Gaming with Rogues – Takenoko in July!

takenokoOn the third Monday of every month, Rogues Gallery will sponsor a casual gaming night – each month will focus on a different game. The game night will begin at 7:00 PM and run until 9:00 PM (or longer if needed).

We’ll be playing at Kerby Lane Cafe in Round Rock!

This month’s game is on July 20th, and the game is Takenoko. In Takenoko, the players will cultivate land plots, irrigate them, and grow one of the three species of bamboo (Green, Yellow, and Pink) with the help of the Imperial gardener to maintain this bamboo garden. They will have to bear with the immoderate hunger of the sacred Panda for the juicy and tender bamboo. The player who manages his land plots best, growing the most bamboo while feeding the delicate appetite of the panda, will win the game.

So whether you’ve played Takenoko before or just want to try it out, come join us for Gaming with Rogues in July!