Magic The Gathering Core 2019 Open House on Sunday, July 1st!

Come out and celebrate the release of the Magic 2019 Core Set with an Open House on Sunday, July 1st!

The first twenty players in the door will get a free Welcome Deck to learn to play Magic: The Gathering. We’ll also have some promos available (details coming later) and we’ll be set up for free play for anyone who wants to play!

If you’ve never played Magic before, the Open House is a great chance to get a free deck and maybe learn to play from other players in attendance!

Magic the Gathering Core 2019 Prerelease on Sunday, July 8th!


Rogues Gallery will be holding two prerelease events for Magic: The Gathering’s new core set, Core 2019, on Sunday, July 8th! We recommend that you call or email ahead to preregister, because we have limited space and tend to fill up well before the day of the event itself. We have room for 18 players in the first event, beginning at noon, and 18 players in the second event, beginning at 4:00 PM. If space allows, we are happy to allow players to play in both prerelease tournaments… players will have to buy-in to both tournaments, you cannot carry over cards or decks from the first prerelease into the second. In addition, we occasionally have no-shows, so if you don’t get in on your preferred time, you are welcome to sign up as an alternate or to come in on the day and try to get available spaces. Preregistration is open now, just call or email us and ask to be added to the list for one or both events!

Registration will begin at noon on July 8th. We’ll begin the first event at 12:30 with 30 minutes to construct your decks, and the pre-release will run 3 rounds from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM or so. Please note that if you are preregistered, you must arrive by 12:15 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

The second tournament will begin registration at 4:00, and the tournament will start as close to 4 PM as we can manage, with 30 minutes to construct your decks. Please note for those preregistered, you must arrive by 4:00 to claim your spot or it will be opened up for walk-ins.

Prerelease packs will be $25.99 plus tax. You must buy a pack for each tournament you enter.

We will allow walk-ins for both tournaments if the space is not filled, but we encourage preregistration, as we generally fill up fairly quickly. In addition, because there are two events, and because the second event may run later than our usual closing time, we won’t be able to offer trading or casual place space after the tournaments end.

Prize support will be in the form of Core 2019 boosters. We award boosters for each round you win. The remainder are divided up into first, second and third prizes.

In addition to the main prerelease tournament events, if space allows, we will offer open dueling, allowing any player who wants to play to purchase Core 2019 Planeswalker Decks to play against each other, as well as prerelease tournament players who are between matches. Also, as with Dominaria, Wizards of the Coast is allowing us to sell a limited number of booster boxes on prerelease weekend, from Saturday, July 7th through Sunday, July 8th! You can special order a booster box ahead of time or buy on the day if we have any left once preorders are taken care of. Be among the first to get a look at Core 2019 during prerelease weekend!

All-Ages Awesomeness 8 on Saturday, June 23rd!

It’s our eight annual all-ages event, featuring a whole bunch of creators who will sketch, sign and talk with kids about making comics! Come visit with our creators and pick up some of their comics, prints, and more!

Our guests this year are (signing schedule subject to change):

Signing/sketching from 11 AM – 5 PM:

Evan Bryce – Evan has been at every All-Ages event, and always does awesome prints and sketches!

Jessi Jordan – Artist on Musings, The Adventures of Marni & Edward, Psycho Girlfriend and more!

Isaiah Broussard – Artist on Translytown

Devin Kraft – Creator of Silence, Dragon Slayer, and more!

The event will run from 11 AM – 5 PM! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! The coolest all-ages event all year!

Free RPG Day on Saturday, June 16th!

freelogoRogues Gallery will be hosting Free RPG Day on Saturday, June 16th! Gamers will be able to come in and pick up some free RPG demos from Goodman Games, Catalyst Game Labs, Paizo and more! Selections this year include Dungeon Crawl Classics, Delta Green, Numenera, Unknown Armies, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and more!

We’ll have four games running on Free RPG Day, all starting at 11 AM! If there’s enough demand, we’ll run the games again starting at 4 PM!

Dungeon World
Explore a land of magic and danger in the roles of adventurers searching for fame, gold, and glory. Delve into goblin holes or chance a dragon’s lair.


The Good, the Bad, the Undead
“The Specter of Prescott, Arizona” an adventure in the Weird West powered by Apocalypse World

Urban Fantasy
A lawless city plagued by grotesque beasts, corrupt officials, and arcane sorcery. Your gang stays alive though the sharpness of your tongues, wits, and dagger blades. But the balance of  power is shifting, bringing new opportunities and dire perils.

We’ll have room for up to five players at each table. We encourage you to sign up early, we have sign-up sheets in-store or you can call us or email us to ask to be added to one of the games!

Check out the full list at the Free RPG Day Game List!

Supplies are limited, we suggest getting there early to get the best selection of free games!

Magic the Gathering Battlebond Prerelease Event

Battlebond is a special new set, where the focus is on Two-Headed Giant. Get a chance to play with the cards in this special Preview Event!

Gather up a friend and come as 2-player teams! The games will start at 1 PM on Sunday, June 3rd.

The entry fee is $30/team, which gets you 6 boosters to build your deck and a contribution to the prize pool.

We’ll play three rounds. There will be prizes awarded to first, second, and third place in the form of Battlebond boosters.

We have room to accommodate up to 8 teams. Preregister now to guarantee your team spot! You don’t have to pick a team name, but our favorite team name will get a bonus Battlebond booster pack.

2-Headed Giant details are here:

Memorial Day Sale on Monday, May 28th!

Rogues Gallery will be open normal hours on Monday, May 28h for Memorial Day and we’ll be having a sale! All graphic novels, boardgames, role-playing games, and T-Shirts will be on sale at 15% off!

We do not expect a new comics delay. we will have new comics on Wednesday, May 30th as normal.

International Tabletop Day on April 28th!

It’s back! The annual celebration of board and card games from the fine folks at Tabletop returns for its fifth year, and Rogues Gallery will be hosting a day of demos and door prizes!

Here’s the schedule:


1:00 – 3:00
Munchkin CCG (with promos)
Star Realms/Hero Realms (with promos for Star Realms)
Dresden Files DBG

2:00 – 4:00
Imperial Settlers

3:00 – 5:00
Splendor/Unearth (with promos for Unearth)
Red Dragon Inn
Codenames/Decrypto (with promos for Decrypto)

4:00 – 6:00
First Martials and Robinson Crusoe

6:00 – 8:00
Neuroshima Hex

We will also have a limited number of giveaway promo cards for Munchkin, King of Tokyo, Clank, Mysterium, and Unearth. In addition, we’ll be having a sale on boardgames, 10% off on all games and 15% off on games that we’re demoing on Tabletop Day!

All prizes listed are while supplies last. Schedule subject to change.

Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, May 5th!

FCBD_nodateRogues Gallery will be celebrating Free Comic Book Day! We’ll have the full selection of free comics available, although as always, the earlier you arrive, the better chance you have of getting a shot at everything.

This year’s FCBD will be on Saturday, May 5th and will feature a wide assortment of books from Archie, Bongo, DC, Marvel, Boom!, IDW and lots more. Characters and properties featured include Avengers, Captain America, Barrier by Brian K. Vaughan & Marcos Martin, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Overwatch, DC Super Hero Girls, Doctor Who, The Little Mermaid, Riverdale, Transformers, Bob’s Burgers, Spider-Man, James Bond, Legend of Korra, Star Wars, and more! A full list of the comics available can be found here.

Wanted: Rich or Dead Demo

Come out on April 14th from 3pm – 8pm to play Wanted: Rich or Dead!

Players will take on a roles of an infamous Old West characters and shoot their way to the riches. Each turn the players are secretly choosing one of the five locations they’re heading to. After revealing the cards, the characters can use the special ability connected with that location – you can rob a Bank, buy something useful at a General Store etc. Unless of course two or more players choose the same spot – then it comes to a shootout with only one gunslinger winning at the end. The player who has the most money at the end, wins the game.

Take a look at a video review of the game here:


Action Comics #1000 Midnight Release Party

Rogues Gallery will be doing a midnight release for Action Comics #1000, the historic issue from DC Comics that is also Bendis’s first step into his new DC Comics exclusive! The release is set for midnight on Wednesday, April 18th (a.k.a. Tuesday night on the 17th).

Contributors to this once-in-a-lifetime issue include legendary Superman movie director Richard Donner and New York Times best-selling writer Geoff Johns, with art by Olivier Coipel. Other contributing creative teams will include Paul Dini with José Luis García-López; Tom King with Clay Mann and Jordie Bellaire; Brad Meltzer with John Cassaday and Laura Martin; Louise Simonson with Jerry Ordway; Scott Snyder with Tim Sale, and more!

We’ll close as normal at 9 PM, but then reopen at 10:30 PM for a DC Deck-Building tournament! At midnight, we’ll put Action Comics #1000, as well as all other DC Comics for the week, on sale.

(Please note: Due to high demand, we are holding people to 1 copy per person at the midnight release.)