DC New 52 Fantasy Draft – Second Week Results!

The DC New 52 Fantasy Draft game continues! Our top point leader right now remains Jason Mance (at 49 points, with his Superman-lead team, coming off a strong week with Resurrection Man and Frankenstein earning major points). Tied for second are Bert Lopez (at 30 points, with his Batman-lead team) and Oscar Amos (at 30 points, gaining the 9-point bonus from the victory of his Flash-lead team over the Wonder Woman-lead team in this week’s versus match). Right behind them in third is Stephen Fathere (at 29 points, with his Batman-lead team, gaining some points this week for Deathstroke and Batman & Robin).

With only 27 of the New 52 released, there’s going to be plenty more changes in the points in the coming weeks! In addition to the points gained every week when comics are released, there is a 9-point bonus available to each team when they face off against one another in matches voted on by customers. The second week match-up found Geek Bombast’s team of Wonder Woman, Chameleon Boy, Kid Flash, Ice and Tyroc falling to Oscar Amos’s team of Flash, Booster Gold, Wonder Girl, Deadman and Wildfire. The 9 point bonus pushed Amos into a tie for second! If you aren’t participating in the draft and you want to vote on the 9-point versus rounds, make sure and vote when you’re in the store next week. We’ll do a new match-up starting each Wednesday and running through Sundays!