Rogues Gallery Ladies Night on Monday, May 11th!

ladiesnightLADIES! Do you like comics? Do you like games? Do you just enjoy getting your geek on? Are you looking to make some awesome new friends? Then join us for LADIES NIGHT, hosted by our lady staff at Star Coffee in Round Rock.

Meetings are on Mondays and the fun kicks off at 7 and goes until around 9. We talk about all things geeky, from comics to games to movies. As adult content will most likely be discussed and as there will be alcohol present, we are making this an 18 and up event. Moms! You are welcome to bring your daughters! 15-17 is the preferred age group on that.

I would also like to add that we do not discriminate here at Rogues Gallery. If you identify as female, you are most welcome at our table.

Food. Booze. Good company. What more could you ask for?

We’d love it if y’all could RSVP on the Facebook event, just so we can get a rough headcount.

Hope to see you there! 🙂

Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 2, 2015!

FCBD_nodateRogues Gallery will be celebrating Free Comic Book Day! We’ll have the full selection of free comics available, although as always, the earlier you arrive, the better chance you have of getting a shot at everything.

This year’s FCBD will be on Saturday, May 2nd and will feature a wide assortment of books from Archie, Bongo, DC, Marvel, Boom!, IDW and lots more. In addition to previews of Marvel and DC’s big summer crossovers, characters and properties featured include Doctor Who, Fight Club, Bob’s Burgers, Pokemon, Sonic, Mega Man, Spongebob, Transformers, Avatar the Last Airbender, the Avengers, Attack on Titan, Street Fighter, The Tick and more! A full list of the comics available can be found here.

As always, we’ll be unveiling our promotions for our All-Ages Awesomeness event on Free Comic Book Day as well. That event will be in June or July, and we’ll have a sneak peek at the guest list and date up on Facebook and the website very soon!

Prerelease Demo of Cuisine A La Card on Saturday, April 25th!

cuisineMissed our demo for Cuisine a la Card? Good news, we’ve got another one coming up this Saturday, April 25th!

Cuisine a la Card is a competitive deck building card game for 2 players. Play as chefs, crafting the finest meals out of the ingredients available to you, and submitting those meals to judges for Victory Points. In this cut-throat world of culinary competition, Tasting Spoons are your currency, your Warming Tray may be your greatest asset or your worst nightmare, and a simple dash of Salt may just be what you need to tip the balance in your favor and win the game. Cuisine a la Card’s Kickstarter is going on now. Visit to find out more!

We’ll be demo-ing Cuisine a la Card on Saturday, April 25th from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM! Come in and give it a look!

Gaming with Rogues! Settlers of Catan in April!

socOn the third Monday of every month, Rogues Gallery will sponsor a casual gaming night – each month will focus on a different game. The game night will begin at 7:00 PM and run until 9:00 PM (or longer if needed). We hold our game nights off-site at different restaurants in the area, and this month we’ll be at the Mesa Rosa in Round Rock!

This month’s game is on April 20th, and the game is Settlers of Catan, the classic game of building and trading. So whether you’ve played it before or not, feel free to stop in for food, friends and Settlers of Catan!

Reading with Rogues! Birthright in April!

birthrightEvery second Tuesday, we hold our graphic novel reading club! This month, we’ll be holding it at Mesa Rosa in Round Rock!

The next meeting is on Tuesday, April 14th, starting at 7 PM and running until we run out of stuff to talk about (usually about 9:30 PM). Folks can come and go as they please, and we should have plenty of room.

The managers of Rogues Gallery will be on hand to talk about comics and hopefully get everybody chatting… we’re hoping to extend the vibe of our New Comics Wednesdays to everyone who maybe doesn’t get a chance to talk comics with their regular group of friends, or just can’t get enough comics talk.

Each meeting of the graphic novel club will have a book we choose as a headliner. We’ll offer a 15% discount on that book from the time of the announcement to the night of the graphic novel club. While we’re perfectly happy to have you bring one you already bought, we’re hoping folks will choose to buy this book from us rather than download it digitally or buy it somewhere else, to help us keep funding these get-togethers.

This month’s book is Birthright Volume 1 by Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan. The 15% off sale starts effective now, and will run until we close at 9 PM on Tuesday, March 14th. (It’s always a good idea to remind the clerk at checkout about the discount.)

We’d love for folks to RSVP on the Facebook event page just so we can have a rough headcount, but walk-ins are absolutely welcome. And while we’ll focus the discussions around the graphic novel of the month, we’ll almost certainly be talking about other comics and graphic novels. Also, for the time being, since there’s alcohol available, it’s later at night and we’re probably going to be offering graphic novels that are aimed at an older audience, we’re making this an 18 and up event. If parents want to bring their 15-17 year olds, that’s OK, but just be aware that we may be talking about mature subject matter in the discussions.

We look forward to talking comics with you!

Rogues Gallery Ladies Night on Monday, April 13th!

ladiesnightLADIES! Do you like comics? Do you like games? Do you just enjoy getting your geek on? Are you looking to make some awesome new friends? Then join us for LADIES NIGHT, hosted by our lady staff at Star Coffee in Round Rock.

Meetings are on Mondays and the fun kicks off at 7 and goes until around 9. We talk about all things geeky, from comics to games to movies. As adult content will most likely be discussed and as there will be alcohol present, we are making this an 18 and up event. Moms! You are welcome to bring your daughters! 15-17 is the preferred age group on that.

I would also like to add that we do not discriminate here at Rogues Gallery. If you identify as female, you are most welcome at our table.

Food. Booze. Good company. What more could you ask for?

We’d love it if y’all could RSVP on the Facebook event, just so we can get a rough headcount.

Hope to see you there! 🙂

Friday Night Magic Returns!

magicThis Friday we kick off Friday Night Magic once again at Rogues Gallery!

We’re really excited to get Magic back up and running again, but we’ll need YOUR help to make it happen. We’ll be running on Fridays from 7pm to 9pm and it’s important that we get a core group going. Join us and help make that happen!

We’re specifically emphasizing casual gameplay for our FNM. We’d love to have players of all levels of experience playing, but we don’t want the top pros dominating the prizes all the time. To that end, rather than awarding prizes only to the top players, we’ll be doing more door prizes and participation prizes. And while competition is good, smack talk is out. We want friendly games that new players are happy to join in on.

This week, in addition to the Friday Night Magic prize of Suspension Field (a White Enchantment) that will go to five players, we have bonus prize cards so we’ll make sure everyone goes home with a prize card!

*Standard Format default, but we’re open to whatever the group wants to do each week

*We’ll offer Swiss pairing via the Wizard Event Reporter, but if the group would rather choose pairings, we’re open to that too

*Starts at 7, but getting there a little early will give us time to register you in the system

*Runs until 10 PM or earlier if the games finish early

*We’ll use the Wizard Events Reporter to match players and track standings, but prizes will be randomly distributed

There is no entry fee!

International Tabletop Day on Saturday, April 11th

tabletopdayIt’s back! The annual celebration of board and card games from the fine folks at Tabletop returns for its third year, and Rogues Gallery will be hosting a day of demos and door prizes!

Here’s the schedule:

Castle Panic (3 players will get a Tabletop Day Castle Panic Tower)
Fluxx (Participants will get a Wil Wheaton/Felicia Day Fluxx promo pack, one winner will get a copy of Fluxx 5.0)
Batman Love Letter
Where Art Thou Romeo Card Game

Dixit (2 players will get Tabletop Day card packs)
Dead of Winter (2 players will get the Felicia Day survivor pack)
Sheriff of Nottingham (4 players will get a Tabletop Trophy of Awesome Promo Card)

3:00 – 6:00
Steve Jackson Games will be demo-ing a variety of games!

Terror in Meeple City (4 playes will get a Space Cowboy Shuttle card)
X-Wing Miniatures Game (Up to 8 participants will get a bonus card)

Geek Out! (Rogues managers Randy and Dave take on all comers in this game that challenges your geek knowledge!)

Magic The Gathering Pre-Release: Dragons of Tarkir on Sunday, March 22nd!


Rogues Gallery will be holding two pre-release events for Magic: The Gathering’s new set, Dragons of Tarkir, on Sunday, March 22nd! We recommend that you call or email ahead to pre-register, because we have limited space and tend to fill up well before the day of the event itself. We have room for 16 players in the first event, beginning at noon, and 16 players in the second event, beginning at 4:00 PM. If space allows, we are happy to allow players to play in both pre-release tournaments… players will have to buy-in to both tournaments, you cannot carry over cards or decks from the first pre-release into the second. In addition, of late we’ve had folks sign up and not show up, so if you don’t get in on your preferred time, you are welcome to sign up as an alternate or to come in on the day and try to get available spaces.

Registration will begin at noon on March 22nd. We’ll begin the first event at 12:30 with 30 minutes to construct your decks, and the pre-release will run 3 rounds from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (at the latest). Please note that if you are pre-registered, you must arrive by 12:15 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

The second tournament will begin registration at 4:00, and the tournament will start as close to 4 PM as we can manage, with 30 minutes to construct your decks. Please note for those pre-registered, you must arrive by 4:00 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

Prerelease packs, as always, will be $24.99 plus tax. You must buy a pack for each tournament you enter, and we will reserve color of pack on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We will allow walk-ins for both tournaments if the space is not filled, but we encourage pre-registration, as we generally fill up fairly quickly. In addition, because there are two events, and because the second event may run later than our usual closing time, we won’t be able to offer trading or casual place space after the tournaments end.

Prize support will be in the form of Dragons of Tarkir boosters.

In addition to the main Prerelease Tournament events, if space allows, we will offer Open Dueling, allowing any player who wants to play to purchase 1 Dragons of Tarkir Intro Pack to play against each other, as well as Prerelease tournament players who are between matches.

Prerelease Demo of Double Vision on Saturday, March 28th!

doublevisionWe’ll be hosting a weekend demo of Double Vision, the game of New Year’s Eve bar-hopping, in late March! The designer stopped by and showed it off, and it’s a game we think fans of Cards Against Humanity and Red Dragon Inn will really enjoy.

Win drinks by answering Drunken Challenges, Talking in character, impressing people with Party Tricks, going to Bars, and fulfilling your New Year’s Resolutions. Double Vision won’t be released until this summer, but you can get a peek at the game by coming out to the demo!

Come on out and play the game with the designer on Saturday, March 28th!