Nick Budd, one of our managers, has created a new display in the display case at the counter! This time out, it’s tied into Nick’s upcoming wedding in October, as he’s put together the ultimate action figure wedding display! Come and check it out in all its glory, but here’s a preview with a few pictures of the latest display!
Reading with Rogues! Afterlife with Archie Vol 1 in October!
Every second Tuesday, we hold our graphic novel reading club! It will be hosted at Homefield Grill across the street in one of their private rooms, so in addition to fun talk about comics, you can buy delicious food and drinks, including a pretty stunning array of beers on tap.
The next meeting is on Tuesday, October 14th, starting at 7 PM and running until we run out of stuff to talk about (usually about 9:30 or 10:00 PM). Folks can come and go as they please, and we should have plenty of room.
The managers of Rogues Gallery will be on hand to talk about comics and hopefully get everybody chatting… we’re hoping to extend the vibe of our New Comics Wednesdays to everyone who maybe doesn’t get a chance to talk comics with their regular group of friends, or just can’t get enough comics talk.
Each meeting of the graphic novel club will have a book we choose as a headliner. We’ll offer a 15% discount on that book from the time of the announcement to the night of the graphic novel club. While we’re perfectly happy to have you bring one you already bought, we’re hoping folks will choose to buy this book from us rather than download it digitally or buy it somewhere else, to help us keep funding these get-togethers.
This month’s book, in keeping with the impending Halloween, is Afterlife with Archie Vol 1 by Robert Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francvailla. The 15% off sale starts effective now, and will run until we close at 9 PM on Tuesday, October 14th. (It’s always a good idea to remind the clerk at checkout about the discount.)
We’d love for folks to RSVP on the Facebook event page just so we can have a rough headcount, but walk-ins are absolutely welcome. And while we’ll focus the discussions around the graphic novel of the month, we’ll almost certainly be talking about other comics and graphic novels. Also, for the time being, since there’s alcohol available, it’s later at night and we’re probably going to be offering graphic novels that are aimed at an older audience, we’re making this an 18 and up event. If parents want to bring their 15-17 year olds, that’s OK, but just be aware that we may be talking about mature subject matter in the discussions.
We look forward to talking comics with you!
Rogues Gallery Ladies Night on Monday, October 13th!
LADIES! Do you like comics? Do you like games? Do you just enjoy getting your geek on? Are you looking to make some awesome new friends? Then join us for LADIES NIGHT! We meet once a month at Homefield Grill, which is conveniently located across the highway from Rogues, and is hosted by our lady staff! They have excellent food and a great selection of beers on tap. Doesn’t get much better than that.
Meetings are on Mondays and the fun kicks off at 7 and goes until around 9. We talk about all things geeky, from comics to games to movies. As adult content will most likely be discussed and as there will be alcohol present, we are making this an 18 and up event. Moms! You are welcome to bring your daughters! 15-17 is the preferred age group on that.
I would also like to add that we do not discriminate here at Rogues Gallery. If you identify as female, you are most welcome at our table.
Food. Booze. Good company. What more could you ask for?
We’d love it if y’all could RSVP on the Facebook event, just so we can get a rough headcount.
Hope to see you there! 🙂
New Firefly Prints from Tim Doyle now in-stock!
New prints from Tim Doyle in stock!
Get your Firefly/Serenity on with these Inara & Malcolm Reynolds prints. $20 each or both for $30! Tim will be doing a series of these prints covering all the Firefly bases, they’re very limited, but we’ll have a small supply every time a new pair drops!
Star Trek Attack Wing Tournament on Tuesday, September 23!
We will have a Star Trek Attack Wing tournament on Tuesday, September 23rd, starting at 6:30 PM.
The fleet size is 90 points, buy 1 blind ship from Rogues Gallery, add 30 points from that ship to your force and go.
For fellowship, faction pure fleets will be given more consideration. Fleets with ships that are faction pure, but the fleet itself is not faction pure gets more consideration than the hodge podge (so entire fleet pure > faction pure ships, but mixed ships > hodge podge teams).
No Admiral orders, only 1 resource.
Magic The Gathering Khans of Tarkir Pre-Release on Sunday, September 21st
Rogues Gallery will be holding two pre-release events for Magic: The Gathering’s new set, Khans of Tarkir, on Sunday, September 21st! We recommend that you call or email ahead to pre-register, because we have limited space and tend to fill up well before the day of the event itself. We have room for 16 players in the first event, beginning at noon, and 16 players in the second event, beginning at 4:00 PM. If space allows, we are happy to allow players to play in both pre-release tournaments… players will have to buy-in to both tournaments, you cannot carry over cards or decks from the first pre-release into the second. In addition, of late we’ve had folks sign up and not show up, so if you don’t get in on your preferred time, you are welcome to sign up as an alternate or to come in on the day and try to get available spaces.
Registration will begin at noon on September 21st. We’ll begin the first event at 12:30 with 30 minutes to construct your decks, and the pre-release will run 3 rounds from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (at the latest). Please note that if you are pre-registered, you must arrive by 12:15 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.
The second tournament will begin registration at 4:00, and the tournament will start as close to 4 PM as we can manage, with 30 minutes to construct your decks. Please note for those pre-registered, you must arrive by 4:00 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.
Prerelease packs, as always, will be $24.99 plus tax. You must buy a pack for each tournament you enter, and we will reserve color of pack on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We will allow walk-ins for both tournaments if the space is not filled, but we encourage pre-registration, as we generally fill up fairly quickly. In addition, because there are two events, and because the second event may run later than our usual closing time, we won’t be able to offer trading or casual place space after the tournaments end.
Prize support will be in the form of Khans of Tarkir boosters.
In addition to the main Prerelease Tournament events, if space allows, we will offer Open Dueling, allowing any player who wants to play to purchase 1 Khans of Tarkir Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches.
Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Continues in September!
We are now offering organized play nights for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game!
You don’t need any familiarity with the card game or to own the base game to play! You’re not required or even expected to make every session, you can drop in and out as you’d like to enjoy the adventure of pirates in the fantasy setting of Pathfinder’s Inner Sea!
We’ll have a base set available for play… if we have more than 4 players, we might need someone else to bring their Skull & Shackles base set to accommodate more than one table. There will be exclusive content in the organized play, and while we’re not sure what that might include, we expect that there will be some bonus cards for players.
So come on out and play some Pathfinder card games with us! The games will run from 7 PM – 9 PM on Saturday nights!
In September, Paizo will release seven class decks (Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Sorceror or Wizard). We ask that those playing regularly buy those from Rogues to help support Organized Play. We should have plenty of each, but if you want to reserve one in advance, you can call or email us to request us to hold one for you. The class deck will carry you through the entire season, running up to six months of play.
Reading With Rogues in September – Daredevil by Mark Waid
Every second Tuesday, we hold our graphic novel reading club! It will be hosted at Homefield Grill across the street in one of their private rooms, so in addition to fun talk about comics, you can buy delicious food and drinks, including a pretty stunning array of beers on tap.
The next meeting is on Tuesday, September 9th, starting at 7 PM and running until we run out of stuff to talk about (usually about 9:30 or 10:00 PM). Folks can come and go as they please, and we should have plenty of room.
The managers of Rogues Gallery will be on hand to talk about comics and hopefully get everybody chatting… we’re hoping to extend the vibe of our New Comics Wednesdays to everyone who maybe doesn’t get a chance to talk comics with their regular group of friends, or just can’t get enough comics talk.
Each meeting of the graphic novel club will have a book we choose as a headliner. We’ll offer a 15% discount on that book from the time of the announcement to the night of the graphic novel club. While we’re perfectly happy to have you bring one you already bought, we’re hoping folks will choose to buy this book from us rather than download it digitally or buy it somewhere else, to help us keep funding these get-togethers.
This month’s book is Daredevil Vol 1 by Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera. The 15% off sale starts effective now, and will run until we close at 9 PM on Tuesday, August 9th. (It’s always a good idea to remind the clerk at checkout about the discount.)
We’d love for folks to RSVP on the Facebook event page just so we can have a rough headcount, but walk-ins are absolutely welcome. And while we’ll focus the discussions around the graphic novel of the month, we’ll almost certainly be talking about other comics and graphic novels. Also, for the time being, since there’s alcohol available, it’s later at night and we’re probably going to be offering graphic novels that are aimed at an older audience, we’re making this an 18 and up event. If parents want to bring their 15-17 year olds, that’s OK, but just be aware that we may be talking about mature subject matter in the discussions.
We look forward to talking comics with you!
Rogues Gallery was hiring (Updated)
Update: The position has filled. Thanks to everyone for their interest!
It’s that rare time, Rogues Gallery is hiring! We’re hoping to get someone to join the staff starting in September for a long-term (at least a year) part-time job. If you’re interested, drop us an email at and put Application in the title and we’ll email out a quick 10-question survey for you.
Schedules allowing, we hope to plan some interviews in early September.
The First Rogues Ladies Night on Wednesday, August 20th!
We’ve seen a huge increase in female readership, and borrowing a page from some other shops who’ve tried it, we’re going to have one night a month (maybe more, if there’s demand for it) for women who read comics to come out, talk about comics and, if you’re so inclined, pair some comics talk with beer, wine and snacks. And now we turn it over to Teala, who will be running these nights for us:
Oh, yes, it’s Ladies Night and the feelings right! Oh, what a night!
That’s right, ladies! It’s here! Wednesday, August 20th is our very first Ladies Night! It’ll start at 7pm over at Homefield Grill. There will be food and booze and fun. To kick it all off, we’ll be discussing how you got into comics, so feel free to bring a favourite book to share with the group! As I’m sure adult content will be discussed, we ask that only 18 and up attend. We hope to see y’all there!