We’ve heard the requests for many years. “I wish you guys had a membership card.” We’ve been thinking about it and going over it for just as long, and now we are proud to present The Rogue Card! Custom designed by our own Nick Budd, bearing your name and specifically for you, the Rogue Card is now available for purchase.
For a $35 annual fee, you get a variety of perks. A 10% discount on the monthly Gaming with Rogues boardgame selection and graphic novel section selection, and on our Staff Pick of the Week comic books (15% if more than one staffer picks the same book) every week!
In addition, members will get access to our boardgame and card game lending library, so you can try out games before you buy them! Members also get three free reserved game slots per week in our gaming area!
Plus new bonuses every month, including bonus discounts at various store events, private parties, invite-only game sessions, and more!
Get your Rogue Card now by swinging by the store and asking to get a membership card!