Starfinder Munchkin Launch Weekend!

We’ll be celebrating the launch of Munchkin Starfinder on Saturday, September 22nd from 2 PM – 5 PM! Everyone who plays will get promo cards and bookmarks, and one lucky winner will get a free copy of Munchkin Starfinder 2 – Far Out to take home!

Dungeons and Dragons 101

Want to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition? We’re doing special, new player-friendly sessions on some Saturdays and Sundays. The cost is $10, and each player will get a dice bag and set of dice to take home with them. Come out and play with our experienced DMs, they’ll teach you the ropes alongside other new players, and if you like the experience, you can join our Adventurers League nights or start your own game from there!

Our next sessions run from 2 PM – 5 PM on Sunday, September 16th! There are six slots for each session, so sign up by coming into the store, dropping us an email, or calling! Then pay $10 ahead of time to reserve your slot and make a note to come in on the day!

We’ll provide everything you need… pencils, character sheets, etc.!

Any questions? Drop us an email at Thanks!

Dungeons and Dragons Adventurers League three days a week!

D&D is as popular as we’ve ever seen it, and we’re doing our best to meet demand! We run multiple tables on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights!

We’re working on an online sign-in system, but for the time being, we’re opening up registration on Monday each week. You can call in on Monday to reserve a spot at the tables on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, or you can reserve your spot for the next week when you play during the week! The tables have been filling up quickly right now, but we’re doing our best to make sure we have more DMs and more tables so everyone gets a chance to play. If we’re full, we’ll put you on a wait list or you can call back later in the day to see if there have been cancellations. We’re expanding as fast as we can to make sure everyone who wants to game gets to game, and we appreciate your patience!

If we have availability, we’re happy to have people play more than one night, but we’re trying to make sure everybody has a chance to play, so please be considerate of your fellow gamers!

On Wednesday nights, we have one table that is an original adventure, not Adventurers League, so if you are looking for a more casual game, that’s a good one to choose. We have a table each night aimed at new players or lower level characters, but we also have our D&D 101 events for those who are brand new to D&D, so consider those as an alternative.

Come on out, all you need is dice and a pencil, but if you have a character built to Adventurers League specifications, that’s good too! The game starts at 7 PM (although we recommend arriving by 6:45) and ends at or around 9 PM when we close.

Labor Day Sale on Monday, September 3rd!

We’re having a sale on Labor Day – Monday September 3rd.  We’ll be offering 15% off on all role-playing game books, Games Workshop games, board and non-collectible card games and graphic novels all day September 3rd, so come in and pick up those games or graphic novels that have been tempting you for a while!

In addition, we’ll be offering 40% off on all Batman: Animated Series action figures!

If you haven’t already gotten your Rogue Card, this would be a good time to do it, as Rogue Card members will get an additional 5% (for a total of 20% and 45%, respectively) off on Labor Day!

Batman Day is Saturday, September 15th, 2018!

The fan-favorite event celebrating The Dark Knight, “Batman Day” will take place again this year on Saturday, September 15th.

Batman Day is an annual event celebrating all things Batman from comics to video games and more.

While supplies last, every attendee will receive a free copy of Batman Lil Gotham #1 (all ages) or Batman White Knight #1 (mature readers).

We’ll also have Batman paper masks available in a variety of styles for $1 each!

In addition, we’ll have a 15% off on all Batman graphic novels and merchandise that day! More details to come soon!

Star Wars X-Wing Second Edition Demo!

Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy! In X-Wing Second Edition, you assemble a squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat with iconic pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

With refined gameplay that focuses on the physical act of flying starships, X-Wing Second Edition lets you create your own Star Warsspace battles right on your tabletop. Intuitive mechanics create the tense atmosphere of a firefight while beautifully pre-painted miniatures draw you deeper into the action. Man your ships and enter the fray!

We’ll be demo-ing the new Star Wars X-Wing Second Edition in advance of its September release! Come out on Saturday, September 8th from 1-5 PM to try out the new core game, or bring your own sets to try out the new conversion kits! We’ll have promo cards to give away!

Babs Tarr Signing this Saturday, August 4th!

Motor Crush co-creator and Batgirl of Burnside artist Babs Tarr is going to stop by on Saturday for a signing!

She’ll be here from 1-3 PM and we’ll have copies of Motor Crush and Batgirl trades on hand, but feel free to bring in anything you’ve already got to get signed as well!

Fantastic Four Midnight Release Party!

It’s been three years since we’ve seen them… but Marvel’s first family is reunited at last! We’re having another summer midnight release party on Tuesday, August 7th for the release of Marvel’s new Fantastic Four #1!

We’ll also have the rest of Marvel (including Amazing Spider-Man #3, , DC (including Sandman Universe #1, Catwoman #2, Superman #2, Hawkman #3), Boom’s new Matt Kindt/Tyler Jenkins book Black Badge #1, Image’s Farmhand #1, and more! We’ll close as normal at 9 PM, and then reopen at 11 PM to sell that week’s comics!

The first twenty-five people in the door will get a free Fantastic Four backerboard and a Fantastic Four Romita Classic party pin!

Outpost Zero Author Signing in July!

We’ll have a signing with writer Sean Kelley McKeever on Saturday, July 14th at 1 PM! Come out and get a signed copy of McKeever’s newest project Outpost Zero, which will release on Wednesday, July 11th!

Welcome to Outpost Zero, the smallest town in the universe. The people there work the land, go to the fights every Friday night, and tuck their children into bed—but the Outpost is no place for dreams or aspirations. To survive is ambitious enough. As Alea and her friends graduate to adulthood on a frozen world never meant to support human life, something stirs. Something sees… Explore the mysteries and wonder of the Frost in this oversized debut issue by Eisner-winning writer SEAN KELLEY McKEEVER, artist ALEXANDRE TEFENKGI, and colorist JEAN-FRANCOIS BEAULIEU.

Summer Comics Midnight Release Party on Tuesday, July 3rd!

Wednesday, July 4th is an auspicious day for comics! Batman #50, celebrating the wedding of Batman and Catwoman, will be released, as will Ta-Nehishi Coates’ Captain America #1, and a number of other books! To celebrate, DC and Marvel decided to release all their comics at midnight on Tuesday, July 3rd, and all the other companies have followed suit!

We’ll close up at 9 PM as usual, but then we’ll reopen at 11:00 PM so folks can come in and get in line for the variety of first-come, first-serve variants we’ll have! Then at midnight, we’ll put comics on sale! So come on out and join us for a special comics event on Tuesday, July 3rd!

More details coming soon!