New Games for August 8 – August 21, 2011


Quarriors! Dice Building Game

In this game of “Uber Strategic Hexahedron Monster Combat Mayhem,” players compete to capture the most powerful Spells and Creatures (in the form of dice!) from the Wilds and add them to their collection. Players then roll their powerful cubes and summon them into play to battle each of their opponent’s forces.

MTG 2012 Event Decks

Gather Your Allies! New decks, new opponents, and the ability to gather your allies for new head-to-head multiplayer action highlight the 249-cards featured in the Magic: The Gathering 2012 Core Set release! MTG 2012 is offered in five, themed Intro Packs containing a 60-card deck, one fixed foil rare, one random non-foil rare, a Magic 2012 booster pack, and a mechanics/rules insert, as well as Fat Packs containing eight Magic 2012 boosters, The Magic 2012 Player’s Guide, a learn-to-play insert, one pack of 40 Magic 2012 basic land, and a Magic 2012 Spindown Life Counter.


Behold this clever card game that casts you in an epic contest to build the mightiest Gub colony. Seek wisdom from The Esteemed Elder or protection from a Toad Rider as you fend off a myriad of traps, lures, and other surprising events. Victory lies down an ever-changing path and no one is safe until the final card falls!

Gears of War 3 Heroclix Boosters

Lock & Load as Gears of War enters the frontlines of the HeroClix battlefield! Join your favorite heroes from Gears of War 3 as you battle infamous Locust villains from across the franchise! This 10-sculpt set – five unique sculpts for the Gears of War 3 Delta Squad and five sinister villains – boasts customized Gears of War-themed powers and abilities, offering the same intense game-play experience that the video game provides! Completely compatible with all other HeroClix figures, Gears of War 3 is introduced in individual blind boosters offered in 24-count Gravity Feeds.


Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple

When you have a big problem, call the experts! Or call the pilgrims – they mean well! Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple is a storytelling game about helping people and getting into trouble. Work together, make trouble, and have fun!

No Quarter 10-Year Anniversary SE

This super-sized edition of No Quarter Magazine celebrates ten years of Privateer Press! Loaded with content, this anniversary issue features epic versions of fan-favorite articles. Guts & Gears focuses on the mighty dire troll Mulg the Ancient and the murderous Berserker warjack Drago; the Gavyn Kyle Files reveal ancient secrets about the Witchfire and its current wielder, Alexia Ciannor; and lead staff writer Douglas Seacat spins a historical tale of Asheth Magnus and his role in the Scharde Invasions.

Battletech Historical Reunification War RPG

One Species, One Realm! In 2570, the six Great Houses of the Inner Sphere united to create the Star League, promising to bring an end to the generations of warfare that engulfed the worlds mankind now called home. Shortly thereafter, to seal their alliance, they turned against the various independent realms of the Periphery. Over the next twenty years, the so-called Reunification War would rage, claiming more lives than the savagery of the Age of War before it, all to realize House Cameron’s dream of a united humanity – at any cost! Historical: Reunification War describes the first grand military campaign of the newborn Star League against the collected realms of the Periphery.

D&D Neverwinter Campaign Guide HC

Reduced to ruins by supernatural cataclysms, Neverwinter rises from the ashes to reclaim its title as the Jewel of the North. This Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition sourcebook presents a complete heroic-tier campaign setting that plunges players into the politics, skullduggery, and peril of a city on the brink of destruction or greatness.

L5R RPG Great Clans

The Emerald Empire of Rokugan has long been one of war and conflict, a great history forged at its heart by an unending sibling rivalry. The Great Clans of Rokugan were founded by the Kami, children of the Sun and Moon, and their adherence to their founders personalities and vows have defined the Empire. Each seeks to gain ground over the others, a continuing reflection of the Tournament of the Kami that set the Empire in motion so long ago. The Great Clans takes you deep into the psyche and workings of the The Great Clans of Rokugan. This Legend of the Five Rings RPG sourcebook features a full chapter on each of the Great Clans, focusing on the various families, histories, and culture that makes up those Clans. Additional chapters also cover the evil Spider Clan, the return of Heritage Tables, and vassal families.

DC Adventures Heroes & Villains V1

The DC Universe features a dazzling array of characters who have thrilled readers for generations. Now they come to life for tabletop gaming in DC Adventures RPG: Heroes & Villains Volume 1, covering characters A-K.

RIFTS: Vampire Kingdoms Updated RPG

This RIFTS World Book features revised and updated information on vampires – their strengths, weaknesses, and powers – as well as expanded details on Vampire Kingdoms, vampire hunters, Techno-Wizard slayer devices, Monsters, D-Bees, and adventure ideas galore.

HackMaster Hacklopedia of Beasts

This encyclopedic, HackMaster sourcebook details the history, habitat, behaviors, and ecology of over 170 creatures and monsters. Each beautifully illustrated entry includes not only game mechanics, but also first-hand excerpts from researcher field notes, naturalist sketches ‘drawn from life’, range maps, local legends, and more.

Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game Box Set

Based on the award-winning graphic novel series published by Archaia Studio Press and utilizing the Burning Wheels rules system, the Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game Box Set contains everything players need to immerse themselves into a world where mice struggle to live safely and prosper amongst harsh conditions and a host of predators and hidden dangers. Included herein you’ll find the original Core Rules Book, a 32-page supplement with all-new adventure scenarios and a host of game aids, including a GM deck of 12 Action Cards, two Player Decks of 12 Action Cards, Condition Cards, Characters Sheets, GM sheets, a GM screen, Mouse Dice, and a Map of the Mouse Territories.

Savage Worlds Deluxe RPG

This Deluxe Edition of the award-winning, fast, furious, and fun Savage Worlds system features all-new design notes from the authors, beautiful new art from the industry’s best talent, plus updates, adventures, and new Setting and situational rules such as Interludes and Dramatic Tasks.

Psionics Unleashed

Tap into the mysteries of psionics and the magic of the mind! Updated to support the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Psionics Unleashed contains everything needed to easily integrate psionics into any campaign, including characters, items, monsters, and powers. Contained within you’ll find new base classes (the psion, psychic warrior, soulknife, and wilder), plus psionic-themed prestige classes, races, feats, and powers.

Vertigo Event! 99 Days Launch Party! And More!

Rogues Gallery is well-known for our all-ages events, but in August, we’ll be throwing a party for the grown-ups!

Vertigo mainstays Matt Sturges, Chris Roberson and Kristian Donaldson will be joining us, as will Dogs of Mars creator Paul Maybury, for an event celebrating comics with swears, nudity and/or violence!

Celebrating the launch of Kristian’s new crime graphic novel 99 Days, as well as the culmination of Sturges’s run on Jack of Fables, the latest Cinderella miniseries by Roberson and the first storyline of Dogs of Mars by Maybury, we’ll also have plenty more work from these creators available! That includes free copies of the Free Comic Book Day issue of Roberson’s Elric The Balance Lost while supplies last!

Plan to join us from 1 – 4 PM on Saturday, August 27th!

Midnight Release for DC’s New 52!

We’ll be celebrating the DC relaunch with a midnight release party for Flashpoint #5 and Justice League #1 on the night of Tuesday, August 30th!

We’ll close at 9 PM as usual, but then we’ll reopen at 11:00 for a party which will include sales on DC graphic novels, a live remote podcast with the folks at Geek Bombast, a themed cake and plenty more!

The full relaunch of DC’s New 52 will start the first Wednesday in September! We’ve got a preorder book available with information on all the new books, so feel free to come in and check it out!

New Games for August 2 – August 7, 2011


Lord of the Rings LCG Conflict at the Carrock
Hot on the trail of Gollum, the heroes venture down the banks of the Anduin, only to hear whispers of a new threat looming! The second Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, Conflict at the Carrock contains 60 fixed cards continuing the heroes’ quest to find and apprehend the creature Gollum. A new hero joins the quest, along with three copies of nine new player cards from all four spheres featuring new and familiar faces, a new deck of Encounter cards, and the Conflict at the Carrock Quest cards.

Rune Age
Set in the fantasy realm of Terrinoth (Runebound, Descent: Journeys in the Dark), Rune Age puts players in control of one of four races, vying for dominance in a world embroiled in conflict.

Red November Revised Ed
Control desperate Gnome sailors in a frantic race against the clock in Red November! Can you survive in the submarine until you are rescued? To prevent destruction, players must work together to complete tasks as efficiently as possible. As members of a Gnome sailor crew, players meander about the submarine, fixing the most pressing problems or collecting items to help in repairs. Each movement and action takes away precious minutes and triggers the drawing of Event cards, which activates more disasters! This revised edition of Red November introduces a larger game board, Item cards, and clarified rules.

In an age of great battles, valiant leaders, and unscrupulous mercenary armies, fortune lies within your grasp in Ventura, a board game of nobility and conquest! Set in 14th century Italy, Ventura puts players in control of warring noble houses, each vying for control of the countries growing wealth. Balance your houseÕs earnings and maintain your hired soldiers to keep your family’s noble standing. Remember, the best armies are also the ones that cost the most! With more than 120 plastic pieces, 40 Territory tiles, 4 Family Boards, a scoring board, and over 100 cards, Ventura will whisk players into a world of warring mercenaries and noble families, all seeking control of ItalyÕs burgeoning wealth!

Cthulhu Gloom
In Cthulhu Gloom, you control a group of Lovecraftian protagonists and guide them down a path of horror and madness to an untimely death – while keeping your opponents happy, healthy, and annoyingly alive.


Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat HC
Seize the initiative and chop your foes to pieces with this exciting new guide to the art of martial combat for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

Pathfinder Adv Path Shadows of Gallowspire
With relics gathered from across the land, the death-worshipers travel to the most feared location in the Pathfinder campaign setting, the tower of Gallowspire, wherein lurk the deathless remains of the immortal evil wizard known as the Whispering Tyrant. There the cultists plot to conduct a ritual to resurrect the notorious villain, using their collected relics to transform an innocent into a new undead body for the imprisoned archmage! A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 13th-level characters, Shadows of Gallowspire brings the Carrion Crown Adventure Path to its climactic conclusion!

Pathfinder Adv Path Brinewall Legacy
When the Licktoad Goblins of Brinestump Marsh get a hold of a crate of fireworks, adventurers are needed to handle the explosive and annoying situation. But in vanquishing the pyromaniac goblins, the heroes uncover a secret that has been hidden in the marsh for nearly a quarter of a century – a secret that sends them north to the mysterious ruins of Brinewall Castle, where a powerful legacy waits to be rediscovered! A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters, Brinewall Legacy launches the Jade Regent Adventure Path, a sweeping quest that takes the heroes from familiar territory in Varisia all the way across the ice fields of the Crown of the World to distant Tian Xia, the land of the Dragon Empires.

Pathfinder Society Field Guide
This handy reference contains everything an adventuring agent of the Pathfinder Society needs to survive in the wild and wooly world of Golarion. From tips on information networks and secret orders within the Society itself, to new equipment and ways to use your Pathfinder training to unlock special character abilities, the Pathfinder Society Field Guide is 100% legal for play in the international Pathfinder Society Organized Play shared world campaign, and an invaluable reference for players and GMs alike.

Pathfinder Camp Setting Inner Sea Magic
Magic has suffused the Inner Sea region for thousands of years. This Pathfinder sourcebook takes a detailed look at the magical traditions of the Inner Sea, including rules for magic variants, examinations of how magic is taught, and how the spellcasters of the region have chosen to specialize in various forms of magic. Also included are two new oracle mysteries, 18 new archetypes for spellcasting classes, a pair of new prestige classes, and a wide selection of unique, unusual, and exciting new spells for all who would seek to master the art of magic.

Pathfinder Player Companion Goblins/Golarion
The bane of chicken coops and untended children across Golarion, manic and murderous goblins sow their unique brand of malicious mischief throughout the Pathfinder world. Now you can take up your dogslicer and ride your goblin dog into battle against shrieking villagers and half-wit adventurers as a goblin yourself!

Rogue Trader Citadel of Skulls
The second adventure in The Warpstorm Trilogy for Rogue Trader, Citadel of Skulls can be played as a standalone adventure or connected to the events introduced in The Frozen Reaches

Dragon Age RPG Boxed Set 2
Return to Ferelden and face the Blight in Dragon Age! This second boxed set brings Dragon Age players to the next stage of their journey, providing everything needed to play characters of level 6 to 10.

Magic 2012 Game Day – Sunday, August 14th!

On Sunday, August 14th from 12:30 to 4:00, Rogues Gallery will be hosting the Magic 2012 Game Day! Come in and play in standard deck format and get the Stormblood Berserker card just for playing, plus a Dungrove Elder card for the top 8 winners! Sign up early to guarantee a spot, come in by 12:15 to get signed in and the event will start at 12:30 sharp. Although we expect the main event to finish by 3:00 at the latest, we’ll stay open for free play and trading through 4:00.

Standard deck format will mean cards from Zendikar, Worldwake, Rise of the Eldrazi, Magic 2011, Magic 2012, Scars of Mirrodin, Mirrodin Besieged and New Phyrexia. This will be one of the last standard deck formats before the Zendikar block is retired!

New Games for July 19 – August 1, 2011


WOW CCG Twilight o/t Dragons Boosters
New permanent Hero powers! The continuing evolution of the Stash keyword! More Loot Cards! Featuring streamlined rules that make the game easier to pick up for new World of Warcraft TCG players, Twilight of the Dragons unleashes the Black and Twilight Dragonflights, led by a Master Hero – Deathwing, himself!

WOW CCG Twilight Dragons Epic Collection
This 220-card expansion is introduced in Epic Collections containing six Twilight of the Dragons booster packs, five random Heroes, one Loot Card, a playmat, a deck box with card dividers, and a Twilight of the Dragons visual pocket guide, all packaged in a reusable storage box.

Ikusa Board Game
Sweep Across the Land and Secure Your Empire! It is the sixteenth century in feudal Japan, where war rages across the land. Amid the chaos and conflict, you have risen to power as one of five warlords mighty enough to conquer and control the whole empire. Prove the strength of your strategy, defeat your rivals, and earn the exalted title of Shogun!

Bloodsuckers Card Game
The once-quiet small town of Blackwood has become a battleground. A coven of vampires has crept in under the cover of darkness to drain the very life from its helpless citizens. But, they do not prowl the streets unchallenged – a team of skilled vampire hunters has tracked these bloodsuckers down and they aim to battle for the soul of Blackwood!

Munchkin Deluxe Card Game
Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. Admit it. You love it! Now, Munchkin is available in a special deluxe edition complete with gameboard, six plastic munchkin pawns, dice, cards, and more – with even more zany illustrations by John Kovalic!

Lord of the Rings LCG Hunt for Gollum
The elusive creature known as Gollum is hiding somewhere in the Anduin Valley, and it falls upon you to find him and discover what dark designs lay in wait for him! Gollum has carelessly left a trail of clues in his wake, and Gandalf has commanded you and your companions to follow them and discover where the creature has disappeared to. But be careful, false leads could guide your party in circles, forcing you to begin your hunt anew! The first Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood expansion cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, The Hunt for Gollum features a fixed, 60-card deck that includes a new Hero, three copies of nine unique player cards, and the Encounter and Quest cards devoted to the scenario.


COC RPG 30th Anniversary Collector’s Edition
Call of Cthulhu is Chaosium’s classic roleplaying game of Lovecraftian horror in which ordinary people are confronted by the terrifying and alien forces of the Cthulhu Mythos. 2011 marks the 30th Anniversary of the release of the Call of Cthulhu RPG, and Chaosium is celebrating with a limited release of Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition!

Shadowrun Runners Toolkit
The Toolkit comes complete with a deluxe, four-panel GM screen; a 32-page booklet of additional sample contacts and adventure seeds; “Anatomy of a Shadowrun,” a fictional account of a shadowrun, annotated with how game rules apply to the fictional run; the “Big Book of Tables,” a guide packed with easily accessible information for character generation; The Pre-generated Auxiliary Character and Kit System (PACKS); and six cardstock, double-sided reference sheets.

Dark Heresy Church of the Damned
The Church of the Damned is the second adventure in The Apostasy Gambit, a Dark Heresy campaign that takes a cell of Acolytes from investigating the tragic history of a warped Cathedral to crusading against a conspiracy at the heart of one of the Imperium’s most vaunted organizations!

Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein
Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein is a detailed, fascinating game setting, a terrifyingly plausible alternative history and a fiction anthology; a gothic horror fantasy that will appeal to gamers and the general public alike. A standalone product, Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein uses a version of the Heresy Engine system and is fully compatible with the Victoriana 2nd Edition,

Monsters and Other Childish Things (Pocket Edition)
Monsters are real. You know because you have one. He’s more fun and way tougher than all the other kids’ monsters. Try not to let him eat your friends.

“Monsters and Other Childish Things” is a distressingly fun and funny roleplaying game about kids and the relationship-devouring horrors from beyond time and space who love them. Players take the roles of kids and the vicious monsters who are their best friends in all the world — and the source of all kinds of otherworldly trouble. Players take the roles of ordinary kids whose best friends are slavering monstrosities from beyond time and space — and that’s already enough to get them in all kinds of trouble with parents, school principals, friends, the Monster Investigation Bureau, mad science teachers, wannabe wizards, you name it. Can you make it through a school day without having to explain why your monster ate the substitute teacher? We’ll soon find out.

This handy, digest-size paperback edition includes the full text of the hardback edition of “Monsters and Other Childish Things.”

The Laundry Black Bag Jobs
The Laundry – protecting the United Kingdom from the scum of the multiverse. Most of the time, saving the world is a 9 to 5 job. Clock in every morning. Feel your life tick away with each meeting and each pointless bit of paperwork. Stare at a screen and feel your brain leaking out through your ears. Try to keep the boredom from killing you. Clock out in the evening and slouch home. It’s never good when they call you into the office at four in the morning. Any mission that doesn’t fit on the standard day planner is inevitably ghastly. They involve things with too many tentacles, people who want to kill you, and secrets that mean you’ll never sleep well again. Keep your mouth shut and your head down, and you might just make it through the night. Screw up, and it’s entirely possible you just doomed humanity to a fate worse than death. No pressure.

Black Bag Jobs contains six self-contained missions for your Laundry campaign. From the war-torn hillsides of Afghanistan to the corridors of power in Whitehall, from yoga lessons in Devon to the end of the world, it’s time to break in and steal the secrets of reality, like: The truth about social networking, How to weaponize a shoggoth, Management secrets of the undying priests, What the Auditors fear, How to prepare for the apocalypse … and what happens after.

Humanity spreads to the stars and forges a galactic civilization…Fledgling nations arise from the ruins of the empire…An ancient line of dragon-kings dies out as magic fades from the realm…These are all examples of Microscope games. Want to explore an epic history of your own creation, hundreds or thousands of years long, all in an afternoon? That’s Microscope.

You won’t play the game in chronological order. You can defy the limits of time and space, jumping backward or forward to explore the parts of the history that interest you. Want to leap a thousand years into the future and see how an institution shaped society? Want to jump back to the childhood of the king you just saw assassinated and find out what made him such a hated ruler? That’s normal in Microscope.

You have vast power to create… and to destroy. Build beautiful, tranquil jewels of civilization and then consume them with nuclear fire. Zoom out to watch the majestic tide of history wash across empires, then zoom in and explore the lives of the people who endured it. A role-playing game for two to four players. No GM. No prep.

Agents of S.W.I.N.G.
Agents of SWING is a FATE-powered Spy-Fi adventure game in which you take on the part of secret agents, working throughout the world in the 1960s and 70s to avert catastrophe, punish evildoers and stop the two superpowers from annihilating each other. A slimmed down and sped up version of FATE, derived from Cubicle 7’s Starblazer Adventures, SWING simplifies the system and lets you get right into the action. There are rules for agents, villains, henchmen and goons. There are rules for coming up with nefarious organisations, hints and tips on how to run the game (including a ‘plot stress’ adventure structure) and a ton of starting level PCs so that you can pick up and play right out of the book. A hit during playtesting at UK conventions, now you can finally get your hands on Agents of SWING and start laying into the enemies of humanity. Just do it with STYLE.

Things We Think About Games
Will Hindmarch and Jeff Tidball think a lot about games. At their commentary website,, they think out loud about what it means to play games, make games, sell games, and love games. They are gamers. Here, with fellow game designers and notable game players, they think out loud on paper in the first Gameplaywright book. Things We Think About Games collects dozens on dozens of bite-sized thoughts about games. From the absurd to the magnificent, the demonstrable to the dogmatic, this collection spans both the breadth of games–board, card, roleplaying and more–and the depth of gaming, offering insights about collecting, playing, critiquing, designing, and publishing.

We do not have these games in stock, but we can special order them with no additional charge, usually within 1-2 days. See something you’d like? Drop us an email at

Warhammer Fantasy Black Fire Pass
When friend becomes foe, thunder will reign in the mountains! Black Fire Pass is a supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay packed with a wealth of information concerning dwarfs, the hold of Karak Azgaraz, and Black Fire Pass itself.

Traveller RPG Alien Module 4:Zhodani
Viewed with fear by other races, the Zhodani are believed to harbor powerful psionics within a terrible and oppressive society. Alien Module 4: Zhodani peels back the layers of mystery and misinformation to reveal a fascinating race who are a domineering force in their region of the galaxy.

Devils Dice
In this quick and easy-to-learn dice game, players attempt to deceive and bluff their rolls while guessing the intentions of their opponents. However, each player must also contend with the Devil’s Dice, which may win a round for them – or condemn them to certain loss!

Earthdawn RPG Burning Desires
Oshane is Burning! For many years, the Inner City of Oshane has been a source of tension in the Kingdom of Throal. The city’s population is heavily ork, while the government is primarily dwarf. The two races have lived together, uneasily at best, but a combination of poor government and racial tensions have recently sparked race riots in the city. Now, a spate of fires has sent the situation from bad to worse, and it will take more than a keen sword to restore peace! Burning Desires is an adventure supplement for Earthdawn, intended to challenge three to five Journeyman characters of any Discipline.

One Roll Engine Road Trip
The Best Summer Vacation Ever… and maybe the last! A crazy cult plans to destroy the world, and it’s up to you to stop them! Now you, your friends, and your horribly friendly monsters are taking on the Cult of the Ur-Monster from one end of the United States to the other! A full-length Monsters and Other Childish Things adventure campaign, Road Trip features nine complete adventures, ideas for plenty of extra weirdness the players might encounter on the way, and six full-color, full-size postcards from some of the strangest places in America.

Villains & Vigilantes In Broad Daylight
Famous fashion model Holly Cooks disappeared before a crowd of thousands of spectators. Was it a publicity stunt? A hoax? An abduction? Or an assassination? Caveat Allure, the modeling agency Holly Cooks worked for, needs your team of heroes to find out. But what else arenÕt they telling you? An adventure for Villains & Vigilantes, In Broad Daylight includes complete stats and background on The Indistructibles – the superhero team featured on the early Villains & Vigilantes covers!

Villains & Vigilantes Living Legends
Living Legends is the latest superhero roleplaying game from Jeff Dee, co-creator of the classic superhero Villains & Vigilantes RPG. Living Legends features point-based character creation with optional random generation, over 80 distinct and open-ended powers with an extensive array of enhancement and limitation options, 19 detailed character weaknesses, and exciting, fast-paced combat, plus brand-new information on many of the nations, lost regions, time periods, alien worlds, and alternate dimensions of the Villains & Vigilantes universe.

Arkham Unleashed in store on Saturday, July 30th!

We will be having a special event on Saturday, July 30th with costumed characters in-store for kids (and adults) to have their picture taken with. The full line-up is still being decided, but we know for sure that Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Robin (Damian), Nightwing and more will be in attendance!

We’ll be offering a 10% discount on all Batman-related comics, graphic novels and merchandise, and 15% off if you wear a Batman-themed costume or an Arkham Asylum Inmate, Arkham Asylum Athletics, Gotham City Police, Gotham City SWAT or Gotham City Forensics T-Shirt! Coincidentally, we have said shirts for sale now and will have them during the event as well! We’d love to get as many people as possible out in their shirts, so if you’ve got one, wear it out to the event so we can take some cool crowd scene at Arkham Asylum pictures!

We’ll also be offering up Arkham Alley, where you can throw foam batarangs at targets featuring Batman’s Rogues Gallery for fun and prizes!

In addition, any purchase of a Batman or Batman-related graphic novel, action figure or T-Shirt will get the buyer a raffle ticket to possibly win a copy of Batman: Arkham City for XBox360 or PS3. We’ll be preordering one copy for each system and making them available to the winners as soon as the game is released in October!

You can check out the talented group of folks who are putting together costumes for the event at their Facebook page.

We’ll have more details about the event on our Facebook page and Twitter as they develop!

D&D Game Day – August 6th, 2011 – Sign Up Now!

The next session of D&D Encounters will launch with a special one-day event on Saturday, August 6th! This year, D&D Game Day spotlights the Neverwinter Campaign Setting with an exclusive adventure entitled Gates of Neverdeath. Hired on as caravan guards to protect precious cargo bound for the city of Neverwinter, the characters are introduced to the intrigues and danger that await in this fabled Forgotten Realms locale. For the first time, players will create their own D&D characters at the event and play in a prelude adventure to the upcoming D&D Encounters season!

Just bring your dice and a copy of either Heroes of the Fallen Lands or Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms (or both if you’d like). Character sheets and other materials will be provided. At the store, you can pick up your copy of the Neverwinter Campaign Setting if you want additional options for your character. You’ll make a 1st-level character as a part of the D&D Game Day experience, and will be able to continue to play your character in the new D&D Encounters season, the Lost Crown of Neverwinter!

We’re expecting a big turnout, so we encourage players to sign up ahead of time by calling, emailing or just letting us know next time you’re in the store! We’ll have room for 12 people in the first round, and if there’s enough demand, we will run a second round so that as many people as possible can play! The first sessions will start at 12:30 (although we encourage folks to come in at 11:30 if you’re making characters at the event) and the second sessions are planned to start at 4:00. Let us know if you’d like to sign up for first or second session!

D&D Lair Assault Begins on Monday, September 12th!

D&D Lair Assault is a new Wizards Play Network in-store program that pits tactically-minded players against a super challenge where the difference between victory and defeat is dependent upon a player’s game knowledge, ability to adapt, and a little bit of luck. Players pit your wits against some of the most difficult encounters they’ve ever played.

Each challenge is a mega-encounter that plays in just a few hours, but many will need to make more than one run at it in pursuit of victory. D&D Lair Assault challenges are available for a few months, and stores can schedule their sessions at anytime during that period.

Rogues Gallery will be hosting Lair Assault events on Mondays beginning on September 12th. For more information on building your character and playing in Lair Assault, check out this article.

New Games for July 14 – July 18, 2011


Arkham Horror Miskatonic Horror Expansion
Miskatonic University is a place of learning and discovery. However, the diligent researchers of the acclaimed college are about to uncover a host of terrible mysteries that should have remained buried! With nearly 450 new cards, Miskatonic Horror adds new Mythos cards and Location cards for Dunwich, Kingsport, and Innsmouth to the Arkham Horror experience, as well as new cards for Gates, Epic Battles, Relationships, Injuries, Madness, Skills, and Blights, and new player reference sheets and the Institution variant.

Captain America Heroclix Boosters
America’s greatest comic hero leads the charge against the world’s most sinister villains in Marvel HeroClix: Captain America! Featuring 63 new, collectible HeroClix figures (59 new sculpts), Marvel HeroClix: Captain America also introduces a major subtheme: Removable Pieces! Have you ever dreamed of hurling Captain America’s shield at Red Skull, or going Super Nova as the Human Torch? Each Removable Piece figure comes with an element that can be attached and removed to enhance your play experience!

Magic: The Gathering 2012 Boosters, Intro Packs & Fat Packs
Gather Your Allies! New decks, new opponents, and the ability to gather your allies for new head-to-head multiplayer action highlight the 249-cards featured in the Magic: The Gathering 2012 Core Set release! MTG 2012 is offered in five, themed Intro Packs containing a 60-card deck, one fixed foil rare, one random non-foil rare, a Magic 2012 booster pack, and a mechanics/rules insert, as well as Fat Packs containing eight Magic 2012 boosters, The Magic 2012 Player’s Guide, a learn-to-play insert, one pack of 40 Magic 2012 basic land, and a Magic 2012 Spindown Life Counter.

Grimoires are ancient books possessing magical powers. With grimoires in their hands, competing magicians conjure a path to a new era by secretly casting spells (and counter spells) to defeat their opponents and steal their treasure!

Innovation Expansion Echoes of the Past
In Innovation, players earn achievement points by evolving and advancing their civilization through conflict and by meeting specific criteria with the innovations you have devised. Introducing new multi-player options and game mechanisms (“Foreshadow”), Echoes of the Past features 110 cards designed to supplement the Innovation core experience.


Deadlands 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog
Inside the 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog, youÕll find a variety of wonders brought to you by the most modern scientific, engineering, and manufacturing processes known to man! Flip through these pages of delight and discover conveyances to cross any obstacle, handy elixirs, potent patent tonics, powerful weapons, wondrous clothing, and stalwart armors. Rail cars and accessories, ghost rock and boilers, the odd and miscellaneous – nothing is without representation in the incredible 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Ashes at Dawn
A murderer stalks the streets of Caliphas – a slasher who only hunts a particular type of victim: vampires. As the heroes track the cultists of the Whispering Way, they lose their quarry amid the mazelike alleys of Ustalav’s crowded capital city. But from the shadows, a dark patron rises with offers of aid and insights into the cult’s ultimate evil. What they uncover is a conspiracy of blood, and a union of evils willing to risk both life and undeath in the pursuit of ever-lasting youth! A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 11th-level characters, Ashes at Dawn continues the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting Dungeons/Golarion
From the deadly heights of Gallowspire to the treacherous depths of the Darklands, Dungeons of Golarion presents a wide-ranging overview of six of the most dangerous delves in the Pathfinder world. With rough maps, adventure hooks, encounter charts, and notes on key enemies and treasures, this guidebook provides the framework for GMs to make these fantastic locations their own, including Gallowspire, home of the lich-king known as the Whispering Tyrant, Hollow Mountain, seat of a fallen Runelord, the legendary Red Redoubt of Karamoss outside Absalom, and more!

Pathfinder Campaign Set Carrion Crown Maps
Within this map folio you’ll find a huge, 8-panel poster map of the mist-haunted realm of Ustalav, along with four, 4-panel poster maps of the gothic cities of Ardis, Caliphas, Karcau, and Lepidstadt, several of which serve as settings for the terrors of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.

Pathfinder Player Companion Faiths/Balance
Between good and evil dwell some of the most interesting and involved gods of the Pathfinder world – from stern Abadar, god of cities, to vengeful Calistria, goddess of lust and revenge. This player-focused guide provides details on the history, dogma, and religious practices of those who follow deities who walk between darkness and light.

Pathfinder Module The Harrowing
The mysterious cards of the Harrow Deck have been used to foretell futures and fortunes for countless generations. Legends tell of Harrow Decks that can instantly alter a person’s life, for good or for ill, but the most outlandish of these legends speak of entire worlds created by the Harrow – realms modeled after the exotic and frightening locales pictured in the cards, and populated by strange people and stranger creatures. So, when the heroes are hired to investigate a mysterious disappearance that leads to this strange dimension within the cards of the Harrow itself, anything is possible! The Harrowing is a Pathfinder adventure designed for 9th-level characters.

GM Flip Mat Haunted Dungeons
Few locales inspire more horror among fantasy gamers than the dungeon, and GameMastery Flip-Mat: Haunted Dungeon provides tons of terror and traps to trouble legions of would-be heroes! This portable map measures 24″ x 30″ unfolded, with a coated surface designed to handle any dry erase, wet erase, or even permanent marker.

Dorkness Rising Special Ed DVD
Struggling writer Lodge (Nathan Rice) isn’t asking for much: he wants his gaming group to finish playtesting his table-top adventure, rather than killing, looting, and debauching his fantasy world. Desperate to save the integrity of his story from the whims of his players’ crazy characters, Lodge allows Joanna (Carol Roscoe) to join the game. With Joanna’s help, the group’s characters progress deeper into the fantasy game world to retrieve the Mask of Death from the evil necromancer Mort Kemnon (Geoff Gibbs). Will their choices in the game save their friendships in real life… or will Mort Kemnon triumph unopposed? A hilarious adventure through a world of Swords & Sorcery, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising has been digitally remastered for this definitive DVD.