the adventure are below.

Gamma World Game Day: Trouble in Freesboro
It’s shocking how the Big Mistake completely obliterated some places while others got by relatively unscathed. Freesboro falls into the latter camp, but if Genghis Tangh has his way, life will never be the same for the mutants of Gamma Terra. Delve into the origins of the Big Mistake as you take on Tangh and his forces! Pick up a D&D Gamma World Boxed Set, a few booster packs of power cards, and create your own characters in an exciting new Game Day experience! A D&D Gamma World Game Day adventure designed for 4-6 characters of 1st level.

To sign up for our Gamma World Game Day, just send us an email or tell us next time you’re in the shop!