Dungeons & Dragons Encounters Start on Thursday, August 21st!

dndhoardThey’ve been on hiatus a little while, but D&D Encounters, our weekly in-store Dungeons & Dragons game, returns in mid-August with an all-new edition! Play the newest D&D with our GM every week, or drop in week-to-week when you have a chance, as long as there’s room, you can come to play!

Have your own 1st level character you’ve built with the new rules? That’s great! No character, never played before? Pick up one of the pregenerated characters and give it a shot. All you need is a pencil and some dice, and in a pinch, we can spot you both of those.

Encounters begins on Thursday, August 21st at 7 PM. We have room for six players at the table, so we suggest calling ahead on the day of Encounters to put your name on the list to play that night. Players should get to the store by 6:45 so the game can start right at 7.

The first set of Encounters is based on Hoard of the Dragon Queen, the first in a series of dragon-based adventures that will kick off the new line.

In an audacious bid for power the Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerun. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together in the fight against the cult. Never before has the need for heroes been so desperate.

Reading With Rogues August – Velvet Vol 1

velvet-1-before-living-end-cover-brubaker-epting-imageEvery second Tuesday, we hold our graphic novel reading club! It will be hosted at Homefield Grill across the street in one of their private rooms, so in addition to fun talk about comics, you can buy delicious food and drinks, including a pretty stunning array of beers on tap.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, August 12th, starting at 7 PM and running until we run out of stuff to talk about (usually about 9:30 or 10:00 PM). Folks can come and go as they please, and we should have room for up to 20 people, possibly more.

The managers of Rogues Gallery will be on hand to talk about comics and hopefully get everybody chatting… we’re hoping to extend the vibe of our New Comics Wednesdays to everyone who maybe doesn’t get a chance to talk comics with their regular group of friends, or just can’t get enough comics talk.

Each meeting of the graphic novel club will have a book we choose as a headliner. We’ll offer a 15% discount on that book from the time of the announcement to the night of the graphic novel club. While we’re perfectly happy to have you bring one you already bought, we’re hoping folks will choose to buy this book from us rather than download it digitally or buy it somewhere else, to help us keep funding these get-togethers.

This month’s book is Velvet Vol 1: Before the Living End by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. The 15% off sale starts effective now, and will run until we close at 9 PM on Tuesday, August 12th. (Since we’re new to this, if you’re buying the book of the month, you might want to remind the clerk at checkout about the discount.)

We’d love for folks to RSVP on the Facebook event page just so we can have a rough headcount, but walk-ins are absolutely welcome. And while we’ll focus the discussions around the graphic novel of the month, we’ll almost certainly be talking about other comics and graphic novels. Also, for the time being, since there’s alcohol available, it’s later at night and we’re probably going to be offering graphic novels that are aimed at an older audience, we’re making this an 18 and up event. If parents want to bring their 15-17 year olds, that’s OK, but just be aware that we may be talking about mature subject matter in the discussions.

We look forward to talking comics with you!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Day on Saturday, August 9th!


With the new movie hitting theaters in August, Rogues Gallery will be celebrating by hosting TMNT Animated artist Chad Thomas on Saturday, August 9th! We’ll have him in the store signing and sketching from 10 AM – 4:30 PM (with a lunch break from 12-12:30)!

We’ll also have TMNT trivia, a ninja “shooting gallery” and TMNT movies and cartoons playing! In addition, we’ll be doing 15% off on all TMNT graphic novels that day!

10 – 11:30 Chad Thomas Signing
12:00 TMNT Trivia to win free pizza!
12:30 – 4:30 Chad Thomas Signing
1:00 TMNT Trivia to win free pizza!
2:00 TMNT Trivia to win free pizza!
3:00 TMNT Trivia to win free pizza!
4:00 TMNT Trivia to win free pizza!

The “shooting gallery” and cartoons will run until 5 PM, and the sale lasts until we close at 9 PM!

Doctor Who Day on Saturday, July 26th!

doctorwhodayPromoting their new Doctor Who comics, Titan Comics has announced that Saturday July 26 will be DOCTOR WHO COMICS DAY

We’ll have ‘instant Doctor Who comics cosplay interactive posters’ featuring the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, which lets everyone interact with a Twitter campaign. When you post your “insta-cosplay” pictures to @ComicsTitan and tag them #doctorwhocomic, the best entry judged by one of Titan’s editors will win a very special goody bag featuring Doctor Who merchandise, including an exclusive SDCC toy and signed items!

In addition, we’ll be offering 15% off on all Doctor Who comics and related merchandise that day!

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor #1 (Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvtjXXiIUhw) and Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor #1 (Trailer here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PKo0K61M3A) will be available on Wednesday, July 23rd.

Batman Day on Wednesday, July 23rd!

batman75In celebration of Batman’s 75th anniversary, DC Entertainment is partnering with thousands of comic book retailers and bookstores across the nation to celebrate “Batman Day” on Wednesday, July 23. As part of the festivities, eive a free, special edition of DETECTIVE COMICS #27, featuring a reimagining of Batman’s 1939 comic book debut, designed by Chip Kidd with a script by The New York Times #1 bestselling author Brad Meltzer, with any purchase.

In addition to the comic book, attendees will get free bookmarks featuring essential Batman graphic novels and one of four Batman masks designed by comic book artist Ryan Sook spotlighting a variety of the character’s iconic looks from his 75-year history, free with any Batman-related purchase.

We’ll also be offering a 15% discount on all Batman-related graphic novels and other merchandise! In addition, everyone who buys a Batman-related graphic novel that day will be entered into a drawing to win a custom Batman-themed XBox 360 repaint courtesy of Apollo Games!

We’ll also be offering a 15% discount on all Batman-related graphic novels and other merchandise, and Batman himself will be in attendance after 2 PM! In addition, everyone who buys a Batman-related graphic novel that day will be entered into a drawing to win a custom Batman-themed XBox 360 repaint courtesy of Apollo Games!

2014-07-09 13.12.44From 12-2, come out and meet Harrison Cheung, who worked for Christian Bale for almost a decade as his publicist, marketer and personal assistant.  With the help of Christian’s fans, the Baleheads, Harrison orchestrated one of the first crowdsourced campaigns to help Bale win the part of BATMAN BEGINS. He will have (and will be signing) copies of Bale’s biography which covers the origin story of how Christian was convinced to pursue the role of BATMAN and how he was introduced to The Dark Knight thanks to Alan Moore and Frank Miller.

Reading With Rogues in July – Fables Volume 1

fables1Every second Tuesday, we hold our graphic novel reading club! It will be hosted at Homefield Grill across the street in one of their private rooms, so in addition to fun talk about comics, you can buy delicious food and drinks, including a pretty stunning array of beers on tap.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, July 8th, starting at 7 PM and running until we run out of stuff to talk about (usually about 9:30 or 10:00 PM). Folks can come and go as they please, and we should have room for up to 30 people, possibly more.

The managers of Rogues Gallery will be on hand to talk about comics and hopefully get everybody chatting… we’re hoping to extend the vibe of our New Comics Wednesdays to everyone who maybe doesn’t get a chance to talk comics with their regular group of friends, or just can’t get enough comics talk.

Each meeting of the graphic novel club will have a book we choose as a headliner. We’ll offer a 15% discount on that book from the time of the announcement to the night of the graphic novel club. While we’re perfectly happy to have you bring one you already bought, we’re hoping folks will chooes to buy this book from us rather than download it digitally or buy it somewhere else, to help us keep funding these get-togethers.

This month’s book is Fables Vol 1: Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham. The 15% off sale starts effective now, and will run until we close at 9 PM on Tuesday, June 8th. (Since we’re new to this, if you’re buying the book of the month, you might want to remind the clerk at checkout about the discount.) In addition, since we started off with Batman Court of Owls, if anyone who wants to chat the second part, Batman Vol 2: City of Owls, we’ll probably start off discussion with that while everyone is getting settled in.

We’d love for folks to RSVP on the Facebook event page just so we can have a rough headcount, but walk-ins are absolutely welcome. And while we’ll focus the discussions around the graphic novel of the month, we’ll almost certainly be talking about other comics and graphic novels. Also, for the time being, since there’s alcohol available, it’s later at night and we’re probably going to be offering graphic novels that are aimed at an older audience, we’re making this an 18 and up event. If parents want to bring their 15-17 year olds, that’s OK, but just be aware that we may be talking about mature subject matter in the discussions.

We look forward to talking comics with you!

Magic the Gathering 2015 Pre-Release on Sunday, July 13th


Rogues Gallery will be holding two pre-release events for Magic: The Gathering’s new 2015 core set on Sunday, July 13th! We recommend that you call or email ahead to pre-register, because we have limited space and tend to fill up well before the day of the event itself. We have room for 16 players in the first event, beginning at noon, and 16 players in the second event, beginning at 4:00 PM. If space allows, we are happy to allow players to play in both pre-release tournaments… players will have to buy-in to both tournaments, you cannot carry over cards or decks from the first pre-release into the second. In addition, of late we’ve had folks sign up and not show up, so if you don’t get in on your preferred time, you are welcome to sign up as an alternate or to come in on the day and try to get available spaces.

Registration will begin at noon on April 27th. We’ll begin the first event at 12:30 with 30 minutes to construct your decks, and the pre-release will run 3 rounds from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (at the latest). Please note that if you are pre-registered, you must arrive by 12:15 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

The second tournament will begin registration at 4:00, and the tournament will start as close to 4 PM as we can manage, with 30 minutes to construct your decks. Please note for those pre-registered, you must arrive by 4:00 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

Prerelease packs, as always, will be $24.99 plus tax. You must buy a pack for each tournament you enter, and we will reserve color of pack on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We will allow walk-ins for both tournaments if the space is not filled, but we encourage pre-registration, as we generally fill up fairly quickly. In addition, because there are two events, and because the second event may run later than our usual closing time, we won’t be able to offer trading or casual place space after the tournaments end.

Prize support will be in the form of Magic 2015 boosters.

In addition to the main Prerelease Tournament events, if space allows, we will offer Open Dueling, allowing any player who wants to play to purchase 1 Magic 2015 Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches.

Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set Midnight Release Party!

dndstarterWe will be holding a midnight release party for the newest edition of Dungeons & Dragons on Wednesday, July 2nd! We’ll close the store at 9 PM, and then reopen at 10 PM so that folks can come in, play some of the pregenerated characters in skirmishes and short adventures with our DMs on hand, until the clock rolls around to midnight and we put the new Starter Set on sale!

The D&D Starter Set is $19.99, and while we expect to have plenty, if you want to make sure, you can put your name on the list to pick one up at the midnight release by dropping us an email.

All-Ages Awesomeness 4 Photos!

aawesomeThanks to everyone who came out and made our fourth annual All-Ages Awesomeness event the best one yet! You can see a full gallery of photos from the event, including lots of original sketches by Amy Mebberson, Mike Maihack, Cully Hamner, Matt Frank and Evan Bryce Cranston, at our Facebook page! And if you have photos from the event or scans of the sketches you’ve got, we’d love to add them to the album! Just drop us an email at roguesgallerytx@gmail.com! Thanks!

Reading With Rogues – New Graphic Novel Book Club!

courtofowlsIn June, we’re launching a brand new monthly event that we’re pretty excited about, a graphic novel reading club! It will be hosted at Homefield Grill across the street in one of their private rooms, so in addition to fun talk about comics, you can buy delicious food and drinks, including a pretty stunning array of beers on tap.

Our current plan is to hold it the second Tuesday of each month, beginning on June 10th, starting at 7 PM and running until we run out of stuff to talk about or 11 PM (when Homefield closes), whichever comes first. Folks can come and go as they please, and we should have room for up to 30 people, possibly more.

The managers of Rogues Gallery will be on hand to talk about comics and hopefully get everybody chatting… we’re hoping to extend the vibe of our New Comics Wednesdays to everyone who maybe doesn’t get a chance to talk comics with their regular group of friends, or just can’t get enough comics talk.

Each meeting of the graphic novel club will have a book we choose as a headliner. We’ll offer a 15% discount on that book from the time of the announcement to the night of the graphic novel club. While we’re perfectly happy to have you bring one you already bought, we’re hoping folks will chooes to buy this book from us rather than download it digitally or buy it somewhere else, to help us keep funding these get-togethers.

The first book is going to be Batman Volume 1: Court of Owls by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. The 15% off sale starts effective now, and will run until we close at 9 PM on Tuesday, June 10th. (Since we’re new to this, if you’re buying the book of the month, you might want to remind the clerk at checkout about the discount.)

We’d love for folks to RSVP on the Facebook event page just so we can have a rough headcount, but walk-ins are absolutely welcome. And while we’ll focus the discussions around the graphic novel of the month, we’ll almost certainly be talking about other comics and graphic novels. Also, for the time being, since there’s alcohol available, it’s later at night and we’re probably going to be offering graphic novels that are aimed at an older audience, we’re making this an 18 and up event. If parents want to bring their 15-17 year olds, that’s OK, but just be aware that we may be talking about mature subject matter in the discussions.

We look forward to talking comics with you!