Avengers vs. X-Men Release Party on Tuesday, April 3rd!

To celebrate Marvel’s big summer event, we’ll be holding a release party for the release of Avengers vs. X-Men #1 on Tuesday, April 3rd! We’ll have cover variants and the regular issue for sale that night, and there will be a sale on Marvel graphic novels, cake, contests, prizes and more!

At 7 PM, we’ll start the special Marvel graphic novel sale and a live team smackdown where everyone will get to vote on individual battles between X-Men and Avengers, in a bracket format, until we determine which team wins the hearts and minds of the Rogues Gallery crowd. In addition, we’ll have a themed cake and sodas for refreshments. At 8 PM, we’ll begin selling Avengers vs. X-Men #1 so everyone can get their copy a day early!