Now in stock: Pop culture posters, stickers and postcard sets from Austin artist Tim Doyle! Featuring Doctor Who, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Tarantino flicks and lots more!
We also just got a huge restock of Marvel T-Shirts (and a smattering of Star Wars) plus some new shirts we’ve never had before! Also, if you’re looking for Reaper minis, we got a big restock on their Bones minis!
Store Reorganization!
We have done a huge overhaul of the store to give us more space and more displays, and put up a ton of new signage, all in hopes of making stuff easier to find! Here are the pictures of the overhaul, we hope you’ll come in and give it a look!
International Tabletop Day THIS SATURDAY, April 5, 2014!
It’s back! The annual celebration of board and card games from the fine folks at Tabletop was a huge success last year, and we’re proud to be participating again this year!
Here’s the schedule:
7 Wonders (3 players will get Wil Wheaton Leader cards)
Munchkin (5 players will get Munchkin Tabletop Day bookmarks)
Coup (2 players will get Inquisitor promo cards)
Castle Panic (2 players will get Hero cards)
Gloom (3 players get Gloom promo cards)
Unspeakable Words (2 players will get promo cards)
Open play featuring Fluxx, King of Tokyo, Carcassonne and/or Pandemic!
In addition, Steve Jackson Games will have a rep on hand to demo Zombie Dice and Chupacabra, and they’ll have tons of prizes, including Bookmarks, Coins, Lanyards, Buttons, Promo Cards a set of Cthulhu Kill-O-Meter.
We will also have door prizes to give out, including a copy of popular card game Love Letter, the new Krosmaster miniatures game, “trial size” Labyrinth, Slangology, GeekOut! and Roll For It Express.
New Comics for Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Y’all may have noticed our New release comics aren’t showing up on the site… Comixology cover gallery is down at the moment, so we’ll be posting our new comics list on the store blog for the time being.
FIRST ISSUES AND JUMPING-ON POINTS An incomplete list of first issues, new creative teams and new story arcs beginning this week
All New Ghost Rider #1
Blackout #1
Captain America Homecoming #1
Iron Patriot #1
My Little Phoney a Brony Adv One Shot #1
New Avengers #16
Real Heroes #1
Revolutionary War Omega #1
Rocky & Bullwinkle #1
Silver Surfer #1
Star Slammers Remastered #1
Suicide Squad Amanda Waller #1
Uber Special #1
Uncanny Avengers #18
A Plus X #18
Adventures of Nilson Groundthumper & Hermy Hc
Adventures of Superman #11
Alex + Ada #5
All New Ghost Rider #1
All New X-factor #5
All Star Western #29
Amazing X-men #5
American Vampire Hc Vol 06
American Vampire Tp Vol 05
Aquaman #29
Arkham Asylum Joker Px Bust Bank
Ash & the Army of Darkness Annual 2014
Avengers #27
Avengers Assemble #25
Batman the Dark Knight #29
Batwoman Hc Vol 04 This Blood is Thick
Batwoman Tp Vol 03 Worlds Finest
Beware the Batman #6
Black Science #1 3rd Ptg
Black Science #2 3rd Ptg
Blackout #1
Bravest Warriors #18
Brilliant #5
Bunker #2
Cable and X-force Tp Vol 04 Vendettas
Captain America Homecoming #1
Captain Midnight #9
Catwoman #29
Catwoman Tp Vol 03 Under Pressure
Chew Tp Vol 08 Family Recipes
Dc Comics Supergirl Artfx+ Statue
Dc Superhero Chess Fig Coll Mag #52 Cheetah
Dc Superhero Chess Fig Coll Mag #53 Firestorm
Dc Universe Vs Masters of the Universe #6
Dead Body Road #4
Dead Boy Detectives #4
Deadly Class #3
Deadpool #26
Dejah Thoris & Green Men of Mars #12
Doc Savage #4
Doctor Who 2d Relief Ceramic Dalek Mug
Doctor Who 2d Relief Ceramic Tardis Mug
Elfquest Final Quest #2
Empowered Special #6 Internal Medicine
Eternal Warrior #7
Fables #139
Fatale #21
Fear Agent Library Ed Hc Vol 02
Flash #29
Forever Evil Argus #6
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #6
Furious #3
Game of Thrones #19
Game of Thrones Mystery Minis 24pc Bmb
Garth Ennis Red Team Tp Vol 01 Season One
George Romeros Empire of Dead Act One #3
Ghostbusters #14
Godzilla 1989 Vinyl Figural Bank
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #10
Guardians of Galaxy #13
Hacktivist #3
Halo Escalation #4
Harley Quinn #0 2nd Ptg
Harley Quinn #1 3rd Ptg
Hawkeye #18
He Man and the Masters of the Universe #11
Indestructible Hulk #20
Injustice Year Two #3
Iron Patriot #1
Jans Atomic Heart and Other Stories Tp
Justice League Dark #29
King Conan Conqueror #2
Krampus #4
Larfleeze #9
Legends of Red Sonja #5
Manhattan Projects #19
Marvel Comics Mystery Minis 24pc Bmb
Marvel Knights X-men #5
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-man #24
Mass Effect Foundation #9
Midas Flesh #4
Mind Mgmt #20
Miracleman #4
My Little Phoney a Brony Adv One Shot #1
New Avengers #16
One Hit Wonder #2
Origin Ii #4
Pariah #2
Previews #307
Protectors Inc #5
Rachel Rising #24
Rat Queens Tp Vol 01 Sass & Sorcery
Real Heroes #1
Red Lanterns #29
Regular Show #11
Revenge #2
Revolutionary War Omega #1
Rocky & Bullwinkle #1
Sandman Overture #2
Satellite Sam #7
Savage Wolverine #16
Serenity Leaves on the Wind #3
Sex #12
Silver Surfer #1
Skullkickers #25
Star Slammers Remastered #1
Star Wars Legacy Ii #13
Suicide Squad Amanda Waller #1
Superior Spider-man #30
Superior Spider-man Team Up #11
Superman #29
Superman Earth One Tp Vol 02
Talon #17
Teen Titans #29
Tmnt New Animated Adventures #9
Tomb Raider #2
Uber Special #1
Uber Tp Vol 01
Umbral #5
Uncanny Avengers #18
Uncanny Avengers Prem Hc Vol 03 Ragnarok
Uncanny X-force Tp Vol 03 Great Corruption
Vandroid #2
Wake #7
Walking Dead #124
Walking Dead Magazine #8
Walking Dead Mystery Minis Ii 24pc Bmb
Worlds Finest #21
Wraith Welcome to Christmasland #5
X-files Conspiracy #2
Hellboy Day This Saturday, March 22nd!
Hey folks! Inventory and reorganization knocked this off our schedule planning, but we will be celebrating Hellboy day this Saturday, March 22nd!
We’ve got a small supply of an all-new sampler comic featuring two classic Mignola tales: “The Ghoul” and “Another Day at The Office,” as well as two new stories by Mignola, Fabio Moon, and R. Sikoryak – they’ll be one per person, first-come, first-serve. We’ll also be doing a 15% off sale on all Hellboy and BPRD single issues and graphic novels all day Saturday! So if you’ve never checked out big red and his pals, or if you’re a longtime fan… c’mon out and pick up some Hellboy!
New Comics for Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Y’all may have noticed our New release comics aren’t showing up on the site… Comixology cover gallery is down at the moment, so we’ll be posting our new comics list on the store blog for the time being.
FIRST ISSUES AND JUMPING-ON POINTS An incomplete list of first issues, new creative teams and new story arcs beginning this week
American Vampire Second Cycle #1
Btvs Season 10 #1
Daredevil #1
Harbinger Bleeding Monk #0
Iron Man #23
Rush Clockwork Angels #1
Sovereign #1
Witcher #1
Adventure Time #26
Adventure Time Totally Math Poster Collection Sc
All New Invaders #3
American Vampire Second Cycle #1
Animal Man #29
Aphrodite Ix #9
Arkham Asylum Batman Px Bust Bank
Artful Daggers Fifty Years Later Tp
Avengers World #4
Bart Simpson Comics #89
Batman 66 #9
Batman and Aquaman #29
Batman Arkham City Two Face Af
Batman Beyond Universe #8
Batman Bruce Wayne Murderer Tp
Batman by Doug Moench and Kelley Jones Hc Vol 01
Batwoman #29
Birds of Prey #29
Btvs Season 10 #1
Cthulhu Px Figural Bottle Opener
Curse #3
Danger Girl the Chase Tp
Daredevil #1
Dark Horse Presents #34
Dc Comics Cyborg Artfx+ Statue New 52 Ver
Death Tp
Dexter Down Under #2
Disney Kingdoms Seekers of Weird #3
Five Ghosts #10
Fuse #2
Ghosted #8
Gi Joe #14
God is Dead #9
Gravel Combat Magician #2
Green Arrow Tp Vol 04 the Kill Machine
Green Lantern New Guardians #29
Green Lantern Rise of the Third Army Tp
Harbinger Bleeding Monk #0
Harley Quinn #4
Hellboy First 20 Years Hc
Illegitimates #4
Iron Man #23
Lazarus #7
Legenderry a Steampunk Adv #3
Letter 44 #5
Loki Agent of Asgard #1 2nd Ptg
Loki Ragnarok & Roll #2
Marvel Encyclopedia Hc 75th Anniv Ed
Marvel Knights Hulk #4
Maxx Maxximized #5
Mighty Avengers Tp Vol 01 No Single Hero
Ms Marvel #1 2nd Ptg
Ms Marvel #2
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #17
Nemo Roses of Berlin Hc
New Avengers #15
New Avengers Tp Vol 01 Everything Dies
Noah Hc
Nova #15
Other Dead #6
Pop Mlp Twilight Sparkle Vinyl Fig
Prophet #43
Red Hood and the Outlaws #29
Revolutionary War Warheads #1
Rocket Girl #4
Rush Clockwork Angels #1
Saga Tp Vol 03
Samurai Jack #6
Scribblenauts Unmasked Crisis of Imagination #3
Sex Criminals #5
Shadowman #16
Simpsons Comics #210
Skyman #3
Sonic the Hedgehog #258
Sovereign #1
Star Wars Darth Vader & Cry of Shadows #4
Star Wars Dawn O/t Jedi Force War #5
Suicide Risk Tp Vol 02
Suicide Squad #29
Supergirl #29
Superior Foes of Spider-man #10
Superior Spider-man Annual #2
Superman Unchained #6
Ten Grand #8
Thor God of Thunder #20
Thunderbolts #23
Tmnt Utrom Empire #3
Trinity of Sin Pandora #9
Ult Comics Spider-man by Bendis Tp Vol 04
Uncanny X-men #19
Undertow #2
Unwritten Vol 2 Apocalypse #3
White Suits #2
William Shakespeare Empire Striketh Back Hc
Winter Soldier Bitter March #2
Witcher #1
Wolverine #1 2nd Ptg
Wolverine and X-men #2
Wonder Woman #29
Wwe Ongoing #2 2nd Ptg
X-men #12
X-o Manowar #23
Young Avengers Tp Vol 03 Mic Drop Edge Time and Space
Zero #6
The Helicarrier
We have a new decoration flying in the skies above our All-Ages section… the Helicarrier. Hand-crafted by Nick Budd and Jarek Stuart, this picture doesn’t really do it justice.
New Products from STAPLE!
After a successful weekend at STAPLE! independent media expo, we have a few new comics and games for sale from vendors at the show.
Francesco Francavilla – Our guest at STAPLE! signed a few comics and graphic novels for us, including copies of Zorro Year One, Batman Black Mirror, Captain America and Bucky graphic novels and Swamp Thing #10, where he was the artist and single issues of The Shadow and Fantomex Max that he did the covers for. We also have a very limited number of Afterlife with Archie #4 Comics Pro variant cover issues, which are very rare and going for big bucks on eBay. Those will go on sale on Wednesday, March 5, and are first-come, first-serve.
Doc Unknown – A pulp-flavored graphic novel by Corpus Christi-based writer Fabian Rangel Jr. and artist Ryan Cody collecting the four-issue digital miniseries.
Early Dark – A dark fantasy role-playing game that mixes real and fictional cultures, crunchy rules and indie role-playing from an Austin developer.
Annual Inventory Clearance Sale! FINAL WEEK!
We’ve started our annual inventory clearance sale! We’ll be clearing out a wide variety of graphic novels, games, miniatures, manga and other merchandise before doing our yearly inventory.
The discount begins at 75%, and customers then roll 2d6 to add 2-12% onto that discount! All sales on clearance merchandise are final (no returns), and unfortunately we can’t allow anyone to put sale items on hold for later.
The sale will end on Saturday, March 8th.
New Comics for February 12, 2014
The Comixology function we use for new comics is down at the moment, so until it comes back up, here is a text-only list of new comics expected this Wednesday.
FIRST ISSUES AND JUMPING-ON POINTS An incomplete list of first issues, new creative teams and new story arcs beginning this week
Bunker #1
City the Mind in the Machine #1
Fuse #1
Gravel Combat Magician #1
Mercenary Sea #1
Robocop to Live and Die in Detroit One Shot
Royals Masters of War #1
She-hulk #1
Thor God of Thunder #19
Winter Soldier Bitter March #1
X-force #1
Abe Sapien #10
Adventure Time Finn Acrylic Cup
Adventure Time Jake Acrylic Cup
Adventure Time Tp Vol 04
All New X-factor #3
All New X-men #23
Astro City #9
Avengers #26
Avengers Tp Vol 01 Avengers World
Batgirl #28
Batgirl Face 12oz Coffee Mug
Batman #28
Batman Lil Gotham #11
Bravest Warriors Tp Vol 02
Bunker #1
Captain America Tp Vol 01 Castaway Dimension Z
City the Mind in the Machine #1
Coffin Hill #5
Constantine #11
Constantine Tp Vol 01 Spark and the Flame
Creepy Comics #15
Daredevil by Mark Waid Hc Vol 02
Dc Comics Heroes 12oz Coffee Mug
Deadpool #23
Down Set Fight Gn
Egos #2
Eternal Warrior #6
Fatale #20
Fatale Tp Vol 04 Pray for Rain
Flash Face 12oz Coffee Mug
Flash Hc Vol 03 Gorilla Warfare
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #5
Fuse #1
Gravel Combat Magician #1
Great Pacific #13
Green Lantern Corps #28
Green Lantern Face 12oz Coffee Mug
Harbinger #21
Harley Quinn #1 2nd Ptg
Injustice Year Two #2
Iron Man Tp Vol 01 Believe
Justice League 3000 #3
Justice League of America #12
Kick-ass 3 #6
Legenderry a Steampunk Adv #2
Letter 44 #4
Lobster Johnson Tp Vol 03 Satan Smells a Rat
Manifest Destiny #3 2nd Ptg
Manifest Destiny #4
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd Tp
Marvel Deadpool Bottle Opener
Marvel Knights X-men #4
Maxx Maxximized #4
Mercenary Sea #1
My Little Pony Micro Series Fluttershy Comicfolio
Nightwing #28
Power Girl Power Trip Tp
Prophet Tp Vol 03 Empire
Regular Show Skips #4
Revolutionary War Deaths Head Ii #1
Robocop to Live and Die in Detroit One Shot
Royals Masters of War #1
Secret Avengers #15
She-hulk #1
Sixth Gun #38
Smallville Season 11 Alien #3
Sonic the Hedgehog #257
Sons of Anarchy #6
Spaceman Tp
Spawn #240
Spongebob Comics #29
Star Wars #14
Suicide Squad #28
Superboy #28
Supergirl Tp Vol 03 Sanctuary
Superior Spider-man #27
Superman Wonder Woman #5
Ten Grand #7
Thor God of Thunder #19
Tmnt Ongoing Tp Vol 07 City Fall Pt 2
Uncanny #6
Walking Dead #121
Winter Soldier Bitter March #1
Wolverine and X-men #41
X-files Season 10 #9
X-force #1