New Games April 25 – May 9, 2011


Magic: The Gathering New Phyrexia Intro Packs & Booster Packs – AVAILABLE THIS FRIDAY!
Mirrodin’s future will be forged, but by the forces of light or darkness? The victor in the struggle for Mirrodin will be revealed. Regardless of the victor, you’ll get the spoils in New Phyrexia or Mirrodin Pure, the third and concluding set in the Scars of Mirrodin Block! Available in Intro Packs, Booster Packs, Fat Packs, and Event Decks, each card in this 175-card expansion for Magic the Gathering comes with a special watermark to indicate which faction it belongs to: Phyrexian or Mirran.

WOW CCG War o/t Elements Epic Collection
The World of Warcraft TCG: War of the Elements Epic Collection includes one War of the Elements deck box, one Loot card, a War of the Elements playmat, card dividers, six War of the Elements booster packs, five foil heroes, and an Icecrown visual lore pocket guide, all packaged in a special storage box.

Yu-Gi-Oh Extreme Victory Boosters
Extreme Victory takes Synchro Monsters to their ultimate extreme, with the new T.G. (Tech Genus) monsters! T.G. Decks are specially designed to crank out Synchro Monsters at a fast and furious pace – and they can do it over, and over, and over again! But Duelists can also put the smackdown on Synchro Monsters, once and for all, with The Meklords, a vast army of hungry machines that devour Synchro Monsters and use their powers for themselves! This 100-card expansion set also includes new cards for many popular championship Decks, including Gladiator Beasts, Blackwings, Six Samurai, and more!

Awful Green Things From Space Rev Ed
This revised edition of Awful Green Things From Outer Space includes Tom’s “Outside the Znutar” rules and counters for going out the airlocks and fighting on the surface of the ship, as well as upgraded components, including a mounted gameboard and five Green Dice.

ScrumBrawl (Boxed Strategy Board Game)
The Arena beckons to the five tribes of Avenbrae, promising glory to the victors. Elite warrior-athletes of each race converge upon the games to prove their prowess in sport and battle. They await your orders, ready to test their abilities in a chaotic and brutal match of ScrumBrawl!


Mutants & Masterminds 3E GM’s Kit
The Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition Gamemaster’s Guide features everything a Gamemaster needs to set up and run a superhero-themed game – from guidelines on creating challenges and adventures to advice on designing your own setting and series. The Gamemaster’s Guide also includes guidance on creating heroes, archetypes that make building villains easy, world-building tips, and options for modifying the game to suit your group’s play style.

Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG
In the 1980s, Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone produced a series of popular, interactive fantasy novels called “gamebooks,” featuring the innovative Fighting Fantasy system. Re-written and re-released for a new generation of gamers, the Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG features revised rules, brand-new material, and original illustrations that combine to make this a classic roleplaying game for the modern age.

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Out of the Pit
Out of the Pit they come! From the darkest corners, from the deepest pools, and from dungeons thought only to exist in nightmares come the Fighting Fantasy monsters – the downfall of many a brave warrior. 250 of these loathsome creatures from the wild and dangerous worlds of Fighting Fantasy are collected here – some are old adversaries, many you have yet to meet – each of them described in minute detail.

Advanced Fighting Fantasy Titan
Titan contains everything you need to know about the world of Advanced Fighting Fantasy – covering the turbulent history, from its creation and early civilizations – through the devastating War of the Wizards – to the present-day wilderness and anarchy where the delicate balance between Good and Chaos could at any moment be overturned. Featured within are detailed descriptions and maps of Titan’s three main continents (Allansia, Kakhabad, and Khul), as well as information on all the gods, deities, and demons, and the forces – and races – of Good and Evil.

RIFTS: Thundercloud Galaxy
The history, aliens, weapons, and spacecraft of the Three Galaxies is explored in this RIFTS sourcebook designed to expand your gaming in the Megaverse.

Shadowrun Attitude
They can have their offices, their paychecks, their 2.2 kids and their robot-trimmed lawns. Screw ‘em. They trudge through life, doing what other people tell them to do, never having an original thought, burying themselves so deep down inside they might never come out. You’re not them. The world’s not giving you anything, so you’re going to take what you can get. You’re on the streets, on your own. Maybe you’re helping an orxploitation band shoot to the top, maybe you’re climbing up the street brawl ladder, or maybe you’re getting famous just for being you. Whatever you do, you’ll do it your way, because dying always beats selling out. Attitude helps shadowrunners live the untethered life by giving them the lowdown on music, entertainment, sports, and other scenes where they can make their mark without selling their soul. A repository of Sixth World culture along with a treasury of new ways to run in the shadows, Attitude is an indispensable resource for all Shadowrun players.

D&D The Shadowfell
Terror and suspense await you in the Shadowfell! The Shadowfell is a dark reflection of the natural world, a haunting plane where fear and death rule. Yet, within the gloom are countless lures for adventurers seeking fortune, glory, and more. Just don’t get caught alone at night! This boxed set presents the fully detailed city of Gloomwrought, complete with location descriptions, maps, quests, and game statistics for monsters and villains. It also provides information on other locations heroes are likely to visit beyond the city’s dark walls, and includes a 32-page book of encounters set in Gloomwrought and beyond, two card-stock sheets of die-cut monster and villain tokens, a foldout battle map, and a deck of 30 cards that DMs can use to add suspense to any Shadowfell-based adventure.

Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play Omens of War
Blood for the Blood God! Omens of War is a brutal new supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, focusing on warfare in the Old World and the daemonic power of Khorne. With new martial options for player characters such as new careers, rules for mounted combat, new fighting styles, and over 50 new Action cards, Omens of War is an invaluable resource for players. For Game Masters, Omens of War introduces the Ruinous Power Khorne, his daemonic minions, and insights into the Blood God’s desires and plans.

Crime Pays:Godfathers Grimoire (GSL)
Crime Pays: A Godfather’s Grimoire includes everything a player or DM needs to bring the grim and gritty underworld into stark focus. Form your own band of rogues, make a bid for master of thieves, and win a king’s ransom in jewels. But above all, don’t get caught!

New D&D Encounters (Dark Legacy of Evard) Begins Thursday, May 13th!

For those who have been looking for a jumping-on point into our popular ongoing D&D games, the next season of D&D Encounters starts up on Thursday, May 12th with The Dark Legacy of Evard! Designed to highlight the newest D&D products, Heroes of Shadow and Shadowfell: Gloomwrought and Beyond, players will explore the mystery behind the town of Duponde’s perilous predicament amid the menace of the Shadowfell over the course of 13 encounters. Players will earn rewards in the form of exclusive Fortune Cards!

We’ve had a lot of interest, so make sure and show up on time or even a little early to make sure you get a spot at the table! We have room for 12 people. To make room for more, we also run “second chance” sessions on Mondays, also from 7-9 PM, if Monday is a better day for your schedule!

If you’d like to see a general overview of Encounters, including how it works, you can find that here. You don’t need to bring anything to play, although dice and a pencil are recommended, and if you have the Essentials rulebooks, you are encouraged to bring those as well.

There are pregenerated characters available, but players can also use Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, Heroes of Shadow and rules from Dragon articles to create their own characters.

Please note, for those bringing young children to the game, that parents are required to play if their children under 13 are playing in the game.

Upcoming Games May – July 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Magic The Gathering New Phyrexia (May 13th)
Gamemastery Chase Card Deck (May 18th)
World of Warcraft TCG Class Decks 2011 (May 25th)
Shadowrun Corporate Intrigue
Shadowrun Conspiracy Theories
Godzilla Kaiju World Wars Board Game
Order of the Stick Adventure Game: Dungeon of Durokan Deluxe
Arkham Horror Miskatonic Horror Expansion
Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos
Dragon Age RPG Boxed Set 2
Dominion Cornucopia Expansion
Dark Heresy Daemon Hunter

Mutants & Masterminds Gamemaster’s Guide
D&D Conquest of Nerath Board Game
D&D Monster Vault – Threats to the Nentir Vale
Heroclix Captain America
Seven Dragons (New from the makers of Fluxx! Larry Elmore art!)
Warmachine: Wrath

Cliffourd The Big Red God: A Mini-Mythos Storybook
World of Warcraft TCG: Twilight of the Dragons
Villains & Vigilantes Core Rulebook
Black Crusade Warhammer 40K RPG
D&D Player’s Option Champions of the Heroic Tier
Ikusa Boardgame
Magic The Gathering: Commander
Heroclix: Hammer of Thor

Late Games – Due sometime in 2011
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K
Doctor Who RPG: Eleventh Doctor Edition
Shadowrun A Fist Full of Credsticks
Shadowrun Artifacts Unbound
Godzilla Stomp! Card Game

Upcoming Comics May – July 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Batman and Robin Vol 3 HC / May 11th
Batman: Arkham City #1 / May 11th
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 / May 11th
Flashpoint #1 / May 11th
Alpha Flight #0.1 / May 18th
Star Wars Jedi – The Dark Side #1 / May 18th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lunchbox / May 25th
American Vampire Vol 2 HC / May 25th
Irredeemable Vol 6 TP / May
Stan Lee’s Soldier Zero Vol 1 TP / May
Courtney Crumrin Tales #2: The League of Ordinary Gentlemen / May
The Sixth Gun Vol 2 TP / May
Rocketeer Adventures #1 / May
Cobra #1 / May
Snake Eyes #1 / May
GI Joe #1 / May
Transformers The IDW Collection Vol 4 HC / May
30 Days of Night: Night Again #1 / May
The Art of Amanda Conner / May
Terry Moore How to Draw #1: Women / May
Ducktales #1 / May
Kirby: Genesis #0 / May
Total Recall #1 / May

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne Action Figures / June 1st
Hellboy: The Fury #1 / June 1st
Blackest Night: Red Lantern Power Battery & Ring Set / June 8th
Batwoman Elegy TP / June 8th
Star Wars The Old Republic Lost Sons #1 / June 8th
Empowered Special #2 / June 8th
American Vampire Survival of the Fittest #1 / June 8th
Ghost Rider #0.1 / June 8th
Supernatural Noir / June 15th
Green Lantern Brightest Day HC / June 15th
We3 Deluxe Edition / June 15th
Legion Lost HC / June 15th
The Walking Dead Vol 14 TP / June 15th
Locke & Key Vol 4 HC / June
Dungeons & Dragons Vol 1: Shadowplague HC / June

Hellboy Library Edition Volume 4 HC / July 6th
The Red Wing #1 (From FF writer Jonathan Hickman!) / July 6th
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #1 / July 6th
Ultimate Fallout #1 / July 6th
Red Skull #1 / July 6th
Brilliant #1 / July 6th
Ghost Rider #1 / July 13th
Captain America #1 / July 13th
X-Men: Schism #1 / July 13th
Avatar The Last Airbender – The Lost Adventures / July 13th
Dollhouse Epitaphs #1 / July 13th
Falling Skies TP / July 13th
Daredevil #1 / July 20th
Chew Vol 4 TP / July 20th
Duke Nukem: Glorious Bastard #1 / July
Wormwood: Bingo Night in Valhalla #1 / July
Walking Dead Action Figures: Comic Series 1 / July
Rachel Rising #1 (New from Terry Moore!) / July
Sergio Aragones Funnies #1 / July
Elric: The Balance Lost #1 / July
Terminator/Robocop: Kill Human #1 / July
Atomic Robo Vol 5 The Deadly Art of Science TP / July
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1969 / July

New Games April 4 – April 24, 2011


Lord of the Rings LCG Core Set
An ancient evil stirs in the black lands of Mordor, and the people of Middle-earth speak of a terrible doom approaching from the east. The only hope lies in a heroic few who must work together to stem the tide of evil! Forge new legends in Middle-earth with The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! In this first cooperative Living Card Game, players build their decks from the four spheres of influence [Tactics, Lore, Spirit, and Leadership], selecting heroes, gathering allies, acquiring artifacts, and coordinating their efforts to face Middle-earth’s most dangerous fiends.

Dominion Big Box
This “Big Box” edition of Dominion contains the core Dominion card game, as well as the expansions, Alchemy and Prosperity, and a full-color play mat.


Gamemastery Item Cards Carrion Crown Deck
Grasp tightly your stake and holy water in the Carrion Crown Adventure Path with this chilling new assortment of 54 unique GameMastery Item Cards.

Gamemastery Map Pack Crypts
GameMastery Map Pack: Crypts contains 18 full-color, 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of tombs, mausoleums, and gravesites perfect for adding a chilling touch to any tabletop roleplaying game. Locations Include: Catacombs, Noble’s Crypt, Ghoul Warren, Soldier’s Tomb, and Defiled Tomb.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Trial o/t Beast
The Beast of Lepidstadt, a savagely cunning flesh golem, has long terrorized the simple folk of the land, murdering, robbing, and sowing carnage none can withstand. When a violent attack releases the berserker, its trail leads to the laboratory lair of a mad scientist and his blasphemous creations – crazed conspirators in the maniacal plot of the Whispering Way.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting Rule of Fear
Enter the shadow-cloaked realm of Ustalav, the seat of horror in the Pathfinder campaign setting. Here accursed counts vie for power over terror-torn lands of mystery and dark legend, endlessly plagued by terrifying creatures of the night and the eternal curses of a haunted past.

Pathfinder Player Companion Faiths of Purity
This handy guide to the good gods of the Pathfinder world covers everything a worshiper needs to know to properly venerate his deity, from the god’s background and history to the religion’s sacred rituals, taboos, and organizations. Also, new religion-specific character traits and equipment give a player’s-eye view to the value of being on the side of righteousness.

Pathfinder Module Tomb o/t Iron Medusa
Hidden in the remote southern range of the World’s Edge Mountains lies a mysterious necropolis protected by legendary guardian known as the Iron Medusa. When the last heir of the dungeon’s long-dead noble builders hires the heroes to explore the forlorn and deadly site in search of evidence that may clear his family name, the heroes soon find themselves in over their heads!

Gamemastery Flip Mat Necropolis
The corpses of fallen heroes and the spirits of the unquiet dead all end up here, in the haunted paths of the Necropolis! From the graves of common soldiers to the fine mausoleum of the noble dead, Flip-Mat: Necropolis contains a massive graveyard teeming with adventure and plenty of opportunities to give player characters a new permanent home!

Journey Quest Season 1 (DVD)
Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JOURNEYQUEST is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intellectual orcs, incompetent wizards, and holy zombies form the living (and not-so-living) backdrop to an epic story of unrequited love, burning passions, and severely reluctant heroism. And running away. Lots of running away…

Mega Dungeon 1 Adventures Map
Gaming Paper Adventures Maps can be used to build thousands of unique dungeons in practically any shape or configuration. The Mega Dungeon 1 set features 100 unique, highly detailed dungeon geomorphs created by fantasy cartographer extraordinaire, Christopher West. The two-sided design details unfurnished dungeon rooms for players to fill on one side, while the opposite contains furnished rooms imagined and rendered by Christopher West himself. Together, all one-hundred sheets combine for a massive, single mega-dungeon – that’s nearly 65 square feet of playing surface!

D&D Players Option Heroes of Shadow
Player’s Options Heroes of Shadow presents races, classes, feats, powers, and other options aimed at players hungry to play the archetypical antihero with a dark edge.

Magic: The Gathering New Phyrexia prerelease details!

Rogues Gallery is holding its first Magic pre-release event with the New Phyrexia set!

We will be doing the prerelease for the third set on Sunday, May 8th from 1-5 PM! We suggest arriving at around 12:30 so that everyone can get their cards and get settled in time to play.

The entry fee is $25, for which players will receive 3 New Phyrexia boosters and 3 Scars of Mirrodin boosters with which to build their deck. Land is not provided, so you can either bring your own land cards or purchase a Land Station from the store.

Prizes will include New Phyrexia boosters and the limited edition Sheoldred, Whispering One card.

For those who are new to the game or don’t want to build their own decks, there will be open dueling, and players in open duels may buy one intro pack instead of paying the entry fee for the tournament. There are no prizes for open dueling, but for casual players or those who just want to sample the new set, it is an option!

You can sign up to participate at the store, by marking yourself down as attending on our Facebook page or by emailing us!

Space is limiited, although we will do our best to accommodate everyone who wants to play.

You can find more details about the event at the Wizards of the Coast official site:

Upcoming Comics April – June 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

Dark Horse Presents #1 / April 20th
Transmetropolitan Vol 9 TP / April 20th
Super Dinosaur #1 (New from Robert Kirkman!) / April 20th
Action Comics #900 / April 27th
The Mighty Thor #1 / April 27th
GI Joe Cobra Civil War #0 / April
Doctor Who: A Fairytale Life #1 / April
Mega Man #1 / April
Planet of the Apes #1 / April
Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1 / April

DMZ Vol. 10 TP / May 4th
Astonishing Captain America #1 / May 4th
Moon Knight #1 / May 4th
Static Shock #1 / May 4th
Batman and Robin Vol 3 HC / May 11th
Batman: Arkham City #1 / May 11th
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 / May 11th
Flashpoint #1 / May 11th
Alpha Flight #0.1 / May 18th
Star Wars Jedi – The Dark Side #1 / May 18th
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lunchbox / May 25th
American Vampire Vol 2 HC / May 25th
Irredeemable Vol 6 TP / May
Stan Lee’s Soldier Zero Vol 1 TP / May
Courtney Crumrin Tales #2: The League of Ordinary Gentlemen / May
The Sixth Gun Vol 2 TP / May
Rocketeer Adventures #1 / May
Cobra #1 / May
Snake Eyes #1 / May
GI Joe #1 / May
Transformers The IDW Collection Vol 4 HC / May
30 Days of Night: Night Again #1 / May
The Art of Amanda Conner / May
Terry Moore How to Draw #1: Women / May
Richie Rich #1 / May
Kung Fu Panda #1 / May
Ducktales #1 / May
Kirby: Genesis #0 / May
Total Recall #1 / May

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne Action Figures / June 1st
Hellboy: The Fury #1 / June 1st
Blackest Night: Red Lantern Power Battery & Ring Set / June 8th
Batwoman Elegy TP / June 8th
Star Wars The Old Republic Lost Sons #1 / June 8th
Empowered Special #2 / June 8th
American Vampire Survival of the Fittest #1 / June 8th
Ghost Rider #0.1 / June 8th
Supernatural Noir / June 15th
Green Lantern Brightest Day HC / June 15th
We3 Deluxe Edition / June 15th
Legion Lost HC / June 15th
The Walking Dead Vol 14 TP / June 15th
Locke & Key Vol 4 HC / June
Dungeons & Dragons Vol 1: Shadowplague HC / June

Hellboy Library Edition Volume 4 HC / July 6th
Avatar The Last Airbender – The Lost Adventures / July 13th

Upcoming Games April – June 2011

We encourage pre-ordering! And remember: these dates are subject to change due to flaky creators, flaky publishers, and general bad mojo.

D&D Player’s Option: Heroes of Shadow (April 8th)
Doctor Who RPG: Eleventh Doctor Edition
Shadowrun A Fist Full of Credsticks
Shadowrun Artifacts Unbound
Lord of the Rings Card Game Core Set
Godzilla Stomp! Card Game

Pathfinder Ultimate Magic (May 4th)
Heroclix Green Lantern Fast Forces Pack (May 4th)
D&D The Shadowfell – Gloomwrought & Beyond (May 6th)
Magic The Gathering New Phyrexia of Mirrodin Pure (May 8th)
Magic The Gathering Deck Builder’s Toolkit 2011 (May 11th)
Gamemastery Chase Card Deck (May 18th)
World of Warcraft TCG Class Decks 2011 (May 25th)
Shadowrun Corporate Intrigue
Shadowrun Conspiracy Theories
Godzilla Kaiju World Wars Board Game
Order of the Stick Adventure Game: Dungeon of Durokan Deluxe
Arkham Horror Miskatonic Horror Expansion
Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos
Dragon Age RPG Boxed Set 2
Dominion Cornucopia Expansion

Mutants & Masterminds Gamemaster’s Guide
D&D Conquest of Nerath Board Game
D&D Monster Vault – Threats to the Nentir Vale
Heroclix Captain America

Late Games – Due sometime in 2011
Doctor Who RPG Time Traveller’s Companion
Song of Ice & Fire RPG Chronicle Starter
DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1 – A-K

New Games March 21 – April 3, 2011


When darkness falls, terror rises! The creatures of nightmare – vampires, werewolves, and ghouls – have begun to appear throughout the world, and they show no sign of hesitation in claiming the dark world as their own! Nightfall is a fast and furious deck-building game of supernatural horror from the makers of Legend of the Five Rings.

Mighty Battles in the Age of Magic! In the world of the Two Suns, the time of the Great Changing is coming! While mighty armies clash, powerful mages with godlike powers unleash the forces of magic on the battlefield, pursuing their own mysterious goals. Only by perfecting a strategy that balances magic-use with military skill will you achieve victory!

Munchkin Zombies
Kill the Living! Eat their Brains! It’s the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! The players are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The monsters they’re attacking are people – some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. Featuring horrendously humorous illustrations by John Kovalic, this original Munchkin core game comes complete with 168 cards, one six-sided die, and a rulesheet.

Magic The Gathering Duel Decks Knights VS Dragons
Valor and Steel Clash with Rage and Fire! The greatest knights have gathered together to once and for all end the reign of terror that has plagued their lands for centuries. Holy paladins, noble cavaliers, and swift skyhunters all answer the call to hunt dragons to the death and restore order to the realm. For dragonkind, the answer is simple – incinerate the invaders! Enraged goblin minions pour from the mountain crags to repel the intruders, but that’s only to give the majestic hellkites time to take to the skies and unleash a firestorm that no knight could hope to survive. A world hangs in the balance. Will you enter the battle under the banner of purity and order, or will you plunge the land into chaos and dragonfire?


Pathfinder Inner Sea World Guide
This hardcover contains expanded coverage of the 40+ nations in the world of GolarionÕs Inner Sea region, from ruin-strewn Varisia in the north to the sweltering jungles of the Mwangi Expanse in the south to crashed sky cities, savage frontier kingdoms, powerful city-states, and everything in-between. Plus, a beautiful poster map reveals the lands of the Inner Sea in all their treacherous glory

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Carrion Crown 1 – Haunting of Harrowstone
When Harrowstone Prison burned to the ground, prisoners, guards, and a host of vicious madmen met a terrifying end. In the years since, the nearby town of Ravengro has shunned the fire-scarred ruins, telling tales of unquiet spirits that wander abandoned cellblocks. But when a mysterious evil disturbs HarrowstoneÕs tenuous spiritual balance, a ghostly prison riot commences that threatens to consume the nearby village in madness and flames. Can the adventurers discover the secrets of Harrowstone and quell a rebellion of the dead? Or will they be the spirit-prisonÕs next inmates? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters, Haunting of Harrowstone launches the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.

Dark Heresy Black Sepulcre
A Dark Heresy adventure designed for all levels of play, The Black Sepulchre tasks Acolytes with solving the riddle of an ancient and powerful structure. In the process, they’ll uncover a truth so dark, the Calixis Sector may never recover from its discovery!

Battletech 25th Anniversary Intro Box Set
The 25th Anniversary Edition of this box set, improving the quality of the maps (they’re now high-quality game-boards as opposed to paper maps) while also including four additional premium plastic Mechs.

GURPS Mass Combat 4th Ed
There Will Be War! Hordes of orcs. Axis invaders. Starbeasts of Jupiter. Sooner or later, every GURPS campaign is likely to encounter battles too large to resolve with the ordinary combat system. The answer: GURPS Mass Combat! This powerful, abstract system lets players resolve land, sea, and air battles with just a few die rolls.

Savage Worlds Action & Adventure Decks
Feeling adventurous? Got a little action in you? Bring Savage excitement to your gaming table like never before with Savage Worlds: Action & Adventure Decks! The Action Deck is a custom, 54-card poker deck especially for Savage Worlds initiative. Its larger index numbers and clear faces make cross-table reading a breeze, red and black jokers are clearly distinct, and the full-art face cards really put the mood on the table. The 54-card Adventure Deck puts story control in the hands of the players and lots of spice into the action. Add story twists like romantic interests, enemies, and larger-than-life opponents at the drop of a hat. See characters pull off amazing feats.

Friday Night Magic begins April 1st!

Friday Night Magic begins at Rogues Gallery this Friday, April 1st! Games will run from 7-10 PM, and the current planned format is Standard, which means that decks should be made up of cards from Zendikar, Worldwake, Rise of the Eldrazi, Magic 2011, Scars of Mirrodin and Mirrodin Besieged only. The top two winners of the night plus two other players will win a foil Artisan of Kozilek card!

We will also be doing the prerelease for the third set in the Mirrodin block on Sunday, May 8th from 1-5 PM! You can sign up to participate at the store or by emailing us! Space is limiited, although we will do our best to accommodate everyone who wants to play. In addition, there will be a bonus card available for the first ten people who buy a booster box of the next Magic set… more information will be available in late April!