Free RPG Day on Saturday, June 21st!

freelogoRogues Gallery is proud to announce that we will be hosting Free RPG Day on Saturday, June 21st!

All day long (or at least, as long as supplies last) we’ll have free RPGs for anyone who comes in. Due to the limited supply, we limit customers to two choices per person, and we do expect to run out before the end of the day, so get here early for the best selection!

If you have any interest in running an RPG demo for us (or if you’d like us to demo a particular RPG) drop us a line at!

All-Ages Awesomeness 4 on Saturday, June 7th!

allagesawesomeness4It’s our fourth annual all-ages events, featuring a whole bunch of creators who will sketch, sign and talk with kids about making comics!

Our guests this year are:

Mike Maihack – Creator of Cleopatra in Space, contributor to Jim Henson’s The Storyteller; Cow Boy and many more!

Amy Mebberson – Artist on My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Monsters Inc. The Muppets and lots more!

Cully Hamner – Designer of the new Blue Beetle and much of DC’s New 52!

Matt Frank – Artist on Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth and more!

Evan Bryce – Artist whose super-cool prints you’ve seen in the store!

Paul Benjamin – Writer on Monsters Inc., Hulk, The Muppets and more!

The event will run from 10 AM – 6 PM! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! The coolest all-ages event all year!

Memorial Day Sale on Monday, May 26th!

Rogues Gallery will be open normal hours on Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day and we’ll be having a sale! All graphic novels, boardgames, role-playing games, T-shirts, and Warhammer/Warhammer 40K will be on sale at 15% off!

We do not expect a new comics delay. we will have new comics on Wednesday, May 28th as normal

New T-Shirts, Plushes & Bust Banks!

tshirtsWe’ve got some new T-shirts in store featuring Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Tiny Titans’ Batgirl and more! We’ve also got a restock on the popular Grumpy Cat plushes and the new Harley Quinn bust banks!





The Avengers Come to Rogues Gallery!

avengers1Courtesy of friend of the store Toshi and display-builder extraordinaire Nick Budd, the Hot Toys line-up of The Avengers is now on display in the store.

Sorry, as with Nick’s action figure displays, these aren’t for sale… they’re just to look at.




Super-Villain Jeopardy!

jeopardyNick Budd’s newest display, Super-Villain Jeopardy!, is now up at the shop! You can see it in all its detail in the shop, but the picture on the left is a preview.

Marvel’s Original Sin Launch Party

originalsinWe will be hosting a launch party for Marvel’s next big event, Original Sin, on Wednesday, May 7th. Customers buying Original Sin #1 on that day will get a free Watcher eyeball and lithograph by Skottie Young (while supplies last). In addition, there will be a wide variety of variants for Original Sin #1 for sale, including some very limited variants.

Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 3rd!

FCBD_nodateRogues Gallery will be celebrating Free Comic Book Day! We’ll have the full selection of free comics available, although as always, the earlier you arrive, the better chance you have of getting a shot at everything.

This year’s FCBD will be on Saturday, May 3rd and will feature a wide assortment of books from Archie, Bongo, DC, Marvel, Boom!, IDW and lots more. Characters featured include Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon, Batman Beyond, Avatar the Last Airbender, Hellboy, Adventure Time, Spongebob, GI Joe, Transformers, Atomic Robo, Courtney Crumrin, Sonic, Megaman, Smurfs, Teen Titan and more! A full list of the comics available can be found here.

As always, we’ll be unveiling our promotions for our All-Ages Awesomeness event on Free Comic Book Day as well. That event will be in early June, and we’ll have a sneak peek at the guest list and date up on Facebook and the website very soon!

Rogues Gallery closed on Easter Sunday

We’ll be closed on Sunday, April 20th for Easter. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Magic The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Prerelease in April!

Rogues Gallery will be holding two pre-release events for Magic: The Gathering’s newest set, Journey Into Nyx, on Sunday, April 27th! We recommend that you call or email ahead to pre-register, because we have limited space and tend to fill up well before the day of the event itself. We have room for 16 players in the first event, beginning at noon, and 16 players in the second event, beginning at 3:30 PM. If space allows, we are happy to allow players to play in both pre-release tournaments… players will have to buy-in to both tournaments, you cannot carry over cards or decks from the first pre-release into the second. In addition, of late we’ve had folks sign up and not show up, so if you don’t get in on your preferred time, you are welcome to sign up as an alternate or to come in on the day and try to get available spaces.

Registration will begin at noon on April 27th. We’ll begin the first event at 12:30 with 30 minutes to construct your decks, and the pre-release will run 3 rounds from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (at the latest). Please note that if you are pre-registered, you must arrive by 12:15 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

The second tournament will begin registration at 3:30, and the tournament will start as close to 4 PM as we can manage, with 30 minutes to construct your decks. Please note for those pre-registered, you must arrive by 3:45 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

We will allow walk-ins for both tournaments if the space is not filled, but we encourage pre-registration, as we generally fill up fairly quickly. In addition, because there are two events, and because the second event may run later than our usual closing time, we won’t be able to offer trading or casual place space after the tournaments end.

Prize support will be in the form of Journey Into Nyx boosters.

In addition to the main Prerelease Tournament events, if space allows, we will offer Open Dueling, allowing any player who wants to play to purchase 1 Magic Journey Into Nyx Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches.