New Games for January 1-9, 2011


Battlestar Galactica Exodus Expansion
The Exodus is nigh! Prepare yourselves! The Exodus expansion introduces three new options to include in your Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game. Give your viper pilots a greater challenge by incorporating the new Cylon Fleet game board with the CAG Title Card and the Viper Mark VII models to keep pressure on the white-knuckle space combat. Plus, add an element of danger when looking at other players’ Loyalty Cards with the Conflicted Loyalties option, and encounter the conflicting personalities aboard the Galactica with the Ionian Nebula option.

Space Alert The New Frontier Expansion
Do you think your team of space pioneers is already experienced enough? Even the most dangerous of enemies don’t scare you anymore? Explore The New Frontier, featuring several new expansions for Space Alert that can be used individually or in combination to provide variety, challenge, and new modes of play for experienced teams.


Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2
A good Game Master never has enough monsters, and a good player always has time to kill a few more! Go beyond goblins with an army of fantasys most fearsome foes! Bestiary 2 presents hundreds of different creatures for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this collection of creatures you’ll find undead dragons and mischievous gremlins, shrieking banshees and unstoppable titans, the infamous jabberwock, and so much more! Yet not all of these monsters need to be foes, as new breeds of otherworldly guardians, living shadows, and vampires all might take up adventures call. In addition, new rules for customizing and advancing monsters and an expanded glossary of creature abilities ensure that you’ll be prepared to challenge your heroes wherever adventure takes them!

Pathfinder Chronicles Lords of Chaos
The howling madness of the Abyss lurches to terrible life in Book of the Damned Volume 2, Lords of Chaos, a harrowing look at the primordial nature of evil. Lords of Chaos promises dark delights invaluable to any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign, including detailed discussions of the 10 most important Abyssal realms and their fiendish rulers; expanded information on two-dozen lesser demon lords and their nightmarish realms; detailed ecologies of major known demon types; a complete history of the Abyss and the unspeakable creatures who dwelled there before the advent of gods and demons; plus several new demons and Abyssal monsters, demonic spells, magic items, and more.

Pathfinder Module Godsmouth Heresy
The priests of Pharasma in the strange city of Kaer Maga have long sold plots in their ossuary to those rich enough to afford them a place of honor and stature for one’s bones to lie after death. Yet now, this mausoleum has become full, and it is time to break into a new and unexplored wing of the dungeons under Kaer Maga to create more room. To a band of fledgling heroes, eager to make names for themselves, this represents a singular opportunity, a chance to explore a heretofore sealed section of the Godsmouth Ossuary and perhaps make a fair amount of gold on the side. The only catch is that they’ll need to survive what strange and ancient mysteries lie within! An urban and dungeon adventure for 1st-level characters.

Warhammer Fantasy Creatures Guide
The Old World is filled with all manner of unsavory beasts, villains, and monsters. Now, armed with the Creature Guide, Game Masters will be able to bring these adversaries to life in their Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay adventures! The Creature Guide features over a hundred pages of information on the denizens of the Old World, including dozens of new enemies complete with guidelines for using them in play and adventure seeds to weave into your campaigns.

Warhammer Fantasy Creatures Vault
Unleash the creatures of the Old World! Complementing the information found in the Creature Guide, the Creature Vault introduces a new full-color card format for creatures in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay that features all the key stats and information for enemy encounters, making it easier for GMs to reference information on the fly. The Creature Vault contains over 100 stat cards for dozens of new creatures, new Monster Party Sheets, and 50 full-color standups to use for encounters.

D&D Caverns/Icewind Dale Dungeon Tiles
Caverns of Icewind Dale contains six double-sided sheets of illustrated, ready-to-use, configurable die-cut terrain tiles with which to build icy caves, winter backdrops, and other exciting encounter locations.

Upcoming Games January – March 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Gamemastery Condition Cards (January 15th)
Give Me The Brain!
Mansions of Madness Boardgame

Thunderstone: Doomgate Dragonspire
Pirate Fluxx
D&D Fortune Cards: Aspects of Fate
D&D Class Compendium Heroes of Sword & Spell
D&D Deluxe DM Screen
D&D Gazetteer The Nentir Vale
MTG: Mirrodin Besieged
Ticket to Ride: Alvin & Dexter
World of Warcraft TCG: Assault on Icecrown Citadel

GURPS Mass Combat
Munchkin 7 Cheat With Both Hands
Munchkin Monster Enhancers
D&D Player’s Option: Heroes of Shadow
Heroclix: Giant-Sized X-Men

Late Games – Due sometime in 2011
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K
Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook

Upcoming Comics January – March 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Mass Effect: Evolution #1 / January 19th
Secret Avengers Vol 1 HC / January 19th
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis Vol 1 HC / January 26th
The New York Five #1 / January 26th
Star Wars Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1 / January 26th
Infestation #1 / January
Doctor Who #1 (featuring the 11th Doctor!) / January
Dark Sun #1 / January
Transformers: The IDW Collection Vol 3 HC / January
Freakangels Vol 5 TP / January

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne HC / February 2nd
DC Universe Online #1 / February 2nd
Iron Man 2.0 #1 / February 9th
Onslaught #1 / February 2nd
Silver Surfer #1 / February 2nd
Power Man & Iron Fist #1 / February 9th
Takio HC (All-ages superheroes by the Powers team!) / February 9th
Shadowland Premiere HC / February 9th
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Trial By Fire TP / February 9th
Cinderella Fables Are Forever #1 / February 9th
Hack/Slash #1 / February 9th
Deus Ex #1 / February 9th
Finder: Voice/ February 16th
Young Justice #1 / February 16th
Morning Glories Vol 1 TP / February 16th
King Conan The Scarlet Citadel #1 / February 23rd
Batwoman #1 / February 23rd
Star Trek: Infestation #1 / February
Transformers: Infestation #1 / February
True Blood Vol 1 TP / February
Jericho Redux & #4 / February
D&D Classics: Forgotten Realms Vol 1 TP / February
Love & Capes: Ever After #1 / February
Black Dynamite: Slave Island GN / February
SpongeBob Comics #1 / February
Garth Ennis’ Jennifer Blood #1 / February
Bone: Quest for the Spark Vol 1 / February
Stumptown Vol 1 HC / February
Abyss: Family Issues #1 / February
Owly & Wormy: Friends All Aflutter! HC / February

Batman Beyond TP / March 2nd
Hellblazer Vol. 1: Original Sins TP / March 2nd
Venom #1 / March 2nd
5 Ronin #1 / March 2nd
Ruse #1 / March 2nd
Annihilators #1 / March 2nd
Sigil #1 / March 9th
iZombie Vol 1 TP / March 16th
The Guild: Tink / March 16th
Xombi #1 / March 16th
Fear Itself Prologue / March 16th
FF #1 / March 23rd
The Unwritten Vol 3 TP / March 23rd
Dollhouse Epitaths / March 30th
Godzilla: Monster World #1 / March
Ghostbusters: Infestation #1 / March
G.I. Joe: Infestation #1 / March
Transformers: Heart of Darkness #1 (by Abnett & Lanning!) / March
Suicide Girls #1 / March
Dragon Age Vol 1 TP / March
Caligula #1 / March
Hellraiser #1 / March

Fables Vol 15 TP / April 6th
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja: Night Powers TP / April 20th
Transmetropolitan Vol 9 TP / April 20th

Batman and Robin Vol 3 HC / May 11th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lunchbox / May 25th
American Vampire Vol 2 HC / May 25th

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne Action Figures / June 1st
Blackest Night: Red Lantern Power Battery & Ring Set / June 8th

New Games for December 20-26, 2010


Agricola Gamer Deck Expansion
This 120-card expansion was developed by gamers from the Agricola online community.

Killer Bunnies Quest Chocolate Deck
It’s incredible (but not edible), the Chocolate Booster Deck adds 55 new cards to your existing Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot set, including the bizarre antics of the Omega Series cards, the Arrow Kite mechanic of the Psi Series cards, and the literary parodies of the Nu Series cards.

Thunderstone Doomgate Legion
The second expansion to Thunderstone, Doomgate Legions introduces the Cult of the Doomgate, who have guarded the Stone of Avarice for centuries. This cult, along with a sect of evil druids and other all-new monsters await your heroes as they race to secure the third Thunderstone!

In this Euro-style game focusing on the rise of Hamburg and the merchant trade during the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648, different nations offer contracts to the players to make certain they have a steady supply of goods. Be at the right place at the right time to collect and deliver!


Warhammer Fantasy Player’s Guide
Introducing a new format for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, the Player’s Guide contains all the essential information players need to start playing in one hardcover book. With compiled charts for reference, updated examples of play, and lists of all the careers, actions, spells, blessings, and abilities, the Player’s Guide is a great way to begin your adventures in the Old World.

Warhammer Fantasy Player’s Vault
Unlock the vault and discover adventure! The Player’s Vault features important player character tools for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, including all the key player components from the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core Set. Chock full of valuable resources, such as tokens, standups, career sheets, talent cards, action cards, party sheets, and character sheets, the Player’s Vault is the perfect way to enhance and expand your Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay experience.

Warhammer Fantasy Game Master’s Guide
Craft your own grim and perilous adventures! From game rules to critical wounds, insanities, and miscasts, the Game Master’s Guide features easy-to-reference rules, charts, and appendices compiled from the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core Set. In addition, the Game Master’s Guide includes the rules for corruption and mutation from the Winds of Magic, as well as the rules for disease from Signs of Faith, complete with an introductory adventure, “An Eye for an Eye.”

Warhammer Fantasy Game Master’s Vault
With complete decks of critical wound, insanity, and miscast cards, as well as location and status condition cards and an extra set of basic actions, the Game Master’s Vault gathers everything a GM could need during their campaigns. Also included are the components needed to run the “Eye for an Eye” adventure from the Game Master’s Guide, as well as a set of 12 custom dice.

Dark Heresy Blood of Martyrs
Burn with the fire of faith! Expand your Dark Heresy experience with Blood of Martyrs, an invaluable tome for all those faithful to the Ecclesiarchy. This sourcebook contains new rules, backgrounds, alternate careers, and equipment for playing servants of the Adeptus Ministorum, the church of the God-Emperor of Mankind, as well as a detailed history of the Ecclesiarchy and the Sisters of Battle.

Rogue Trader Frozen Reaches
The Frozen Reaches throws the Explorers before an impending Ork invasion as they work to save the planet of Damaris. But first, they will need to organize squabbling factions and establish a united front. This is no easy task, as powerful forces are working against them from the shadows in this new adventure for Rogue Trader.

New Games for December 1 – December 12, 2010


Battle Cry
Ready the Cannon! Fix Bayonets! Prepare to Charge! Civil War is now upon us, and you must take the field as the leader of the Union or the Confederate forces. Command your generals and direct your infantry, cavalry, and artillery in 30 different scenarios that feature the terrain and troop deployment of each historical battle – from the First Bull Run and Wilson’s Creek to Prairie Grove and Gettysburg. History may have been written, but in Battle Cry, the outcome of each battle is up to you. With your strategy and tactics, you can turn the tide to carry Old Glory or Dixie to victory!

Resident Evil Deck Building Game
In Resident Evil, a deadly virus has caused the dead to rise and infect any living thing they encounter! Fleeing to a mysterious mansion, you must gather any materials you can find to protect yourself and fight for your survival against a legion of infected beings! How will you survive the zombie outbreak? In the Resident Evil Deck Building Game, players choose one of their favorite Resident Evil characters such as Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Albert Wesker, then build their arsenal with Weapons, Ammunition, Action, or Item cards to customize their deck and improve their ability in defeating Òthe Infected! Featuring three different game modes [Story, Mercenary, and Versus], the Resident Evil Deck Building Game comes complete with 250 cards and a game manual.

7 Wonders
You are the leader of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World. Gather resources, develop commercial routes, and affirm your military supremacy in your quest to build your city and erect an architectural wonder which will transcend future times!


Gamemastery Map Pack Shops
GameMastery Map Pack: Shops contains 18 full-color, 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of businesses and stores stocked with gear for the needs of every adventurer. Locations Include: Armorsmith, Weapon Dealer, Curiosity Shoppe, Scriptorium Bookseller, General Store, and Local Tavern.

Pathfinder Player Companion Inner Sea Primer
This beautiful, affordable volume of the Pathfinder Player Companion provides everything a player needs to know about the world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Short overviews of the more than 40 nations of GolarionÕs Inner Sea region will help players choose a homeland for their character, with plenty of character traits to reward players for immersing themselves in the campaign world.

Savage Worlds Space 1889 Red Sands
Space 1889: Red Sands contains everything you need to play thrilling Victorian space adventures with the Savage Worlds game system: new Edges, Hindrances, combat and construction rules for either vessels and aerial flyers, a complete system for Inventions, copious information about the various locales, races, and mysteries of the Solar System, plus dozens of Savage Tales, a bevy of alien creatures and nefarious foes, and a Plot Point campaign to take your heroes to the stars and back again.

D&D Dungeon Tiles Master Set – Wilderness
This Dungeons & Dragons Essential boxed set contains 10 double-sided sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain tiles printed on heavy cardstock featuring wilderness sites and terrain elements that Dungeon Masters can use to build exciting encounters set in the outdoors.

Gamma World Expansion Famine in Far-go
The radioactive wastelands of Earth are home to many bizarre and barbaric creatures. The apocalypse hasn’t exactly made the world a better place. It’s survival of the fittest. Time to build a new food chain! Featuring a ready-to-play adventure, this Gamma World expansion presents a menagerie of mutant creatures, all, of which, can also be pulled over and used in the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game.

Daring Tales/Sprawl Compendium
These cyberpunk, two-fisted tales take the characters into the Sprawl, where extracting corporate employees from under their employers noses, exchanging fire with the scum who inhabit the deregulated zones, whilst trying to stay alive long enough to collect your pay is the order of the day.

Upcoming Comics December 2010 – March 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Conan The Road of Kings #1 / December 15th
Star Wars Legacy War #1 / December 15th
Ultimate Comics Doom #1 / December 22nd
The Guild: Vork / December 22nd
Robert E. Howard’s Savage Sword #1 / December 22nd
Axe Cop Vol 1 / December 22nd
Hitman Vol 3 TP / December 22nd
John Byrne’s Next Men #1 / December
Mystery Society Vol 1 TP / December
Reid Fleming: World’s Toughest Milkman Vol 1 TP / December
Incorruptible Vol 3 TP / December
The Sixth Gun Vol 1 TP / December

Star Wars Legacy Vol 10 TP / January 5th
Weird Worlds #1 / January 5th
Batman Beyond #1 / January 5th
Ultimate Comics Captain America #1 / January 5th
Daredevil Reborn #1 / January 5th
Millar & McNiven’s Nemesis HC / January 12th
New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis Vol 1 HC / January 12th
Brody’s Ghost Book 2 / January 12th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales HC / January 19th
Memoir #1 / January 19th
Mass Effect: Evolution #1 / January 19th
Secret Avengers Vol 1 HC / January 19th
Agatha H & The Airship City: A Girl Genius Novel / January 26th
Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis Vol 1 HC / January 26th
The New York Five #1 / January 26th
Star Wars Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1 / January 26th
Infestation #1 / January
Doctor Who #1 (featuring the 11th Doctor!) / January
Dark Sun #1 / January
Transformers: The IDW Collection Vol 3 HC / January
Freakangels Vol 5 TP / January

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne HC / February 2nd
DC Universe Online #1 / February 2nd
Iron Man 2.0 #1 / February 9th
Onslaught #1 / February 2nd
Silver Surfer #1 / February 2nd
Power Man & Iron Fist #1 / February 9th
Takio HC (All-ages superheroes by the Powers team!) / February 9th
Shadowland Premiere HC / February 9th
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Trial By Fire TP / February 9th
Cinderella Fables Are Forever #1 / February 9th
Hack/Slash #1 / February 9th
Deus Ex #1 / February 9th
Finder: Voice/ February 16th
Young Justice #1 / February 16th
Morning Glories Vol 1 TP / February 16th
King Conan The Scarlet Citadel #1 / February 23rd
Batwoman #1 / February 23rd
Star Trek: Infestation #1 / February
Transformers: Infestation #1 / February
True Blood Vol 1 TP / February
Jericho Redux & #4 / February
D&D Classics: Forgotten Realms Vol 1 TP / February
Love & Capes: Ever After #1 / February
Black Dynamite: Slave Island GN / February
SpongeBob Comics #1 / February
Garth Ennis’ Jennifer Blood #1 / February
Bone: Quest for the Spark Vol 1 / February
Stumptown Vol 1 HC / February
Abyss: Family Issues #1 / February
Owly & Wormy: Friends All Aflutter! HC / February

Batman Beyond TP / March 2nd
Hellblazer Vol. 1: Original Sins TP / March 2nd
iZombie Vol 1 TP / March 16th
The Unwritten Vol 3 TP / March 23rd

Upcoming Games December 2010 – February 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

DC Heroclix 75th Anniversary Boosters (December 15th)
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 (December 15th)
Save Doctor Lucky (December 15th)
Thunderstone: Doomgate Legions (December 20th)
The Hobbit Boardgame
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Creatures Guide & Creatures Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master’s Guide & Game Master’s Vault
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Player’s Guide & Player’s Vault
Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook
Munchkin Reloaded!
Hack/Slash The Card Game

Gamemastery Condition Cards (January 15th)
Give Me The Brain!
Mansions of Madness Boardgame
Battlestar Galactica Boardgame – Exodus Expansion
Rogue Trader RPG: Frozen Reaches
Agricola: Tannenbaum Deck

Thunderstone: Doomgate Dragonspire
Pirate Fluxx
D&D Fortune Cards: Aspects of Fate
D&D Class Compendium Heroes of Sword & Spell
D&D Deluxe DM Screen
D&D Gazetteer The Nentir Vale
MTG: Mirrodin Besieged

Late Games – Due sometime in 2011
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K

New Games for November 15 – November 28, 2010


Featuring an innovative, new design by Kevin Wilson (Arkham Horror, Descent)! Before you lies a vast bounty of land, ripe for the plucking. Your meager beginnings will influence the paths you must take. Lead your people well and they will take you to infinite heights of greatness. If civilization manages to endure the ages, your name will hang in every whisper of its legacy! Will you lead the greatest army in the world to conquer your foes? Or will you be the first to journey to the stars, becoming the most technologically advanced civilization known to man? The choice is yours in Sid MeierÕs Civilization: The Board Game! Forge an empire to stand the test of time using innovative game mechanics with multiple paths to victory.

MTG Premium Deck Fire/Lightning
Baked or fried? You choose how to burn down your opponents with this powerful, 60-card, all-foil deck. It contains famous flames, bolts, and beats from across Magic history, including several never-before-released in foil! Blaze your path to victory and serve your foes well done! Each Premium Deck contains a 60-card premium foil deck, an exclusive Spindown Life Counter, a Foil Deck Box, a Strategy Insert, and a Magic “Learn to Play” Guide.

Memoir ’44 Winter Wars Expansion
This Memoir ’44 expansion packs everything a soldier needs to fight through the bitter cold battles of the Ardennes Offensive during Christmas 1944. Winter Wars includes: 88 winter terrain tiles; 20 Winter Combat cards and 80 new Command cards designed specifically for Breakthrough battles; new Winter Combat rules; and new Troop badges, including the all-new Tank Destroyer and Heavy Anti-Tank Gun units, and Late War model versions of an Anti-Tank Gun, Mortar, and Machine Gun. The first six scenarios are standard scenarios, playable with a single base game and this expansion, while the other four scenarios are gigantic Breakthrough renditions of the Battle of the Bulge. These scenarios require the Eastern Front expansion and Breakthrough kit of board maps to play.

Revolution – The Palace Expansion
Welcome to The Palace! In Revolution!, three or four players matched wits. Now, with The Palace, up to six can join the bribing, blackmailing, and backstabbing! Also included are six new bidding boards, adding four new characters (The Viceroy, The Messenger, The Mayor, and The Constable).

Munchkin Booty Fish/Ships
Munchkin Booty introduced two new mechanics to the Munchkin line: Ships and Sharks. With two new Sharks and six new Ships (plus two new Ship Enhancers), and John Kovalic’s art, this set will be a hit with all Munchkin pirates, no matter what flag they fly. Each expansion pack contains 15-cards, offered in 10-count displays.

Settlers of Catan Goodies
Catanimals! Each of these fun, fluff-filled Goodies, including Wood, Sheep, Brick, Ore and Wheat, is ready to spread sunshine and smiles upon any Settlers of Catan game experience.


D&D Beholder Collectors Set
This limited edition collector’s set contains four Beholder miniatures packaged in a display case – three, of which, are brand-new Beholder species that haven’t been released in any previous sets

Torn Asunder Critical Hits
Don’t just beat your opponents into submission – tear them limb from limb! Torn Asunder: Critical Hits provides a complete and comprehensive system for critical hits in any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Critical hits are real hits – disabling function, mangling body parts, and leaving real wounds behind that have lasting effects. Torn Asunder pulls no punches; it provides a realistic and effective injury system for the Pathfinder RPG covering all creatures, anatomies, and body types. Included as well are rules for natural healing, scarification, and herbal treatments

Deathwatch Emperor Protects
Defend the Imperium against its greatest foes! The Emperor Protects contains three separate adventures for the Deathwatch roleplaying game – The Price of Hubris, A Stony Sleep, and The Vigilant Sword – that present dangerous challenges for your Kill-teams.

Battletech A Time of War
It is the 31st century. Mankind has spread to the stars and spawned titanic stellar empires, each controlling hundreds of worlds across a thousand light years and beyond. Yet the sins of man have followed him from the cradle of humanity. Political machinations of feudal lords plunge whole sectors into war, while unscrupulous merchant starship captains smuggle weapons to their own factions enemies, and greedy military commanders demand tribute from worlds they’re protecting: it is a time of war. What empire will you swear allegiance to, and how will you become a legend? The fifth core rulebook in the BattleTech line, A Time of War is designed to mesh with the core rules for the BattleTech war game as described in Total Warfare and the rest of the core game series.

Daring Tales of the Space Lanes Compendium
Strap in and prepare for lift off with the first adventure compendium of Daring Tales of the Space Lanes, featuring five epic space adventures where fighting evil crimelords, dodging bounty hunters, and evading asteroids while blasting at enemy fighters is all part of a days work.

Interface Zero (Savage Worlds)
Interface Zero is a game without barriers; a setting where you can be artificially intelligent robots, vat-grown simulacrum, transgenic hybrids, or just plain old flesh and blood humans. You can jack into the world around you and program it to suit your needs, implant cyberware in your body, interface with machines, fly hover craft, golemmechs, jump bikes, and even hover tanks and Low Altitude Vehicles complete with the latest weapons and cutting edge VTOL or anti-gravity propulsion systems. Interface Zero is more than just a game setting, it is a toolbox you can use, adding or dropping whichever elements you wish to create the sci-fi game world of your dreams!

Savage Worlds War/Dead Chapter One
Where were you on the day the Earth died? An unexplained cataclysm is infecting the world. Millions are dying and rising as flesh-consuming ghouls. Entire cities are roaming graveyards, and even the countryside is overrun with creatures in search of living flesh. In this first chapter in the War of the Dead adventure series, you begin in the first days of the outbreak, trapped aboard the maiden voyage of a state-of-the-art cruise ship that quickly becomes a floating graveyard. The military can’t stop the spread of the infection, the government has relocated to the Rocky Mountains, and those remaining are banding together for survival. Can you survive in a world looking to eat you and turn you into another walking corpse?

CthulhuTech GM Reference Screen Accessory
Includes an 8.5″x44″ four-fold reference screen. The exterior is covered with lavish full-color illustrations, and the interior is filled with important game rules, the kind players use every time they play, making games flow faster. Includes six double-sided, full-color cardstock quick reference cards designed to bring players the images and page references of all the mecha and monsters released to date, as well as ritual spells and para-psychic powers.

Black Friday Raffle Winners

Here is the list of raffle winners for our Black Friday give-away! If you have a ticket with one of these numbers, bring it into the store to claim your prize!

681604 – Hellboy vol 1
681607 – Final Crisis
681610 – Batman Two Face & Scarecrow
681611 – Transformers Stormbringer
681613 – Secret Six Unhinged & Depths
681621 – Y the Last Man Vol 4
681627 – City of Heroes
681631 – Halo Uprising
681636 – City of Heroes
681640 – Aion Assault on Balaurea
681643 – 20th Century Boys Vol 1
681645 – House of Mystery Vol 2
681647 – DMZ vol 2
681655 – Aquaman the Waterbreather
681657 – Invincible Iron Man vol 1
681658 – Goon vol 7
681660 – City of Heroes
681668 – Invincible Vol 5
681670 – Thor Son of Asgard
681672 – Ghostbuster Manga
681675 – Complete Badger Vol 1
681677 – City of Heroes
681687 – Runaways Vol 1
681690 – Uncanny X-Men Divided We Stand

Any prizes not claimed by Friday, December 10th will go back into the prize pool and there will be a re-draw on Saturday, December 11th.

Black Friday Sale & Thanksgiving Hours/Comics Shipping

It’s that time of year again, and Rogues Gallery is doing our third annual Black Friday sale on Friday, November 26th, the day after Thanksgiving! All purchases in the store will earn bonus gift certificates, and a chance to win graphic novels and copy of City of Heroes: Going Rogue for PC/Mac.

From the time we open (10 AM) until the time we close (10 PM) on Friday, November 26th, any purchase you make will also earn you bonus holiday gift certificates. For every $25 you spend, you’ll get $5 on a gift certificate, and you can break those up into individual $5 gift certificates, one big gift certificate with the whole amount or any other combination you choose. So for example, if you spend $100, you’ll get $20 in our special holiday gift certificates.

This year, every $25 spent will also earn customers a ticket in the raffle that will be held on Saturday, November 27th to give away five copies of City of Heroes: Going Rogue Complete Collection for PC/Mac and a handful of graphic novels that we’ve gathered throughout the year, including volumes of DMZ, Thor, Uncanny X-Men, Invincible and more.

So come on in and get a little extra bang for your holiday-shopping buck. Or pick up something for yourself and get some bonus money to give away as gifts. But make sure and stop in for this one-day event!

Boring Rules Stuff:
Just like our regular gift certificates, these have no expiration date, and can be used for anything in the store. We’ll be using these throughout the holiday season. They cannot be used on the day of purchase, but can be used as early as Saturday, November 27th.

The amount used to calculate bonus gift certificates is the pre-tax value of merchandise (within reason – a $24.99 or $24.95 item will get you the $5 gift certificate). $5 is given for each full $25, not a fraction thereof.

We will be closed on Thursday, November 25th for Thanksgiving. In addition, we will not be holding D&D Encounters on Thanksgiving week. Instead, we will be open longer on Thursday, December 9th to provide for a double-sized Encounters session.

In addition, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, new comics will be delayed from Wednesday, December 8th to Thursday, December 9th. There will be no delay the week of Thanksgiving, comics will ship normally on Wednesday, November 24th.