All-Ages Event on Saturday, September 3rd!

Rogues Gallery will be welcoming creator Mike Bullock to Austin with an all-ages signing on Saturday, September 3rd!

In attendance will be Mike Bullock (Lions, Tigers & Bears, Gimoles), Alan Porter Jr. (Cars) and Matthew Weldon (New Brighton Archaeological Society). Bullock and Porter will be here from 1-4 PM, and Weldon will be signing from 2-4 PM!

We’ll be having a coloring contest for kids as a lead-up to the event, with our creators judging the entries on the day! There will be prizes for different age groups, including Lions, Tigers & Bears t-shirts, comics grab bags and more! If your child would like to color an entry for the contest, you can print the page at this link. We’ll also have copies of the page printed out at the store next week for anyone who would like to take one.