Gaming with Rogues – Colt Express

coltexpressOn the third Saturday of every month, Rogues Gallery will host a casual gaming night – each month will focus on a different game. The game night will begin at 6:30 PM and run until 9:00 PM, when the store closes.

This month’s game is on May 20th, and we’ll be hosting Colt Express! Colt Express is a board game of schemin’ and stealin’ for two to six bandits aboard a three-dimensional steam train. You play as one of a group of ruthless bandits, dead set on grabbing as much loot and shooting as many bullets at your former companions as possible. Every round, you must determine what actions your bandit will take, whether you’re grabbing loot, firing bullets, punching another bandit, or running along the roof of the train car. If you can predict what your opponents will do, you can respond to their actions and stay one step ahead, but if you’re knocked off-track, you’ll find your shots flying wide. Only the richest bandit can claim victory on the Colt Express when the train pulls into the station!

So whether you’ve played Colt Express before or just want to try it out, come join us for Gaming with Rogues! And don’t forget that with your Rogue Card, you can get 10% off on Colt Express from now until the end of March!

Also, Gaming with Rogues is an open game night, so folks are welcome to play any game in our well-stocked boardgame and card game library or bring a favorite game of their own!

International Tabletop Day on Saturday, April 29th!

It’s back! The annual celebration of board and card games from the fine folks at Tabletop returns for its fifth year, and Rogues Gallery will be hosting a day of demos and door prizes!

Here’s the schedule:

Machi Koro Bright Lights Big City
Castle Panic
Forbidden Island
Red Dragon Inn
Star Trek Panic
Boss Monster
Arkham Horror LCG
Splendor, Sushi Go Party, and Tsuro
Love Letter
Hero Realms
Splendor, Sushi Go Party, and Tsuro
4:00 – End of Game
Letters from Whitechapel
5:00 – End of Demo
Town of Salem Card Game
We will also have a limited number of giveaway promo cards for games including Mysterium, DC Deck-Building, and Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game. In addition, we’ll be having a sale on boardgames, 10% off on all games and 15% off on games that we’re demoing on Tabletop Day!
All prizes listed are while supplies last. Schedule subject to change.

Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 6th!

FCBD_nodateRogues Gallery will be celebrating Free Comic Book Day! We’ll have the full selection of free comics available, although as always, the earlier you arrive, the better chance you have of getting a shot at everything.

This year’s FCBD will be on Saturday, May 6th and will feature a wide assortment of books from Archie, Bongo, DC, Marvel, Boom!, IDW and lots more. In addition to previews of Marvel’s big summer crossover Secret Empire, characters and properties featured include Betty & Veronica, Bongo Comics, Doctor Who, Skottie Young’s I Hate Fairyland (with a ton of Image guest stars), Rick & Morty, Star Trek TNG Mirror Universe, Legend of Zelda, Wonder Woman, X-O Manowar, Guardians of the Galaxy, DC Supergirls, Fresh off the Boat and lots more! A full list of the comics available can be found here.

unnamedWe’ll also have cosplayers on site, including @ChinakoCosplay, and kids will be able to get their picture with Spider-Gwen, a Stormtrooper, and more!

As always, we’ll be unveiling our promotions for our All-Ages Awesomeness event on Free Comic Book Day as well. That event will be on June 24th, and we’ll have a sneak peek at the guest list and date up on Facebook and the website very soon!

Game/Graphic Novel of the Month: April

Every month, we make a game of the month and graphic novel of the month selection. Each month on the third Saturday, we’ll play the game in the store in our Gaming with Rogues event! (Note: This month we will not have Gaming with Rogues, because we’re having International Tabletop Day. It will return in May)

In addition, the graphic novel of the month will be 15% off. Rogue Card holders will get an additional 10% off on the graphic novel of the month and on the game of the month!

This month’s selections:

71HIvxpYCdLDC Deck-Building Game:
In the DC Comics Deck-building Game, you take on the role of Batman™, Superman™, or one of their brave and heroic allies in the struggle against the forces of Super-Villainy! While you begin armed only with basic combat maneuvers, you will add new, more powerful cards to your deck as you go, with the goal of defeating as many of the DC Comics Super-Villains as you can. In the end, the player who has accumulated the most Victory Points from the cards in his or her deck wins the game!


KOBK-Vol-1Kill or Be Killed Vol 1 TP
The darkly twisted story of a young man forced to kill bad people, and how he struggles to keep his secret as it slowly begins to ruin his life and the lives of his friends and loved ones. Both a thriller and a deconstruction of vigilantism, KILL OR BE KILLED is unlike anything this award-winning team has done before. Collects KILL OR BE KILLED #1-4.

Gaming with Rogues – 7 Wonders Duel in March!

7wondersduelOn the third Saturday of every month, Rogues Gallery will host a casual gaming night – each month will focus on a different game. The game night will begin at 6:30 PM and run until 9:00 PM, when the store closes.

This month’s game is on March 18th, and we’ll be hosting 7 Wonders Duel! In 7 Wonders: Duel, you and your opponent each lead an ancient civilization to greatness—but only one of you can win. Over the course of three Ages you both draft cards, advancing your civilization one development at a time. You can choose to become a military superpower and conquer your opponent in battle or seek scientific supremacy. You can bolster your economy with markets and ports or create great public works like aqueducts and senates. Above all, you can build magnificent wonders which will give your civilization lasting renown and ease your path to victory.

Since 7 Wonders Duel is only a 2-player game, we may also offer up regular 7 Wonders if anyone wants to play.

So whether you’ve played 7 Wonders Duel before or just want to try it out, come join us for Gaming with Rogues! And don’t forget that with your Rogue Card, you can get 10% off on 7 Wonders Duel from now until the end of March!

Also, Gaming with Rogues is an open game night, so folks are welcome to play any game in our well-stocked boardgame and card game library or bring a favorite game of their own!

Rogues Gallery Closed On Easter Sunday

2df2732d893668b87cdaca6be8fa7770Rogues Gallery will be closed on Sunday, April 16th for Easter. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Magic the Gathering Prerelease in April


Rogues Gallery will be holding two prerelease events for Magic: The Gathering’s new set, Amonkhet, on Sunday, April 23rd! We recommend that you call or email ahead to preregister, because we have limited space and tend to fill up well before the day of the event itself. We have room for 16 players in the first event, beginning at noon, and 16 players in the second event, beginning at 4:00 PM. If space allows, we are happy to allow players to play in both prerelease tournaments… players will have to buy-in to both tournaments, you cannot carry over cards or decks from the first prerelease into the second. In addition, of late we’ve had folks sign up and not show up, so if you don’t get in on your preferred time, you are welcome to sign up as an alternate or to come in on the day and try to get available spaces.

Registration will begin at noon on April 23rd. We’ll begin the first event at 12:30 with 30 minutes to construct your decks, and the pre-release will run 3 rounds from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM or so. Please note that if you are preregistered, you must arrive by 12:15 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

The second tournament will begin registration at 4:00, and the tournament will start as close to 4 PM as we can manage, with 30 minutes to construct your decks. Please note for those preregistered, you must arrive by 4:00 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

Prerelease packs will be $25.99 plus tax. You must buy a pack for each tournament you enter.

We will allow walk-ins for both tournaments if the space is not filled, but we encourage preregistration, as we generally fill up fairly quickly. In addition, because there are two events, and because the second event may run later than our usual closing time, we won’t be able to offer trading or casual place space after the tournaments end.

Prize support will be in the form of Amonkhet boosters. We award boosters for each round you win. The remainder are divided up into first, second and third prizes.

In addition to the main prerelease tournament events, if space allows, we will offer open dueling, allowing any player who wants to play to purchase Amonkhet Planeswalker Decks to play against each other, as well as prerelease tournament players who are between matches.

Annual Inventory Sale Continues – 67-77% Off!

maximanOur annual inventory clearance sale ends when we close on Sunday, March 12th! We’re clearing out a wide variety of graphic novels, games, miniatures, manga and other merchandise before doing our yearly inventory. The discount begins at 75% and customers then roll 2d6 to add 2-12% onto that discount! Come in before Sunday, March 12th when the sale ends! Rogue Card members get a critical hit on their rolls, automatically earning 12% on the discount!

The clearance sale ends on Sunday, March 12th.

Game/Graphic Novel of the Month: March

Every month, we make a game of the month and graphic novel of the month selection. Each month on the third Saturday, we’ll play the game in the store in our Gaming with Rogues event! (Note: This month’s Gaming with Rogues is on Saturday, March 18th)

In addition, the graphic novel of the month will be 15% off. Rogue Card holders will get an additional 10% off on the graphic novel of the month and on the game of the month!

This month’s selections:

7wondersduel7 Wonders Duel:
This month’s game is on March 18th, and we’ll be hosting 7 Wonders Duel! In 7 Wonders: Duel, you and your opponent each lead an ancient civilization to greatness—but only one of you can win. Over the course of three Ages you both draft cards, advancing your civilization one development at a time. You can choose to become a military superpower and conquer your opponent in battle or seek scientific supremacy. You can bolster your economy with markets and ports or create great public works like aqueducts and senates. Above all, you can build magnificent wonders which will give your civilization lasting renown and ease your path to victory.

Faith Vol 1 TP
faithOrphaned at a young age, Faith Herbert – a psionically gifted “psiot” discovered by the Harbinger Foundation – has always aspired to greatness. But now this once ordinary teenager is taking control of her destiny and becoming the hard-hitting hero she’s always known she can be – complete with a mild-mannered secret identity, unsuspecting colleagues, and a day job as a reporter that routinely throws into her harms way! Well, at least she thought it would… When she’s not typing up listicles about cat videos, Faith makes a secret transformation to patrol the night as the City of Angels’ own leading superhero – the skysoaring Zephyr!

Gaming with Rogues – Love Letter in February!

love-letterOn the third Saturday of every month, Rogues Gallery will host a casual gaming night – each month will focus on a different game. The game night will begin at 6:30 PM and run until 9:00 PM, when the store closes.

This month’s game is on February 18th, and we’ll be hosting Love Letter! In the wake of the queen’s arrest, all the eligible young men of Tempest (and many not so young) seek to woo Princess Annette. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and everyone must rely on those within the palace to bring their romantic letters to her. Will yours reach her first?

Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck, for 2–4 players. Get your love letter into Princess Annette’s hands while keeping other players’ letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!

So whether you’ve played Love Letter before or just want to try it out, come join us for Gaming with Rogues! And don’t forget that with your Rogue Card, you can get 10% off on Love Letter from now until the end of February!

Also, Gaming with Rogues is an open game night, so folks are welcome to play any game in our well-stocked boardgame and card game library or bring a favorite game of their own!