New Games for November 28 – December 14, 2011


Marvel HC Incredible Hulk
The Hulk smashes into the HeroClix arena in a big way! Featuring your beloved Green Goliath and his arch rivals Abomination and The Leader as well as sub-themes from Planet Hulk, World War Hulks, Fall of the Hulks, and the New Fantastic Four, this 51 figure set features the “Enhanced Alter Ego” mechanics, which includes the new Reverse Alter-Ego and the continuation of the “In Pack, Buy it By the Brick Figure” (AIMarine Red Hulk)! The Incredible Hulk is introduced in single-figure blind boosters featuring a compilation of 10 figures from the base set all completely redialed and ready for action in any HeroClix format!

SOC Oil Springs Expansion
Eureka! Oil has been discovered on the island of Catan! The great engineers of Catan have learned ways to improve production using this valuable new resource, both by converting it into other materials and enabling the upgrade of cities into metropolises. But oil is scarce and its use does not come without cost. Using oil produces pollution, as well as climate changing emissions, which bring with them the threat of coastal flooding – and absolute disaster! With the discovery of oil on Catan, the Settlers face a new challenge: deciding whether the common good is worth limiting oil usage or whether the pursuit of victory is worth the risk of ruin.

SOC Rivals of Catan Darkness Exp
Determine Catan’s Spiritual Balance! Control Catan’s Commerce! Barbarians Invade! This expansion for the Settlers of Catan Card Game features three, unique, 30-card theme decks (The Era of Intrigue, The Era of Merchant Princes, The Era of Barbarians) and requires The Rivals For Catan basic card set to play.

Dungeon Run Game
A tale of teamwork and betrayal! Dungeon Run is an exciting dash through a dungeon packed with monsters and traps. In Dungeon Run only one hero can escape with the fabled Summoning Stone. DonÍt walk – run!

WOW CCG 2011 Fall Class Str Deck
Class Starter Decks for World of Warcraft: The Trading Card Game showcase a selection of cards from recent and older sets, and are designed to help form the brand-new Core format: a compact, new, player-friendly format that prioritizes game time and minimizes down time. Each 60-card deck can be played directly out of the box, providing quick entry into the game for new players. Featuring Goblin and Worgen heroes, Class Starter Decks for the Fall 2011 series include: Alliance – Worgen Rogue, Human Death Knight, Dwarf Warrior, Gnome Warlock, and Draenei Shaman / Horde – Blood Elf Paladin, Undead Priest, Goblin Mage, Troll Hunter, and Tauren Druid.

DC HC Superman Battle/Smallville Fast Forces
Faster than a speeding bullet, Superman battles to defend his hometown from the villainy of Lex Luthor and Bizarro in this exciting 6-figure HeroClix Fast Forces pack! Designed for fast and easy play, the “Battle for Smallville” Fast Forces pack features six figures with all-new dials, two exclusive maps, a rules insert, and a code to unlock the six figures and one map in HeroClix Online.

LTR Heroclix
Join your favorite Middle-Earth Heroes and Villains as you test your wits in The Lord of The Rings HeroClix! Featuring 21 precisely sculpted characters from the award-winning Lord of The Rings film trilogy, these figures are completely HeroClix compatible with Marvel and DC HeroClix! The Lord of the Rings HeroClix is introduced in Counter-Top displays packed with 24 single figure blind boosters (4 bricks of 6 figures), as well as Starter Sets containing eight figures (three exclusive figures and five completely redialed from the base set), Campaign Rules for recreating the epic battles of Middle Earth over multiple maps and sessions, plus six maps, 48 Horde tokens, a 2011 Official Rulebook, and a set of themed dice forged from the depths of Mount Doom

Mage Knight Board Game
The Mage Knight Board Game throws you and up to three other Mage Knights into the sprawling and ever-changing world of the Atlantean Empire, a land that is but a distant memory since your transformation into a mysterious Mage Knight. Build your armies, defeat bands of marauding enemies, and eventually conquer cities in the name of the mysterious Void Council. As a Mage Knight you must control your reputation and walk the line – or embrace the role of benevolent leader or brutal dictator. Accumulate Fame and experience to acquire powerful Spells and abilities, then use your power to influence units to join your ranks. Featuring a variety of campaign options allowing you to play both competitively or cooperatively, the Mage Knight Board Game comes complete with 240 cards, eight intricately painted miniatures, 196 tokens, 20 map tiles, 54 mana crystals, seven mana dice, two game mats, and two rulebooks.

COC MOM Til Death Do Us Part Exp
It started out as a harmless boast in a quiet Innsmouth pub. But what seemed an unlikely drunken yarn will quickly become a living nightmare, as you and your fellow investigators set out to find the truth behind rumors of ghastly human reanimation! The third “Print on Demand” story expansion for Mansions of Madness, ‘Til Death Do Us Part tells a story of love, loss, and dark arcane rituals. Enlist the posthumous aid of an unlikely killer’s past victims… or you might just join them for eternity!


D&D Shadowghast Manor Dungeon Tiles
Offering Dungeon Masters an easy and inexpensive way to include great-looking terrain in their games, this accessory provides ready-to-use, configurable tiles with which to build exciting encounter locations. Emphasizing haunted houses and crypts as an extension to the Dungeon Tiles Master Sets, this set contains six double-sided sheets of illustrated, die-cut terrain tiles printed on heavy cardstock.

D&D Book of Vile Darkness
This roleplaying game product is intended for Dungeon Masters looking to broaden their campaigns to include dark subject matter and truly evil threats. It features a detailed look at the nature of evil and the complex challenge of confronting the many dilemmas found within the deepest shadows. Filled with malignant secrets and musings that can inspire adventures or entire campaigns, The Book of Vile Darkness provides Dungeon Masters with sample roleplaying encounters, adventure hooks, skill challenges, rituals, and lore for some of the most despicable creatures to infest any campaign world, plus new character options for players who like to flirt with evil, and a full-color, double-sided poster map presenting iconic evil sites for heroes to explore.

Dark Heresy Haarlocks Legacy Trilogy
The definitive series of epic Dark Heresy adventures found in The HaarlockÕs Legacy Trilogy – Tattered Fates, Damned Cities, and Dead Stars – are together, at last, in one package! In The Haarlock’s Legacy, players travel throughout the Calixis Sector uncovering dark secrets and investigating a suspicious pattern of events. This thrilling adventure transports players into the midst of bloodbaths, power-plays, and sanity-shredding secrets, leading up to a shattering climax that will decide the future of hundreds of worlds!

Robotech RPG New Generation
New Generation presents the era of the Third Robotech War on Earth, starting with the resistance fighters struggle to rid their world of the Invid invaders. This sourcebook for the Robotech RPG features information on new and variant mecha, vehicles, and weapons, plus guidelines for using mecha from all three Robotech Wars, Resistance Fighter O.C.C.s and Organization creation rules, details on New Generation characters complete with stats, and comprehensive information on the Invid, their society, plans, weapons, and mecha.

New Games for November 14 – November 27, 2011


Hordes Domination (SC)
Unleash the Fury of War! Within the shadows of the wilds, events are set in motion that will bring the area’s powers into a desperate clash by which their fates in the west will be determined. As a returned hero prepares to enact an ancient ritual to foil the plots of dragons, the Skorne Empire resumes its march for conquest and the beleaguered United Kriels must outfox old enemies in their continued fight for the survival of their race! HORDES: Domination heralds the next exciting chapter of the HORDES saga. Set loose the savagery of war with new troops, Theme Force lists, a painting and modeling guide, and narrative fiction, including compelling stories for each HORDES faction.

Ticket to Ride Asia Map Collection
In Ticket to Ride Asia – the first in a new series of Ticket to Ride expansions featuring two different maps on a single, double-side board – you’ll embark on an incredible adventure in Alan R. Moon’s Team Asia map as you and a partner compete against other teams on a 25,000 km wild ride from Kabul to Beijing, through the steppes of Mongolia and the Gobi desert up to the Yellow River! Or, travel alone along the Silk Road or the hustle and bustle of Indochina as you venture into Legendary Asia. In addition to the two maps, Destination Tickets, and Rules booklet, Ticket to Ride Asia also includes six wooden cardholders, plus an additional 45 plastic trains (nine each of each of the five standard colors), both of which are used for team play.

Pokemon B&W Noble Victories Boosters
New Legends for a Noble Victory! The Black & White Noble Victories expansion for the Pokemon TCG crowns you a noble among players! Choose from more than 50 amazing Pokemon, including the Victory Pokemon Victini, plus new Fossil and Legendary Pokemon. Noble Victories helps you battle in style with new powers, new strategies, and new ways to conquer your opponents. Featuring over 100 cards, the Black & White Noble Victories expansion is introduced in two, unique, 60-card Theme Decks (Escavalier and Accelgor), 10-card boosters, and three-pack blisters.

Super Dungeon Explore
Adventure awaits in Super Dungeon Explore! Battle through perilous dungeons, fight hordes of monsters, and collect loot with your own customizable adventure party of brave Heroes! Or, take the role of the dungeon’s Dark Consul and unleash hordes of evil minions and other monstrous denizens to turn meddlesome Heroes into your dungeon’s newest permanent residents!

Dominion Hinterlands
The world is big and your kingdom is small. Small when compared to the world, that is; it’s moderate-sized when compared to other kingdoms. Well, it’s time to stretch your borders! You’ve heard of far-off places, exotic countries… the Hinterlands… and it is these lands that you now turn your gaze. This expansion adds 26 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, including 20 Actions, three Treasures, three Victory cards, and three Reactions.

Castle Panic Wizards Tower Exp
Your castle has been rebuilt, and a friendly Wizard has joined your forces. As long as his tower stands, you and your friends have access to powerful magic spells. And you’ll need them, for the Monsters have returned – stronger, faster, and smarter than before, with new abilities to threaten the Castle! In this first expansion to Castle Panic, you’ll fight against magical Imps, evasive flying creatures, and more! Plus, make your stand against six new, dangerous Mega Boss Monsters, including the Dragon and Necromancer!

Munchkin Reindeer Games
Slay Bells Are Ringing! The perfect stocking stuffer for good little Munchkin fans, Reindeer Games continues the Santa theme of Waiting for Santa and SantaÍs Revenge and features the return of John KovalicÍs smoking delinquent reindeer!

Quarriors! Rise of the Demons Exp
Corrupted Quiddity! Demonic Overlords! Corruption Spells! Epic Goo Burst! Do you have what it takes to overcome the corruption, or will you succumb to the demons? The choice is yours! This expansion to Quarriors!, the game of “Uber Strategic Hexahedron Monster Combat Mayhem,” comes complete with 20 custom dice, 19 playing cards, and a rules insert

Ninja Legend o/t Scorpion Clan
The night is quiet, but somewhere in the darkness shadows are moving. A ninja and a traitorous samurai sneak into the Lion Clan’s castle, intent on completing their dastardly tasks! It’s Lion versus Scorpion, samurai versus assassin, in this exciting, standalone game set in the world of Legend of the Five Rings as players will use their limited resources, wits, and guile to outthink and outmaneuver their opponent. Deductive reasoning, planning, and a little luck will determine whether you triumph – or meet your fate at the end of a steel blade!

Risk Legacy
When you play a game of Risk, it gets personal. Always. But the game was never a casualty of your wars. Until now! How will you shape your world? In Risk Legacy, every game you play will change every future game. Defend a territory, weaken an opponent, or upgrade a faction: a decision you make in Game 1 could come back to haunt you in Game 10! The risks you take in Risk Legacy are not like those in any other board game. You and your opponents will shape how your world evolves – its history, its cities, even its factions – and how they fight. You don’t forget past betrayals – and neither does the game. But, the game itself holds secrets! Uncover new rules, new components, and new surprises and watch events unfold as you play more games. No two Risk Legacy games will EVER be the same!

LTR LCG Return to Mirkwood AP
After a long and difficult hunt, the heroes of Middle-earth have captured Gollum and now escort their prisoner back to King ThranduilÍs palace in Mirkwood. There, Gandalf the Grey hopes to interrogate the wretched creature for the information he suspects may keep the One Ring out of the Dark LordÍs clutches. But the journey back wonÍt be easy! The sixth and conclusive Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle, Return to Mirkwood expands the card pool for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game with 60 new cards, including a challenging new Quest, a new hero, and three copies each of new attachments, allies, and events.

Game of Thrones The Board Game 2nd Ed
Based on the bestselling novel series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, A Game of Thrones: The Board Game lets 3-6 players take control of the great houses of Westeros in an epic struggle to claim the Iron Throne. Featuring updated graphics and a clarified ruleset, this 2nd Edition of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game features elements from the A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords expansions, including ports, garrisons, Wildling cards, and Siege engines, as well as key new innovations such as player screens, which allow players to hide their underhanded doings from their competitors and “Tides of Battle” cards, which convey the uncertainty of war.


PF Adv Path Forest of Spirits
The heroes finally reach the distant land of Tian Xia, only to once again attract the attention of the oni of the Five Storms. But not everyone wants them dead – the heroes must meet a mysterious woman named Miyaro who promises to lead them to allies deep in the Forest of Spirits. A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters, Forest of Spirits continues the Jade Regent Adventure Path.

PF Camp Setting Horsemen/Apocalypse
Horsemen of the Apocalypse continues the Book of the Damned series by taking a detailed look at the daemons – ushers of catastrophe and harbingers of disaster. Personifying the worst ways a person can die, daemons constitute the third arm of major fiendish races, hailing from the nightmare realm of Abaddon, where they are led by four legendary figures – the so-called Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

GM Flip Mat Warehouse
Who knows what criminal conspiracies and deadly deals might unfold amid the maze of merchandise in GameMastery Flip-Mat: Warehouse? With a full suspicious scene on each side, this durable accessory can serve as an ambush site or hideout in any tabletop fantasy campaign.

Legend RPG
Utilizing the core rules from RuneQuest II, Legend is a fantasy roleplaying game that serves as the basis for a multitude of settings and worlds. Completely compatible with all previous RuneQuest II books, including Elric of Melnibone, Deus Vult, and Wraith Recon, Legend re-packages the RuneQuest II rules system into a new, digest-sized format.

Black Friday Sale & Thanksgiving Hours

Our fourth annual Black Friday sale is coming on Friday, November 25th. Come kick off your holiday shopping and earn bonus gift certificates!

From the time we open (10 AM) until the time we close (10 PM) on Friday, November 25th, any purchase you make will also earn you bonus holiday gift certificates. For every $25 you spend, you’ll get $5 on a gift certificate, and you can break those up into individual $5 gift certificates, one big gift certificate with the whole amount or any other combination you choose. So for example, if you spend $100, you’ll get $20 in our special holiday gift certificates.

This year, while supplies last, any purchase of Magic: The Gathering cards will get a bonus limited edition card from our stockpile of Friday Night Magic and other event leftovers.

So come on in and get a little extra bang for your holiday-shopping buck. Or pick up something for yourself and get some bonus money to give away as gifts. But make sure and stop in for this one-day event!

Boring Rules Stuff:
Just like our regular gift certificates, these have no expiration date, and can be used for anything in the store. We’ll be using these throughout the holiday season. They cannot be used on the day of purchase, but can be used as early as Saturday, November 26th.

The amount used to calculate bonus gift certificates is the pre-tax value of merchandise (within reason – a $24.99 or $24.95 item will get you the $5 gift certificate). $5 is given for each full $25, not a fraction thereof.

We will be closed on Thursday, November 24th for Thanksgiving. In addition, we will not be holding D&D Encounters on Thanksgiving week. There are no comic shipping delays related to Thanksgiving.

New Games for November 1 – November 13, 2011


Thunderstone Heart of Doom
Will you survive to defeat Doom? For years heroes have roamed the world searching for the legendary Thunderstones. Now, with seven in hand, the heroes must find the final stone of legend, to seal away the destructive entity known only as Doom. With the location of the eighth stone still unknown, he has begun to appear in the world. Time has run out, the heroes must face Doom on his terms! Introducing all new heroes, village cards, and new monsters to challenge your deck-building skills, as well as a special scenario to unleash war upon the ultimate evil, Thunderstone: Heart of Doom brings to a climax the battle that has been building since the first release

Nightfall Blood Country
Cities have fallen, cities have stood, but outside of those protections, humans must face the creatures of darkness on their own terms. In the lawless countryside of Nightfall, the beast within can wreak havoc like never before! A stand-alone expansion to the competitive deck-building game Nightfall, Blood Country brings you a complete, all-new set of cards with special powers, and features new vampires, werewolves, hunters, and ghouls. Blood Country also introduces innovative abilities for your wounds, creating new effects beyond those just on the card!

LTR LCG Dead Marshes AP
The hunt for Gollum draws to a close in The Dead Marshes, the fifth and penultimate Adventure Pack in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. The Dead Marshes introduces 60 new cards, including a Quest featuring the new, scenario-specific Escape mechanic that allows players to experience how slippery Gollum can be!

Discworld Ankh-Morpork
Welcome to Ankh-Morpork, the oldest, greatest, and most odorous city on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, a place where trouble is always in the cards. Be one of seven personalities vying for ultimate control of this proud and pestilent city, using your cunning and guile to complete your secret agenda. Along the way you’ll encounter wizards, assassins, watchmen, and thieves… all of whom will affect your fortunes and continually change the fate of this mercantile metropolis. Devised by internationally renowned games designer Martin Wallace, Discworld: Ankh-Morpork blends the distinctive humor of Terry Pratchett’s bestselling novels with strategic challenge and a dose of mayhem into one devilishly addictive Discworld adventure.

Trophy Buck
Get that buck! In this quick and easy, portable dice game about deer hunting, the 12 custom dice in Trophy Buck represent deer; push your luck to bag the most points, but stop rolling before too many ñstartlesî end your turn! Will you bring home a trophy, or will you just be looking at tracks?

Munchkin Axe Cop
Axe Cop is a cop. With an axe. And he knows how to use it! The hit webcomic by Malachai Nicolle (age 5) and his brother Ethan (age 29), Axe Cop – along with his friends Dinosaur Soldier and Sockarang – fights crime by fighting the bad guys and CHOPPING THEIR HEADS OFF! There’s only one game that can match the anything-goes feeling of Axe Cop, and that’s Munchkin!


SIF Chronicle Starter
Make your mark on the Seven Kingdoms with this useful sourcebook for A Song of Ice and Fire RPG detailing six sample houses, any of which can be run by the Player Characters. Choose your house and allegiance (Arryn, Baratheon, Frey, Lannister Stark, or Tully) or craft your own house and make allies or enemies of those provided. The Chronicle Starter also includes a complete scenario so you can kick-off your adventures right away.

D&D PO Heroes/Feywild
Ready to explore your character’s wild side? Player’s Option – Heroes of the Feywild enables players to weave elements of the Feywild into their existing and future characters. This Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook contains exciting new character builds and options that are thematically rooted to the Feywild, a wild and verdant plane of arcane splendor, full of dangerous and whimsical creatures. Characters who trace their origins or backgrounds to the Feywild gain access to unique feats, powers, and mechanics.

WHF Lure of Power
Give in to your desires! Lure of Power lets characters rub elbows with the hoity-toity elite and nobility of the Old World. This delightful supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay delves into the world of nobility and the insidious influence of Slaanesh, the Dark Prince, youngest and subtlest of the Ruinous Powers. Players and GMs alike find increased opportunities for noble and social characters as well as background material on Slaanesh, plus rich, new mechanics for social encounters make them every bit as engaging and important as combat.

D&D Encounters – New Season Begins Thursday, November 17th!

For those who have been looking for a jumping-on point into our popular ongoing D&D games, the next season of D&D Encounters starts up on Thursday, November 17th from 7-9 PM! Beyond The Crystal Cave pays homage to a classic AD&D module and takes the characters into the Feywild!

In the first session, players will use Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms and the new rules from Heroes of the Feywild to create their own characters.

If you’d like to see a general overview of Encounters, including how it works, you can find that here. You don’t need to bring anything to play, although dice and a pencil are recommended, and if you have the Essentials rulebooks, you are encouraged to bring those as well.

We’ve had a lot of interest, so make sure and show up on time or even a little early to make sure you get a spot at the table! We have room for 12 people on Thursdays from 7-9 PM. If you’d like, you can sign in ahead of time by calling early on the day of the game, but you must show up by 6:45 to claim your spot or we’ll open it to walk-ins who are already there. Because we always have a lot of interest early on, we may run extra sessions on Mondays for the first two weeks if there is demand. If you would like to sign up for a game on Monday, November 21 to try it out, please send us an email to sign up! We will only schedule the Monday session if we get enough preregistered players to fill a table.

Please note, for those bringing young children to the game, that parents are required to stay if their children under 13 are playing in the game. In addition, we reserve the right to ban players who are being disruptive.

New Games for October 24 – October 31, 2011


Walking Dead Board Game (TV)
Based on AMC’s hit zombie television series, players in The Walking Dead Board Game assume the roles of their favorite characters from the TV series battling the Walkers to survive in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world. Players begin as humans fending off the zombies – but if they succumb to the undead hordes and become a brain-eater, they can cooperate with others who have been infected and team-up against the remaining “human” characters in the game! The Walking Dead Board Game includes two scenarios: “Team Game” and “Survival Mode” – ever-dwindling resources make every decision “life or death”, and as the supplies run out, the tension ramps up!

Penny Arcade Deckbuilding Game
Welcome to the world of Penny Arcade, the top web comic for all things gaming! You’ve followed the way of the warrior, the story of the Cardboard Tube Samurai. You, too, wept with Charles over the lack of Halo on the Macintosh. Now rally your favorite Penny Arcade characters together to build your perfect deck and battle your friends in mass melee fun!

In 12th Century Japan, the Minamoto and Taira clans vie for power while retired Emperor Go-Shirakawa plays his rivals against one another. One of the three factions will triumph to impose the coming social order. In the shadow of these elite powers, a few ninja scheme to exploit the chaos. Daring raids, skill mastery, and subtle intrigue are essential to establishing one’s honor. When the new era dawns, one ninja will flourish as the Ninjato, the Invisible Sword of the ruling family!

Undermining casts players in the role of rival miners, hollowing out an alien world in their Universal Mining Vehicle (UMV) for fun and profit. Alongside prized resources like Uranium, Titanium, Diamond, and Niobium, you’re also likely to find powerful alien technologies left behind by an ancient civilization.

Gnomes of Zavandor
Zavandor is a world of contrasts. It is full of breathtaking landscapes, ancient forests, and stunning mountain vistas. But much of Zavandor is defined by industrious mining operations, attacking the great mountain ranges from above and below. Who will become the most successful gem-trading mogul in Zavandor? Like most gnomes, you have two great passions: sparkling gems and wondrous machines. The sought-after gemstones can be unearthed around the mining town of Diamantina, then sold at the gem exchange where shady traders are always willing to engage in a little wheeling and dealing for valuable mining rights, artifacts, and jewelry.


Dark Heresy Book of Judgement
The Calixis Sector is plagued with heretics, recidivists, and the unworthy…and it is the Adeptus Arbites who bring them to judgement! Book of Judgement, a Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay supplement, serves as a guide to crime and punishment in the Calixis Sector, and provides a powerful resource for Dark Heresy campaigns that feature Imperial Law as a story foundation. This detailed supplement contains new rules, backgrounds, alternate careers, and equipment for playing Acolytes with legal authority or a criminal past, and provides players with information about the Adeptus ArbitesÕ mission to bring order to the Calixis Sector, while Game Masters of all experience levels will find expanded Investigation rules and a new adventure (“Jurisdiction”).

SR New Dawn Dawn o/t Artifacts
One more artifact. One more chance for a big payday. One more run to distant lands and high seas, racing against time and the wealthy, ruthless powers who want the artifact for themselves. At the end of this, if you succeed, four powerful artifacts will be gathered together, and they will be poised to shake the world. To finish the quest for the artifacts, runners will have to travel to Hong Kong, track down the mobile city of Karavan, penetrate the corp enclave of Neo-Tokyo, and survive an assault on the high seas. The final adventure in the Dawn of the Artifacts series, New Dawn brings the story of the gathering of the artifacts to a rollicking conclusion while setting the stage for the changes the Sixth World will experience once the true power of these artifacts is tapped and unleashed.

PF Pathfinder RPG Beginner Box
Take your first steps into an exciting world of fantasy adventure with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box, packed with everything you need to get started including a 64-page Hero’s Handbook, a 96-page Game Master’s Guide, a complete set of seven high-impact polyhedral dice, four pre-generated and four blank character sheets, and a durable, reusable, double-sided Flip-Mat.

GM Map Pack Mines
GameMastery Map Pack: Mines contains 18 full-color, 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Jason Engle, that combine to form a variety of mine-themed locales destined to strike it rich! Locations include: Mine Entrance, Customizable Mine Tracks, Caverns, Mother Lode, Chasms, and Cave-Ins.

PF Adv Path Hungry Storm
Navigating Golarion’s frozen northern continent, the so-called “Crown of the World,” to reach the distant land of Minkai, the heroes learn that a monstrous entity is manipulating the blizzards and storms of the north, and unless she’s defeated they’ll find themselves but the latest victim of the Hungry Storm!

PF Camp Setting Lands/Linnorm Kings
This in-depth gazetteer explores the legendary Lands of the Linnorm Kings, a northern realm of larger-than-life adventure where Viking kings earn the right to rule by defeating enormous, primeval dragons – linnorms!

PF Player Companion Faiths/Corruption
Learn the hideous secrets and vile rituals of Golarion’s most evil cults, from the lord of all devils Asmodeus to the apocalyptic monstrousness of Rovagug. Faiths of Corruption presents an overview of the evil-aligned religions and faiths of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize pious characters in both flavor and mechanics.

GURPS Tactical Shooting
As Real as a Fistful of Steel! More techniques, more firearms, more ammo options, and more gear, GURPS: Tactical Shooting brings realistic firearm combat to the gaming table, equips your character like the best militaries in the world, and gives them the skills to back up what they’re packing.

New Games for October 3 – October 23, 2011


Time Line
Was the light bulb invented before or after glasses? With Timeline, learn the answer to this question and thousands of others by comparing your knowledge or hunches to historic reality.

Blood Bowl Team Manager
Are you ready to face off against stout Dwarfs, crafty Skaven, and ruthless Orcs, all to become Spike! Magazine’s Manager of the Year? Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game is a bone-breaking, breathtaking game of violence and outright cheating as Chaos, Dwarf, Wood Elf, Human, Orc, and Skaven teams compete against each other over the course of a brutal season. Customize your team by drafting Star Players, hiring staff, upgrading facilities, and cheating like mad! As the coach of one of six famous and vicious teams from the Blood Bowl world, you will capitalize on its unique play style, customizing your deck to manage your team in a series of nail-biting tournaments leading up to the brutal Blood Bowl itself!

Star Trek The Next Generation Deck-Building Game
Build your deck and boldly go! The final frontier of the Star Trek universe beckons in the Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation! As Captain of a small Starship with a standard crew and basic weaponry, you’ll explore the universe, interact with alien races, complete missions, and experience the mysteries of space. Will you use your crew’s experience to improve your ships systems or recruit more experienced crewmen to your ship? Will you form diplomatic relationships or conquer civilizations in battle? Play these different scenarios (Borg Invasion, Exploration, and Klingon Civil War) or create your own! Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation comes complete with 300 cards, five 20-sided dice, and a game manual.

WOW CCG Aftermath Throne Tides
Murlocs, Nagas, and Ogres, oh my! Aftermath – Throne of the Tides introduces Monsters as playable Hero races in World of Warcraft: The Trading Card Game!

LTR The One Ring RPG
Smaug has been defeated, the Battle of Five Armies has been won, and Bilbo has returned to the Shire. The War of the Rings is still a generation away, but much danger still remains. The One Ring – Adventures Over the Edge of the Wild is a new roleplaying game based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy classic, The Lord of the Rings, and set after the events chronicled in The Hobbit.

Martian Dice Game
Your mission, Martians, is to swoop down on the pathetic denizens of the primitive planet ‘Earth’, and scoop up as many of the inhabitants as you can manage. The Earthlings might manage to put up a feeble defense, but surely nothing that a small taste of your Death Rays can’t handle. Make Mars proud… be the first Martian to fill your abduction quota!

Harry Potter Hogwarts House Cup Challenge
Who will win the House Cup? You decide! Play as one of your favorite characters! Different rules and gameplay for beginners and advanced players!Hogwarts: House Cup Challenge is an Adventure Board Game that allows 2 – 4 players to portray Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville in their quest to win the House Cup for Gryffindor! Players move their characters around the board encountering Adventure Cards and increasing their Knowledge, Skill, and Honor. As the characters’ abilities grow, they will face harder challenges based on the first five Harry Potter films, from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Players who complete difficult adventures earn victory points for themselves and for Gryffindor. When Gryffindor reaches 500 points, the player with the most points wins the game!

D&D Legend of Drizzt Board Game
The adventures of Drizzt Do’Urden, as told in the New York Times bestselling Forgotten Realms novels by R.A. Salvatore, come to life in this thrilling board game! Take on the role of the legendary drow ranger or one of his famous adventuring companions, battle fearsome foes, and win treasure and glory. Designed for 1-5 players, this board game features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play, and can be combined with other D&D Adventure System Cooperative Play board games, including Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon, to create an even more exciting experience.

Dark Minions
Pillage! Destroy! Vanquish Your Foes! As leaders of marauding forces, players in Dark Minions gain Vanquish Points by sending out their minions to sack, and ultimately conquer, opposing armies, towers, and cities. Recall minions from the graveyard to bolster a player’s forces, or higher Overlords to boost your powers and morale! This edition of Alan Newmanalso’s devilish dice game includes the Demon Lords expansion – which introduces additional Overlords to the mayhem – plus a special town tile and a unique die.

Ares Project
Earth has been devastated by thousands of years of human exploitation. The salvation of mankind lies millions of miles away, in the Martian tundra, where four factions fight for the future: Terrans, the remnants of the global Earth Defense Force; Kahoum, an ancient cabal; Colossus, a renegade team of underpaid engineers gathered to create the ultimate fighting machine; Xenos, the original inhabitants of Mars, who have lain in dormant hibernation for millennia – until now. Build your forces, upgrade them with advanced technologies, and launch them into battle with fast-paced, card-driven action in The Ares Project!


BRP The Magic Book
Magic pervades many worlds of the Basic Roleplaying game system, for in the game every adventurer – every character – has the capacity to manipulate invisible powers. This sourcebook explains the mechanics of three independent magic systems – spirit magic, divine magic, and Wizardry – and details ritual magic, a system common to shamans, priests, and wizardry.

New Games for September 19 – October 2, 2011


Star Trek Fleet Captains
Beam up for adventure and boldly go into the depths of unexplored space with Star Trek: Fleet Captains, a strategic combat game based on the expansive Star Trek franchise!

Walking Dead Board Game
Can You Walk Among The Dead? Enter the world of Robert Kirkman and Image Comics’ bestselling, award-winning graphic novel series in The Walking Dead: The Board Game, as players take on the roles of survivors in a world fraught with zombies.

DC Heroclix Superman
Faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive, Superman comes full circle in this dynamic HeroClix set! Featuring the first HeroClix ñFlashpointî figures, DC HeroClix: Superman depicts some of your favorite heroes and villains as they appear in the exciting Flashpoint series!

COC Mansions/Madness Silver Tablet
A promising professor has absconded with university property – an ancient and mysterious silver tablet. Now, you’ve been hired to search her manor for clues to her whereabouts, all while treating the matter with the utmost discretion. But what darker secrets does the tablet hold, and why did Professor Wolcott cut off all communication with the outside world? A story expansion for Mansions of Madness, The Silver Tablet tasks players with solving the horrifying mystery behind an ancient artifact… all while resisting its sinister powers! This expansion comes complete with three double-sided reference sheets, two Keeper Action cards, five Event cards, three Objective cards, and nearly 50 Clue, Exploration, Lock, and Obstacle cards.

MTG Innistrad
Horror Lurks Within! The first set in the next Magic: The Gathering expansion block, Innistrad features 264 black-bordered cards introduced in Intro Packs, Event Decks, Boosters, and Fat Packs.

Star Fluxx
Just when you thought that Fluxx had gone as far as it could go… it blasts off for the Stars! Explore the vastness of space-themed humor with your valiant Captain, Engineer, and, of course, your Expendable Crewman. Go check out that Small Moon – or is it really a Space Station? You may be swayed by Unseen Forces, held hostage by Evil Computers, or find your ship infested with Cute Fuzzy Aliens. Beware the unexpected as Star Fluxx takes you straight into a Wormhole of hilarity!

Monopoly Dr. Who Limited Ed
This special Doctor Who edition of Monopoly features all-new graphics and exclusive pieces spotlighting Matt Smith as the 11th incarnation of the Doctor.

Arcana Revised Ed
In Arcana, 2-4 guild leaders send their loyal Agents into the districts of Cadwallon to gain power through intrigue, bribery, and coercion! This revised edition of Arcana introduces two new guilds plus six new rule options for players to choose from, or incorporate them all for a more challenging experience.

LTR LCG The Hills of Emyn Muil AP
The hunt for Gollum continues in The Hills of Emyn Muil, the fourth Adventure Pack for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! The Hills of Emyn Muil includes a Quest card and its related Encounters, as well as new Hero, Attachment, and Ally cards.

For two bleak decades the Undead reavers of Count Noctilus have plagued the oceans of the world. After each raid, the Dreadfleet disappears into its lair as quickly and silently as it appeared, far from the reach of Man. And yet there remains hope. Captain Jaego Roth of the Heldenhammer has vowed to hunt down and destroy Count Noctilus and his Undead captains once and for all! With him sail the most notorious and cunning of the pirate lords of Sartosa, each borne to battle upon a giant warship bristling with cannons, organ guns, and bolt throwers. At the stroke of midnight on Geheimnisnacht, most forsaken of nights, the Heldenhammer and her companions sail into the realm of undeath known as the Galleon’s Graveyard. One by one, Count Noctilus and his vile allies move in to stop them. Dreadfleet is a boxed game for two (or more) players that includes everything you need to make war on the turbulent seas of the Warhammer world.

Confusion Espionage/Deception
Confusion takes players back to the early 1960s and the Cold War between the United States and the USSR as each takes on the role of their selected nation’s spy agency: the CIA or the KGB. As leader of a spy syndicate, you’re tasked in deploying spies and utilizing their talents and knowledge for maximum effect in escorting a Top Secret Briefcase to its destination. But, be on alert – your opponent has placed a double-agent in your team of spies!

In the reckless and exciting game of Deadwood, players control a gang of cowboys and send them into the vulnerable town of Deadwood to oversee businesses and collect as much money as they can. And, with three possible ways for the game to end, thereÍs no telling the final outcome!


Rogue Trader Fallen Suns
A lost Eldar Craftworld has begun a dark voyage of death and disaster, and only the Rogue Traders of the Koronus Expanse stand in the way of its rampage! Fallen Suns is the third and final installment in The Warpstorm Trilogy for Rogue Trader.

Black Crusade Warhammer 40K RPG
The days of the Imperium of Man are coming to an end, and the corpse-god will soon be overthrown! Are you prepared to embrace Chaos? Black Crusade is an exciting, new, standalone addition to the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay line, offering players an entirely new perspective on the conflict between the Imperium of Man and the forces of Chaos. This groundbreaking concept delivers the unprecedented opportunity to play as an agent of Chaos, whether as a Chaos Space Marine or a human disciple. In the Black Crusade, players will learn if the agents of Chaos are truly evil, or simply rebels fighting against the Imperium and its repressive oligarchy bent on blinding all of humanity with its dogma.

Black Crusade Game Master’s Kit
Guide your players down the path of Chaos with the Game Master’s Kit for Black Crusade! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master’s screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other.

Gumshoe Ashen Stars HC
They call you Lasers. To the lawless denizens of the Bleed, whether they be pirates, gangsters, or tyrants, you’re known in less flattering terms. You’re the seasoned freelancers local leaders call when a situation proves too tough, too baffling, or simply too weird to handle on their own. In the abandoned fringe of inhabited planets known as the Bleed, you’re as close to a higher authority as they come. In Ashen Stars, a gritty space opera game from Robin D. Laws, the players portray Lasers – freelance troubleshooters and law enforcers operating in a remote sector called the Bleed. Amid the ashes of a devastating war, the lasers solve mysteries, fix thorny problems, and explore strange corners of space – all on a contract basis.

DC New 52 Fantasy Draft Results – Fourth Week!

The first month of the DC Fantasy Draft has concluded! We’ve got one more month, based on the second issues of the New 52, before we crown our champion! Our top point leader right now remains Jason Mance (at 56 points, with his Superman-lead team). In second place, Bert Lopez (at 43 points, with his Batman-lead team). In third place is Oscar Amos (at 42 points, with his Flash-lead team.)

In addition to the points gained every week when comics are released, there is a 9-point bonus available to each team when they face off against one another in matches voted on by customers. The fourth week match-up found Greg Griffith’s team of Batman (Detective), Robin, Red Hood, Katana and Batwing falling to Bert Lopez’s team of Batman (Dark Knight), Atrocitus, King Shark, Grifter and OMAC! The win boosted Bert Lopez to second place! If you aren’t participating in the draft and you want to vote on the 9-point versus rounds, make sure and vote when you’re in the store next week. We’ll do a new match-up starting each Wednesday and running through Saturday night!

DC New 52 Fantasy Draft Results – Third Week!

The DC New 52 Fantasy Draft game continues! Our top point leader right now remains Jason Mance (at 49 points, with his Superman-lead team). In second place, Joseph Compton (at 33 points, with his Wonder Woman-lead team getting a boost from Wonder Woman #1 this week). In third place is Ed Broussard (at 31 points, with his Superman-lead team gaining a boost from Catwoman #1 this week).

Next week is the final 13 of the New 52, and then there will be a second month of points from all the #2 issues before we crown our winner. In addition to the points gained every week when comics are released, there is a 9-point bonus available to each team when they face off against one another in matches voted on by customers. The third week match-up found Charles Engle’s team of Aquaman, Black Canary, Blue Beetle, Blackhawks & Dawnstar falling to Jason Murphy’s team of Superman, Firestorm, Poison Ivy, Gates and Saint Walker! If you aren’t participating in the draft and you want to vote on the 9-point versus rounds, make sure and vote when you’re in the store next week. We’ll do a new match-up starting each Wednesday and running through Saturday night!