Dresden Files RPG Coming – Get a PDF Copy Now!

The Dresden Files RPG is on its way, but you can get a preview copy of the (almost) complete game on PDF now by preordering at Rogues Gallery!

Thanks to a promotion by Evil Hat, the publishers of Dresden, anyone who preorders and prepays for one or both of the Dresden Files books now can get a PDF copy of the books and start playing and reading immediately! They are mostly complete, missing only the original Jim Butcher short story and whatever final tweaks will be made before they go to print.

You can buy one or both books and get the PDF copies for whichever books you pre-buy immediately. The two books are Volume One: Your Story (Rules & Characters) and Volume Two: Our World (Creatures, Factions, A Guide to Occult Chicago), and both will be full-color hardcover books.

We are taking preorders now, and will be taking them up until the release of the books, and anyone who pre-buys will get a copy of the PDFs for the books to tide them over until the full release.