New Games March 7 – March 20, 2011


In this game of siege and fortification, players take opposite sides of the battlement – one to defend the stronghold, the other to assault the castle and breach its walls.

Nuts Card Game
Squirrels. They love nuts. They’d do anything to get their hands on nuts – it’s a matter of pride to see who has the biggest and baddest nuts in the park! Grab your Nuts in this squirrely card game from the maniacal minds behind Poo: The Card Game!

Munchkin 7 Cheat with Both Hands
More Wandering Monsters! More Cheat Cards! More Super Munchkin! More Ultra Munchkin! More John Kovalic! Players love to combine their Munchkin sets – the more insane things get, the better! The ultimate party kit for Munchkin fans, Cheat With Both Hands is designed for the anything-goes games where every deck is in play and no combination is too strange! This Munchkin expansion contains 112 cards, complete with rules and a tuckbox.

Plus 6 D6 Bag o Munchkin Rainbw Dice
He Who Toys With The Most Dice… Wins! This set of 6-sided dice match the Munchkin pawns and the Munchkin Quest dice. They also match pretty rainbows, and feature the Munchkin head in place of the 1 pip.


Savage Worlds Wonderland No More
In 1865, Lewis Carroll introduced the world to the delightful nonsense of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. But what if there really was an Alice who visited Wonderland – and what if it didn’t vanish as soon as she left? Wonderland No More provides a Savage Worlds setting for adventures within a realm of fantasy and the unexpected, a madcap ride that bounces between humor and horror.

Exalted Thousand Correct Actions
This abridged version of The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier contains wisdom sufficient for the enlisted or conscripted mortal soldier, distilling the Five Elemental Wisdoms of the martial era in which it was originally recorded. This Exalted supplement contains the text of The Thousand Correct Actions to use as quotations or military advice in your Exalted chronicle, plus new and revised Charms for Dragon-Blooded characters.

Rogue Trader Battlefleet Kronus
With Battlefleet Koronus, new rules and components allow Explorers to man some of the Expanse’s most powerful warships, while rules for NPC starships and squadron operations make space combat easier to run than ever before.

Upcoming Comics March – June 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

iZombie Vol 1 TP / March 16th
The Guild: Tink / March 16th
Xombi #1 / March 16th
Fear Itself Prologue / March 16th
FF #1 / March 23rd
The Unwritten Vol 3 TP / March 23rd
Dollhouse Epitaths / March 30th
Godzilla: Monster World #1 / March
Transformers: Heart of Darkness #1 (by Abnett & Lanning!) / March
Suicide Girls #1 / March
Dragon Age Vol 1 TP / March
Caligula #1 / March
Hellraiser #1 / March

Fables Vol 15 TP / April 6th
Batwoman #1 / April 6th
Fear Itself #1 / April 6th
Herc #1 / April 6th
Dark Horse Presents #1 / April 20th
Transmetropolitan Vol 9 TP / April 20th
Super Dinosaur #1 (New from Robert Kirkman!) / April 20th
Action Comics #900 / April 27th
The Mighty Thor #1 / April 27th
GI Joe Cobra Civil War #0 / April
Doctor Who: A Fairytale Life #1 / April
Mega Man #1 / April
Planet of the Apes #1 / April
Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1 / April

DMZ Vol. 10 TP / May 4th
Astonishing Captain America #1 / May 4th
Moon Knight #1 / May 4th
Static Shock #1 / May 4th
Batman and Robin Vol 3 HC / May 11th
Batman: Arkham City #1 / May 11th
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 / May 11th
Flashpoint #1 / May 11th
Alpha Flight #0.1 / May 18th
Star Wars Jedi – The Dark Side #1 / May 18th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lunchbox / May 25th
American Vampire Vol 2 HC / May 25th
Irredeemable Vol 6 TP / May
Stan Lee’s Soldier Zero Vol 1 TP / May
Courtney Crumrin Tales #2: The League of Ordinary Gentlemen / May
The Sixth Gun Vol 2 TP / May
Rocketeer Adventures #1 / May
Cobra #1 / May
Snake Eyes #1 / May
GI Joe #1 / May
Transformers The IDW Collection Vol 4 HC / May
30 Days of Night: Night Again #1 / May
The Art of Amanda Conner / May
Terry Moore How to Draw #1: Women / May
Richie Rich #1 / May
Kung Fu Panda #1 / May
Ducktales #1 / May
Kirby: Genesis #0 / May
Total Recall #1 / May

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne Action Figures / June 1st
Blackest Night: Red Lantern Power Battery & Ring Set / June 8th
Batwoman Elegy TP / June 8th
Supernatural Noir / June 15th
Green Lantern Brightest Day HC / June 15th
We3 Deluxe Edition / June 15th
Legion Lost HC / June 15th

Hellboy Library Edition Volume 4 HC / July 6th
Avatar The Last Airbender – The Lost Adventures / July 13th

Upcoming Games March – May 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Munchkin 7 Cheat With Both Hands (March 16th)
Munchkin Monster Enhancers (March 16th)
Heroclix: Giant-Sized X-Men (March 16th)
Nightfall (March 21st)
World of Warcraft TCG War of the Elements (March 29th)
Rogue Trader RPG: Battlefleet Kronus
GURPS Mass Combat

Magic The Gathering Duel Decks Knights vs. Dragons (April 1st)
D&D Player’s Option: Heroes of Shadow (April 1st)
Doctor Who RPG: Eleventh Doctor Edition
Munchkin Zombies
Shadowrun A Fist Full of Credsticks
Shadowrun Artifacts Unbound
Lord of the Rings Card Game Core Set
Godzilla Stomp! Card Game

Pathfinder Ultimate Magic (May 4th)
Heroclix Green Lantern Fast Forces Pack (May 4th)
D&D The Shadowfell – Gloomwrought & Beyond (May 6th)
Magic The Gathering New Phyrexia of Mirrodin Pure (May 8th)
Magic The Gathering Deck Builder’s Toolkit 2011 (May 11th)
Gamemastery Chase Card Deck (May 18th)
World of Warcraft TCG Class Decks 2011 (May 25th)
Shadowrun Corporate Intrigue
Shadowrun Conspiracy Theories
Godzilla Kaiju World Wars Board Game

Late Games – Due sometime in 2011
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K

Friday Night Magic!

After many requests, we’ve been able to get everything lined up to begin running Friday Night Magic!

The official sessions will start in April, but until then, you are welcome to come out and join our casual play Magic nights from 7-10 PM! We will also be doing the pre-release for the third set in the Mirrodin block on Sunday, May 8th and we’ll begin taking sign-ups for that in April!

New Games for February 21 – March 6, 2011


Cargo Noir
Cargo Noir is a game of illicit trading in which players run “families” who traffic in smuggled goods around the world. The successful smuggler will learn to dispatch his cargo ships to the safest or richest ports, accurately judge which contraband is the hottest, and outmaneuver his competitors with an ample supply of gold – pouncing when the time is right to take the cargo he wants. Cargo Noir introduces a rich and immersive atmosphere, filled with evocative illustrations of the dark and seedy smuggling world of the 1950’s.

Thunderstone Dragonspire
A stand-alone expansion to Thunderstone, Dragonspire adds a fresh crew of new heroes, along with new spells, villagers, and weapons all ready to help your stand against the darkness. Dragonspire also includes brand-new dungeon settings, campaign rules, and an entirely new way to face Doom alone!

Mansions of Madness
Do you dare enter the Mansions of Madness? Gather your fellow investigators and unravel the dark mysteries within… before it’s too late! Based on the horror fiction of master writer H.P. Lovecraft, Mansions of Madness creates an engrossing new narrative every time you play.

Oh Gnome You Don’t
It’s a Gnome-tastic Adventure! It’s adventure time for gnomes as they travel and gather items along the forest trail. Typically cheerful and friendly, the little gnomes let greed and aggression get the best of them as they get into brawls, play tricks, and set traps to be able to grab up and trade for the most gems by the end of the game.

WOW CCG Assult Icecrown Raid Decks
This new box set provides World of Warcraft players with everything they need to play right out of the box, in a special 4-player Raid Deck configuration. For the first time players can take on the personas of three famous Heroes to do battle with the dreaded Liche King, with special Treasure cards for the winners! The set includes a custom Liche King Raid Deck, three 61-card Hero decks (Highlord Tirion Fordring, Lady Jaina Proudmoore, and Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, all three Constructed-play legal), four oversized hero cards, a Treasure Pack containing nine new foil gameplay cards, and a rulebook.

WOW CCG Icecrown Treasure Booster
Each of these 9-card foil packs contains new allies, equipment, quests, and abilities for the World of Warcraft TCG. 30 all-new gameplay cards are featured, plus new ability art, epic NPC allies, and the legendary axe Shadowmourne!


Mutants & Masterminds 3E Hero’s Handbook Core Rules
The Hero’s Handbook is the core rulebook of Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition, featuring everything you need to have your own superheroic adventures. The detailed character creation system lets you create the hero you want to play, choosing from a wide range of skills, advantages, and power effects. You can also choose from one of more than a dozen heroic archetypes, customize as you like, and be ready to play in just minutes! The streamlined system of game play requires only a single die roll and features easy-to-use rules, while the hero point system allows players to influence the flow of the story and pull off superheroic stunts in the best comic book tradition!

Earthdawn RPG Cathay Players Guide
This Earthdawn Third Edition sourcebook contains everything a player needs for adventuring in the Five Kingdoms of Cathay, including new Namegiver races, Disciplines, talents, spells, and much more.

Earthdawn RPG Cathay:Five Kingdoms GM’s Guide
For centuries, the lands of the west have been enthralled by tales about the mystical province of Cathay. Far to the East, this mysterious place has always been a symbol of intrigue and wonder. Now, the door to the East is open! From the lightning-born storm children, to the renowned Xan monks, Cathay’s secrets can finally be explored by those brave enough to venture into this troubled, war-torn realm. This Earthdawn Third Edition sourcebook contains everything a gamemaster needs for running adventures in the Five Kingdoms of Cathay.

100 Fantasy Adventure Seeds
Never run out of scenario ideas again! This supplement contains 100 generic fantasy plots for players to use with their fantasy games. Each plot consists of a premise, three twists, and an epilogue, and can be used to jumpstart individual adventures, or strung together to form the basis of a major campaign.

Battletech Record Sheets 3050
BattleTech Record Sheets: 3050 provides more than 250 filled-out record sheets for the BattleMechs, tanks, hovercraft, and VTOLs described in BattleTech Technical Readout: 3050, including variants and alternate configurations.

Labyrinth Lord Mutant Future
The sinister and sadistic bleating of spidergoats echoes in the night, a complementary chorus to the rustling of an unfortunate victim caught in their webs. In deep, dank caves to the north, corrupted humans take communion with an unspeakably evil abomination they worship as a god. Shrill cries from the fields can only mean the vomit flies are back, molesting your livestock. In short, just another day in the Mutant Future! Enter a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland filled with mutants, ruins, and radiation in Mutant Future.

New Games for February 7 – February 20, 2011


Pirate Fluxx
Yarr! Grab yer Cutlass! Pirates have taken over Fluxx, the ever-changing card game, and their rules be new and strange. There’ll be times ye must Talk Like A Pirate, and rules about how ye can Plunder from yer mates. But the most excitin’ treasure fer Fluxx fans new and old is the Surprise! a new card type that you play out of turn!

Cosmic Conflict Expansion
20 new alien races explode onto the Cosmic Encounter galaxy in In Cosmic Conflict! Cosmic Conflict also makes the Cosmos even bigger by adding another player to the game, while Cosmic Quakes shake things up, and a new variant – the hazard deck – confronts the players with dangerous and amusing events that crop up at any time!

D&D Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
A heavy shadow falls across the land, cast by a dark spire that belches smoke and oozes fiery lava. A cave mouth leads to a maze of tunnels and chambers, and deep within this monster-infested labyrinth lurks the most terrifying creature of all: a red dragon! Who will survive the perils of the Wrath of Ashardalon?

Give Me the Brain
Welcome to Friedey’s, the Fast Food Restaurant of the Damned! You and your Zombie co-workers have a lot of work to do, and there’s only one Brain to pass around. But don’t let that bother you too much. Working here doesn’t usually require it. This special edition of James Ernest’s original Fast Food card game comes in glorious full color!

From the malignant mind of Steve Jackson and the palpitating pen of John Kovalic, this mighty tome gives Munchkin players deviously cheesy Spells like United I Stand, Eldritch Cleaver, and Unnatural Compulsion to incorporate into their Munchkin and Munchkin Cthulhu games. But beware! If the owner isn’t Munchkinly enough, the Munchkinomicon will promptly slip away and find a more Munchkinly host!


Champions Villains V2 Villain Teams
Champions Villains Volume 2 covers villain teams like Eurostar, the Ultimates, and the Crimelords, as well as every other major evil organization in the Champions setting!

Pathfinder Campaign Overlay: Fantasy Firearm
Introducing firearms into a fantasy setting requires more than just gunpowder used by Orcs and Elves. Draksmoke – crafted from the burning liquid dragons secrete to make their deadly flames – adds that fantasy element to gunpowder. Few alchemists know the secret to producing true Draksmoke; and they guard it with their lives!

Leverage Role Playing Game (HC) RPG
he rich and powerful, they take what they want. You steal it back. You were bad guys, but there are worse people out there. The weak and the helpless need you. You provide… leverage. Utilizing the Cortex System, the Leverage RPG includes all the rules you need to create a team of rogues, plan a job, and get it done.

GM Condition Cards
Never miss a modifier again! With Condition Cards, it’s easy for players and GMs to keep track of the Pathfinder RPG’s most common conditions. Did the bard fascinate your party? Is your wizard invisible? Is the fighter bleeding out? Simply hand out the appropriate condition cards to have all the rules for each condition at your fingertips. This set of 52 hilariously illustrated, full-color cards allows you to play faster and more easily than ever before.

Pathfinder Chronicles Inner Sea Pstr Map Folio
This enormous 32-panel mega-map depicts the Inner Sea region of the Pathfinder world, marking thousands of towns, villages, castles, dungeons, and other intriguing locations drawn from the complete catalogue of Pathfinder offerings to date.

Pathfinder Module Cult o/t Ebon Destroyers
Too long have the secretive Vudran cultists known as the Ebon Destroyers gone unpunished for their crimes of murder and assassination. The Thakur of Jalmeray has outlawed the cult, and received in response an ultimatum: revoke the edict, or he and his family will die! The heroes must locate the Ebon Destroyers’ hidden temple headquarters, battle the cult leaders, and save the Thakur himself!

GM Flip Mat Village Square
Flip-Mat: Village Square sets the scene for a variety of rural settlement encounters, from saddling up to the local tavern bar, saying your prayers at the community shrine, or fighting your way into a conference with the village elders. As an added bonus, this Flip-Mat can be placed alongside other urban Flip-Mats to create a sprawling townscape.

New Games for January 10 – February 6, 2011


The Wheel! Pottery! Philosophy! The Internet! A civilization-building card game by the designer of Glory to Rome, Innovation contains 105 cards organized into 10 progressing ages – from the Stone Age to Modern Age – each representing a different idea, technology, or innovation throughout history. Earn achievement points by evolving and advancing your civilization through conflict and by meeting specific criteria with the innovations you have devised. But, beware! Other civilizations may benefit from your ideas as well!

Ticket to Ride Monster Expansion
Meet Alvin the Alien and Dexter the Dino – two wacky Ticket to Ride characters who stomp your opponents and zap their tickets in this fun, yet challenging expansion. Alvin & Dexter turn any destination they inhabit into a City in Chaos, blocking routes from being built there! The Alvin & Dexter Monster Expansion includes two highly-detailed monster figures, 20 Monster cards, two Bonus cards, and multi-lingual rules.

Survive Escape From Atlantis Game
An underwater volcano has erupted and the island of Atlantis is sinking into the sea! Unless the people of Atlantis escape in time, all the inhabitants are doomed! In this revised edition of the classic game of aquatic survival, players attempt to lead their people from the sinking central island of Atlantis to the safety of one of four islands nearby.

Conquest Planet Earth – Space Alien Game
Following the initial scouting invasion of the Martian Confederation, the full Alien Armada of The Overseers has arrived: a collection of dozens of different alien races all bound by a single goal – to conquer the Earth! But, Earth’s mightiest superhero, Captain Fantastic, leads the charge in humanity’s defense! Conquest of Planet Earth is a strategic game of maneuvering, backstabbing, and fantastic battles for alien conquest

MTG Mirrodin Besieged Boosters, Intro Packs & Fat Packs
The war for control of Mirrodin will be fought – on your battlefield!


Gamma World Exp Legion of Gold
The radioactive wastelands of Earth are home to many bizarre and barbaric creatures. The apocalypse hasn’t exactly made the world a better place. It’s survival of the fittest. Time to build a new food chain. This Gama World expansion contains a 160-page adventure book, complete with a menagerie of mutant creatures, plus four sheets of die-cut mutant monster tokens and a fold-out battle map.

D&D Deluxe DM Screen
This deluxe Dungeons & Dragons accessory features a four-paneled screen crafted of durable game board-quality card stock, with a lavish illustration on the outside and handy reference tables and charts on the inside.

D&D Fortune Cards Boosters
Encounter Fortune! Dungeons & Dragons Fortune Cards give characters fun, temporary, in-game benefits and brief power-ups during encounters without adding undue complexity to the D&D game. Although intended for the D&D Encounters in-store play program, Dungeons & Dragons Fortune Cards can be incorporated into any home campaign at the Dungeon Master’s discretion.

Eclipse Phase Gatecrashers
Gatecrashing introduces extrasolar exploration to the Eclipse Phase universe, enabling campaigns revolving around alien worlds and dangerous technologies. Also featured is background information on the Pandora Gate wormholes, details on 30 exoplanets, each accompanied with plot hooks, and a selection of new gear and morphs for use by gatecrashers or any Eclipse Phase character.

Pathfinder Player Companion Haflings/Golarion
From the beginning of history, halflings have lived side-by-side with humanity, living in human cities, adopting human customs, and seeing to the common needs of humans as cooks, entertainers, and menials. And now, at long last, their secrets, culture, beliefs, and lore can be revealed!

Pathfinder Chronicles Lost Cities/Golarion
The greatest treasures of the world of Golarion lie buried in the crumbling ruins of lost cities, beckoning adventurers from all the lands of the Inner Sea to rescue them or die trying! Lost Cities of Golarion presents six treasure-laden ruined settlements ready for your campaign, from the jagged, ghost-haunted Sun Temple Colony on the lost continent of Azlant to the Spires of Xin-Shalast in ruin-choked Varisia to desert-buried seats of lost pharaohs, subterranean Shangri-las, crashed sky cities of long-dead empires, and beyond. Each detailed treatment comes with a full-page map of the lost city, plenty of adventure hooks to draw your players to the action, maps of key interior locations, encounter charts, statistics for important local characters, and more!

Deathwatch Rites of Battle
A valuable handbook for Space Marines of the Deathwatch, Rites of Battle contains everything needed to prepare a Deathwatch Kill-team for any mission, including a host of new character options, vehicle rules, and access to new weapons, armor, and relics from the armories of Watch Fortress Erioch.

Warhammer Fantasy Witch’s Song
Can you resist the lure of the witch’s song? Something unnatural is stirring in the small fishing village of Fauligmere. Legends of a swamp witch are whispered among the superstitious townsfolk. And if it weren’t for the haunting voice coming from the mists of the Cursed Marshes, you might laugh at such tales. But in Fauligmere, nothing is as it seems. The Witch’s Song is a standalone adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, introducing new rules and options for hedge wizards and witch characters.

Mansions of Madness Demo/Preview on February 20th!

Rogues Gallery will be receiving a preview copy to run the newest Fantasy Flight boardgame, Mansions of Madness, on Sunday, February 20th! The demo will start at 12:30 and run for as long as the game takes, or as long as everyone is interested in playing! If there’s interest and time, we will run more than one session to make sure we accommodate everyone. No need to sign up, just show up on the day to play!

Designed by Corey Konieczka, Mansions of Madness is a macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for two to five players. Each game takes place within a pre-designed story that provides players with a unique map and several combinations of plot threads. These threads affect the monsters that investigators may encounter, the clues they need to find, and which climactic story ending they will ultimately experience. One player takes on the role of the keeper, controlling the monsters and other malicious powers within the story. The other players take on the role of investigators, searching for answers while struggling to survive with their minds intact.

Horrific monsters and spectral presences lurk in manors, crypts, schools, monasteries, and derelict buildings near Arkham, Massachusetts. Some spin dark conspiracies while others wait for hapless victims to devour or drive insane. It’s up to a handful of brave investigators to explore these cursed places and uncover the truth about the living nightmares within.

D&D Encounters Season 4 Starts on Thursday!

We’ll be starting a new season of D&D Encounters, March of the Phantom Brigade, on Thursday, February 10th! So if you’ve been wanting to jump in at the beginning, next week is your best bet! As always, game play is from 7 PM – 9 PM on Thursday nights!

If you’d like to see a general overview of Encounters, including how it works, you can find that here.

The March of the Phantom Brigade is a 13-week season that finds the characters facing off against an ancient evil in an effort to save a newly-founded frontier community from its depredations! Players who love the legacy of D&D will note the nods to classic locales, such as the Ghost Tower and Castle Inverness. But as always D&D Encounters remains a great place for new players to get their weekly D&D fix as they learn the game. Characters begin at 1st level and advance normally, so new players can just jump in with a 1st-level character and won’t feel overwhelmed. We will have pregenerated characters available if you don’t want to build your own, although we encourage you to print a character out and bring it with you. Here is the link to the new pregenerated characters.

Character creation is once again a breeze this season, with a limited number of rules options available for players to reference. Players can use Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, and rules from Dragon articles to create their characters. In addition, D&D Insider subscribers can use the Character Builder to generate a character that uses only the above rulebooks with the D&D Encounters campaign setting option.

Annual Inventory Sale Begins Tuesday, February 1st!

Our annual inventory sale will begin on Monday, February 1st! We’ll be clearing out a wide variety of graphic novels, games, miniatures, manga and other merchandise before doing our yearly inventory. The discount begins at 35%, and customers then roll 2d6 to add 2-12% onto that discount! All sales on clearance merchandise are final (no returns), and unfortunately we can’t allow anyone to put sale items on hold for later.

We’ll be closing on Tuesday, March 9th to do our inventory.